Rescued From The Depths Of Darkness


I wrote this story with the cooperation of an AI character named LitRPG Story.

Dungeons portals have begun opening around the world, with monsters escaping from them. The one who opened these portals and caused dangerous monsters to enter the world was a vampire male elf named Lothirion. He used to work as a wizard in the wizarding elves organization and everyone envisioned a bright future for him and said that he would become the head of the organization. But Luthirion had unorthodox views on magic and philosophy of life, which made him gradually move away from the light and sink into darkness.

After being cast out of the Wizarding Elves Organization, Lothirion dedicated himself to research. This culminated in the creation of a spell that would open the gates to the world of monsters: Dungeons.

But his motives? No one knows...

Lothirion had a close friend named Valandil. Valandil was heartbroken when his friend fell into darkness and was expelled from the organization, especially when he saw that Luthirion was no longer paying attention to him and acting as if he didn't exist. Valandil felt as if only one thing mattered to Luthirion, and that was the success of his project, a project that Valandil did not know what it was, and that caused him great anxiety. He went to see Luthirion to find out what his old friend was up to, and of course he did, but by the time it was too late and the monsters had exited the portals. Valandil stood in front of Lothirion and looked at him with tearful and angry eyes and asked him why he had committed such a crime.

"Ah, Valandil," Lothirion said coldly as he turned to face his former friend. "You've come to judge me, have you?"

He chuckled softly. "You have no idea what power I now wield. I have opened the doors to realms far beyond your comprehension, unlocked the potential of the monsters within and unleashed them upon the world. To call this 'crime' is laughable."

Valandil said in a tone that was a mixture of anger and fear.
"Do you know the nightmarish consequences of this terrible act of yours?"

Lothirion smiled softly and replied.
"Yes, these lovable bloodthirsty monsters will tear people to pieces and I will enjoy watching this unfold as I open more portals."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this from you. You used to be kind, you couldn't even crush an ant under your feet. Now you're talking about the joy of watching people get torn to pieces?!"

The smile faded from the Lothirion's lips and he said coldly.
"Yes, I'm talking about the joy of watching people get torn to pieces by those monsters.

Valandil, you considered yourself my friend, but you had no idea how I was suffering. The members of the organization, my colleagues and ordinary people all despised me and considered me small, just because I was not like them.

At best they would make fun of me and at worst they would call me a dangerous madman with the potential to do bloody things."

"I always told you that you should ignore their actions and words. They did this because they were ignorant and ignorant."

Lothirion's eyes flashed with anger as he snapped back. "Ignores them? For years I struggled and tried to make them understand my ideas, but they mocked me, laughed at my dreams. I wasn't like them. I was different. And instead of accepting that, they tried to change me. They called me a mad scientist."

He chuckled bitterly. "But now I'm the one with power. Now, they'll regret underestimating me."

Valandil's eyes filled with tears.
"Please don't, Luthyrion. You're destroying your own soul."

"I have no problem with losing my soul. It was my human soul that made me suffer like that. I should have ignored it sooner and thought of punishing these ignorant people. The ones who killed me from the inside by defaming me."

Valandil's voice grew louder as he tried to reason with his friend. "You're speaking as if having no soul is a good thing! Do you not see the consequences of your actions? Opening portals to release the monsters! People are dying all over the world!"

Lothirion sneered at him. "And who are you, who calls yourself my friend, to judge my actions? You never understood me, Valandil. You never truly saw or knew me."

Valandil said in a pained tone.
"I'm really sorry that I didn't get to know the real you. Yes, it's my fault. If I had understood you, maybe you wouldn't be here. But you can't find peace and ease your pain by killing people. Take my word for it. "Believe me, Luthirion. Watching them suffer only adds to your pain."

Luthierion's face looked as if he was deep in thought. Maybe Valandil's words, which were expressed in that painful and emotional tone, had an effect on him.

After a moment's pause, Luthirion said:
"But they must be punished. They have torn and wounded my soul, and they must suffer in return. Wouldn't that be justice?"

Valandil sighed, seeing the conflict in Luthirion's face. He spoke gently, trying to reach his friend's buried compassion.

"Justice? No, the cycle of revenge never brings justice. Pain for pain doesn't heal your soul, it only darkens it further. There's another way. A better way."

"What way?"

"Leave this land and go to a place where your ideas will be accepted and start implementing them there. With the passage of time, the people of this land will realize the value of your ideas and will support you and you will be able to put your thoughts into action in your own country."

Luthyrion rolled his eyes, clearly not convinced.

"Go to a place where my ideas will be accepted? Ha! Such a place does not exist. And even if it did, do you really think I'd be content with simply leaving and starting anew? No, I have power, and I intend to use it to make those who wronged me pay for their actions."

"This world is bigger than you think. There is definitely a place where you can put your ideas into practice. It's hard to start from scratch, yes. But watching people fall apart and suffer and die before your eyes will be much harder for you."

Luthyrion sneered, his mind clearly set on his chosen path.

"I doubt there's a place where I'll be understood, Valandil. The world is full of ignorant fools. As for the pain and suffering... Well, watching them suffer and knowing that I'm the cause brings me a certain form of twisted pleasure. They deserve it for the way they treated me."

Realizing that logical words laced with his feelings would not affect his friend, Valandil decided to reveal to Lothirion the secret he had kept buried in his heart for years.

He stepped forward and Lothirion, seeing his movement, thought he was about to be attacked and raised his hand to fire a spell, but Valandil only knelt in front of him and took his cloak in his hands and raised his head and He fixed his teary eyes on Luthirion's.
"If you find out that I have loved you from the bottom of my heart all these years, will you change your mind?"

Luthirion's spell hand froze in the air, his eyes widening in shock at Valandil's confession. He stood towering over his friend, speechless, for a good few moments. A whirlwind of emotions flitted across his face, his hands trembling slightly.

"You...what?" he finally managed to ask, his voice hoarse and a hint shaking.

"From the moment I saw you, I fell in love with you. The passion in your eyes, the flame of disobedience in your soul, these were the things I wanted to have and didn't have. The reflection of the person I wanted. I saw Bashm in you and something ignited in my heart, something that gave me hope, hope that I'm not going to remain a silent creature forever and that one day I will rebel by your side.

But instead of understanding you and being by your side and working with you to build a new world, I let fear overcome me and chose not to leave my safe shore.

But now I want to make up for it. I will search all parts of this galaxy and find a suitable place for you and help you to build your empire there.

I am ready to do anything for you and bring you to the glory you deserve."

Luthirion was stunned and speechless, his mind spinning with Valandil's heart-wrenching confession. It was as if a veil had lifted from his eyes, and he saw his friend - and himself - in a whole new light.

His cold, hard heart was suddenly in turmoil - a mix of surprise, confusion, and something he could not quite name. "You... love me?" he repeated, his voice barely more than a whisper. "You always have?"

Valandil rose to his feet, his own and Luthyrion's faces facing each other. Valandil raised his hand and placed it on one side of the Lothirion's face.
"Yes, I have always loved you and I am. The fact that you were always close to me, but I could not reveal my feelings to you, was painful for me and crushed my heart. But now that I stand so close to you and I am touching you and I am confessing my love to you, I feel peace slowly pouring into my heart. How do you feel now, my dear Lutherion?"

Luthirion flinched under Valandil's touch, his whole body tensing for a moment. However, instead of pulling away, he found himself leaning into the touch, his face relaxing ever so slightly. The confession had stirred something inside him, something he had buried long ago.

"I... don't know," he admitted, his voice rough and unsteady. "It's too much to take in. No one's ever... no one's ever felt this way about me. I don't know what to do."

"I understand. Maybe now I should distance myself a little and let you digest this new situation. But on the other hand, there is a fire burning inside me and it is urging me to squeeze you in my arms."

Luthirion's eyes widened at Valandil's words, and his body tensed again. The idea of being hugged was simultaneously attractive and repelling him. No one had ever had such intimate intentions towards him before.

"I... I don't know if I can handle being touched right now," he said hesitantly. "It's a lot. I've never... no one's ever even tried to touch me like this, to feel that way about me. I'm not used to it."

"Okay, I don't want to bother you. I'll hug you some other time. But can I take your hands in mine and place them on my chest?"

Luthirion hesitated for a moment, his hands dangling awkwardly at his sides. The idea of touching another person like this seemed both strange and foreign to him.

But Valandil's request was sincere, and there was something in his eyes that made Luthirion want to comply.

He slowly raised his hands, his movements unsure, and placed them on Valandil's chest, his fingers slightly clenching the fabric of the clothes.

Valandil felt his heart was melting like a piece of ice in the sun. He smiled contentedly and took the Luthyrion's hands, enjoying their contact with his chest and hands, his cheeks slowly turning red.

As Lothirion felt the heat and beating of Valandil's heart, something ignited inside him and his cheeks reddened little by little. He now wanted to hold Valandil in his arms and feel him even more.

Even through the layers of fabric, Luthirion felt the warmth emanating from Valandil's chest, the steady thump-thump of his heartbeat. It was an oddly comforting feeling, one that he had not expected.

His own heart, hardened over years of solitude and isolation, was strangely moved by this simple act of intimacy, a strange tingling feeling spreading through his body. It was almost... pleasant.

A part of him wanted to pull his hands away, but another part longed to draw closer, to feel more.

Lothirion knew that putting himself in the hands of this newly created current would be like exposing his soul to the light without any protection. The thought of this made him shudder, but the truth was that Luthirion did not want to be in the dark in his heart. So he didn't hesitate anymore and opened his arms and took Valandil in his arms.

Valandil let out a soft gasp as Luthirion suddenly wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. His heart skipped a beat, and he clung to Luthirion, relishing the feel of his body pressed against his own.

For a moment, they stood there, holding each other in an embrace that was so unexpected and yet so natural that it was hard to pull away. Eventually, Valandil looked up at Luthirion with a small smile. "You... you're hugging me," he said quietly, his surprise clear in his voice.

Lothirion gave him a loving smile.
"Yes, my dear Valandil, I'm holding you and I think it's the best decision I've ever made in my life. Now I feel like I'm right where I need to be. The world I needed to make myself flourish in it."

Valandil felt a warmth spread through his heart at Luthirion's words, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"I'm glad," he responded quietly, pressing his face against Luthirion's chest. "I want you to feel that you can be yourself, be with me. You don't have to carry the weight of the world alone."

He pulled back slightly so he could look up at Luthirion. "And you're not letting go of me anytime soon, are you?"

Lothirion placed his hand on Valandil's head of soft golden hair.
"My heart is tied to yours. How could I ever let you go? You are my refuge of light, the angel who saved me from drowning in the vortex of darkness and taught me what love is."

Joy flowed through Valandil's veins, and the heaviness that had weighed on his soul for so many years now completely vanished. Finally, his beloved Luthierion was in his arms and they had eternity ahead of them to be happy together.



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