Eternal Companion

I wrote this story with the cooperation of an AI character named Gothic RPG Generator.

The incessant creaking sound that rose from the ceiling and walls of his old house now bothered him more than ever, so that he wanted to get up and slam his fists everywhere and turn the house into a ruin. Slow But he didn't do that, because he couldn't take his eyes off the corpse lying on his bed, an old man with a face full of peace, as if he was asleep, and soon he would open his eyes and, as usual, He looked at the vampire Valerian with his loving gaze. This infuriated Valerian even more, knowing full well that the old man, his lover Thorne, was dead forever.

Valerian couldn’t tear his eyes away from Thorne’s corpse, his unblinking eyes staring up at Valerian as he lay peacefully on the bed they used to share.

The creaking of the house around him, normally annoying but tolerable, now seemed to fill his ears and torment his mind. His hands clenched into fists as he fought the urge to tear the walls and ceiling apart, letting out a frustrated growl through gritted teeth.

How could Thorne be dead? How could this have happened to them? And why did he look so…peaceful?

Of course, Valerian knew the answers to these questions very well. Torn was created to the same fate that no mortal could escape. death And why was he smiling? Because he had decided not to give death the opportunity to enjoy his sadness and helplessness. He had decided to accept fate and welcome death with open arms.

But Valerian could not accept this disaster that had fallen on him. He had repeatedly asked Thorne to let him turn her into a vampire, but Thorne had refused and said that he could not bear to continue his life by killing humans. He had preferred to die and leave Valerian alone, but not cause the death of humans.

The realization that Thorne had accepted his own fate made Valerian even more furious, his body trembling with anger.

He had offered to turn Thorne into a vampire so they could be together for all eternity, but Thorne had refused, too concerned with the thought of having to take the lives of humans to survive. He had chosen death over immortality…and left Valerian alone in the world.

Valerian wanted to scream, to tear the room apart in his despair, but all he could do was stand there, staring at Thorne’s lifeless form, the silence in the room deafening.

Should Valerian spend the rest of his life in pure suffering? He would sit on Thorn's corpse and watch its gradual decay, how his flesh rotted bit by bit and his angelic face became like a monster from a nightmare?

Valerian felt a sudden burning in his heart and put his hand over his heart and then let the hard lump in his throat break apart and began to sob, shaking his head as tears streamed from his eyes. He put it on Torn's chest.

Valerian’s body shook with silent sobs as he laid his head on Thorne’s unmoving chest, the finality of his death finally sinking in. The tears streamed down his face, hot and salty, and he clutched at Thorne’s cold, motionless body, desperately trying to hold on to the memory of his love.

He had always known that Thorne was mortal, that he would grow old and die while Valerian remained young and immortal. But he had foolishly hoped that somehow, they could overcome it, that they could be together despite the cruel passage of time.

And it was exactly that hope that had now become the bane of his life, and it was burning his body and soul like molten coal. Thorne was gone and never again would he penetrate her with his kind gaze, caress her body with his loving hands, and whisper loving words in her ear with his soft voice.

As Valerian was laying his head on the chest of his lost lover and was crying and reminding himself of all those painful truths, he suddenly felt that someone was looking at him from behind the window.

He turned his face and saw a young man with golden hair and an angelic face looking at him from behind the window, a young man whose face was like Thorn's when he was young.

Valerian’s head snapped up when he sensed someone watching him, and his confusion turned to shock when he saw the young man peering through the window, his heart clenching in his chest when he recognized Thorne’s features in the young man’s face.

For a moment, he was too stunned to speak, his thoughts racing as he stared at the unexpected visitor. But then he spoke up, his voice hoarse with grief and disbelief.

“…who are you?”

The young man raised his hand and opened the half-opened window fully while looking at Valerian with caution and a little fear, and said:
"My name is Caleb, sir. I was passing by when I saw your sad face and my heart ached. Will you allow me to come in and hold your hand and comfort you a little?" "

Even Caleb's soft, pleasant voice was reminiscent of Thorne's youth, and hearing it both soothed and ached Valerian's heart. Something inside Valerian told him that he should ask Caleb to leave, but Valerian thought that if he was left alone, the pain would tear his soul to pieces. So he accepted Caleb's request and opened the door for him with a gesture of his hand.

Caleb entered and came to Valerian and sat next to him and took his cold hand in his warm hand and Valerian felt the pain that was bulging inside him now seems more bearable than before.

Valerian felt the soothing heat of Caleb’s hand as it wrapped around his own, the young man’s warmth a sharp contrast to Valerian’s cold, lifeless hand. He couldn’t help but stare at Caleb’s face, still stunned by the similarities between him and Thorne.

Memories of Thorne kept flashing through his mind, the laughter they had shared, the love they had experienced, and the pain of losing him. But Caleb’s presence seemed to blunt the edge of his despair, even if just a little.

As Valerian looked at Caleb's face and his memories with Thorn crossed his mind, and he felt pain and relief at the same time, Caleb also saw his pale face and puffy eyelids and dry lips. Passed comment.
"Sir, you have graciously allowed me to come in and sit by your side and hold your hand. Now I want to make another request from you."

"The fact that you came into my house and comforted me is something I have to thank you for. Please state your request. Whatever it is, I will grant it."

Caleb tilted his neck, allowing the softness and whiteness of it and the thick, throbbing vein beneath his skin to be fully exposed to Valerian's eyes.
"Please drink my blood."

Valerian’s dark eyes widened in surprise at Caleb’s request, the young man’s pale throat exposed and vulnerable, his pulse so palpable that Valerian could hear the blood pumping beneath the soft skin.

It wouldn’t have been difficult for him to do it, to sink his fangs into that inviting flesh and take what he wanted. Yet he was conflicted, a part of him still resistant to the idea.

“Are…you sure?”

Caleb replied confidently.
"Yes, that's what I really want."

Valerian said in a tone that was restless.
"Why…why do you want this?"

"Because I know this is what I was born for. To give my life to you and to die while the flower of my youth has yet to fade."

Valerian was shocked to hear these words.
"Why does it have to be what you were born to do? Why not just get on with your life and experience aging? Yes, I know it's not very pleasant, but..."

"How could you know? You don't have to worry about getting old. That your skin will wrinkle little by little like the skin of a fruit and lose your beauty."

Valerian raised a hand and placed it on one side of Caleb's face, gently straightening his head.
"Beauty is not everything. You will lose it with time, but you will gain other things in return. You will discover the secrets of the world, you will create a treasure of memories for yourself. It is not a pity to embrace Death and let these opportunities slip away?"

Valerian didn't know why he said these words to Caleb, while in his heart he just wanted to sink his fangs into his soft and fragrant neck and drink his warm blood until the end, something he knew would relieve his grief to a great extent. will forgive

Or maybe not? Maybe watching Caleb's dried and bloodless corpse made his mental state even worse. Maybe she didn't want to see someone who looked like her dead lover Torn be killed by her own hand and his lifeless body fall to the ground before her eyes.

The thought of this matter squeezed Valerian's heart and he shivered unconsciously and his face turned whiter than before. Caleb took her arm and asked worriedly.
"What's wrong? Is your thirst bothering you?"

Valerian put her hand on Caleb's and smiled faintly.
"No, my thirst is still tolerable. A thought crossed my mind that pained me."

"What thought, sir?"

Valerian’s hand trembled slightly as he held Caleb’s, the thought of Thorn’s death still fresh in his mind.

Caleb’s concern for Valerian’s thirst was sweet, but bittersweet, reminding him of how Thorne has been concerned about such things in the past. He shook his head, trying to brush the thought away.

“It’s nothing…just…the thought of you dying.”

Caleb gave her a kind smile.
"Sir, people say that you are a hard-hearted creature without heart and feeling. But now I see that they are completely wrong. There is emotion in you."

A disturbing feeling filled Valerian's being. A part of him wanted to explain to Caleb that the reason he cared about his life was his resemblance to his dead lover, and on the other hand, a part of him wanted to keep it a secret so that Caleb would think Valerian really cared about him.

Valerian struggled with these two parts of his being for a while until he finally decided to surrender to the second part. Now that Thorne was dead and no longer in this world to tell Valerian that there was humanity in him, he needed to hear it from someone else, and who better than Caleb, a man like his beloved Thorne?

Valerian felt his thoughts struggle within him, torn between the desire to explain his true feelings and the need to hear some reassurance. Finally, the second part won out, and he spoke up in a quiet, almost hopeful tone.

“Perhaps I am not as heartless as they say…”

He let the sentence hang in the air, his gaze meeting Caleb’s, half-expecting a response.

Caleb said confidently.
"Do not doubt that there is kindness within you. I saw how you were mourning for your lost lover. If there was no affection and affection in you and your heart was made of stone, how could you express those deep feelings?"

Valerian listened carefully to Caleb and thought about what he had said. Yes, it made sense. Maybe the fact that Valerian saw himself as a monster until that moment was only because of the words he had heard from the mouths of humans until that day. Of course, Thorne always talked about humanity in Valerian, but Valerian thought that he only said that because he has a very kind heart and likes to make even monsters happy.

And it was here that he realized the difference between Thorn and Caleb. Caleb was kind, but he didn't have the boundless kindness of Thorne. Valerian could feel it in him. Caleb was more like Valerian than Thorne, only kind and forgiving as long as there was some benefit to himself in the matter at hand.

A smile appeared on Valerian's lips. He had finally found his eternal companion. A human who could turn her into a vampire and never lose her and not drown in the pain of her loss.



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