There lives john in the city Dayton whom has always been interested in lollipop and wonders how it is been produced and manufactured. But on this particular faithful day, as he was walking down the street of the city, he came across a nearby industry Where lollipop is produced and sold. So he decided to enquire and ask how it been done. He met an old man name Mr John Kay the security guard at the gate, and he asked please sir, i like taking lolipop alot and I'd like to know how its been produced and manufactured, so that i can go home and be producing it by myself and take it to my full saitifaction and consumption. But Mr John Kay answered him and said dear little John it not as easy you think my son. It requires alot of techqnuies and technicalities on how it's been produced. However, alot of funds and resources, with human efforts, and labor with so many other numerous things, materials, and resources are needed to start it. John felt sad and bad, and become so sober and Mr John kay notice the change of expression on his face and began to console and comfort him. He said dear John, i know how you feel right now and i can relate to that cause i was once in your shoes before. But there's only one way i can help you out which is to talk to manager of the lollipop producing company cause he's a good friend of mind from childhood and i know he will listen to me and heed to my request to employ you to teach you, and train you very well on how how to make and produced lollipop so that when you fully grow up you can start up your own company to produce and take as much of it as you want to your satisfaction. At least before then you have become a full lollipop Trainee and can be able to Train other people too as well. John was very happy and highly elated hearing such good news and offer. He headed home smiling, happy, wnd rejoicing 😊.