The work that pays big time.

Hard work pays is one phrase I never got tired of hearing growing up; often, Mum would sit my siblings and me down and tell us stories of how people's hard work paid off something great for them.

Hearing those stories built something inside of me. You can call it "determination" I don't believe in things coming easily to those who didn't work for it, those who didn't put in any effort, well with the world today people are busy reaping where they didn't sow, so I can proudly say some people don't need work hard before they achieve something in life because they have all the backups they need.

While others are "the category I'm in," we need to work and put in the necessary determination that is needed, or else our work won't pay off. And when our hard work pays off, we become the happiest beings that ever walked on the face of the earth.

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One time my hard work paid off was when I got my job at my current place of work, and I was given a task to work on; firstly, I had no idea how the task worked. So when I was given the task the first thing I did was to make inquiries from the former employee on how to perform the task smoothly.

So the person gave some tips on how to go about it, and I took those words seriously; even the slightest detail was a plus to me, and the worst part was that I was given a deadline. "I hate deadlines," so after talking to the former employee, I started off the project. At first, I thought I couldn't do it because I was new to the game, I hadn't worked as an accountant before, and all I possessed was the knowledge of accounting that I was being taught in school.

Facing accounting in the real world got me scared a little, but what I didn't do was panic. After making inquiries I decided to put those feedbacks to work. I was sleepless on how to tackle those issues, and at the same time, my deadline was ticking as well.

I consulted the internet also and put my knowledge to work. The deadline was finally over and it was time to present to my boss what I've been working on. When I was preparing the document, I started feeling tensed a little, and my body started vibrating. So I closed my eyes and breathed for a while, then I carried those documents and headed to my boss's office and showed him the document, and I did my presentation.

I saw him flipping those pages one after the other with his left hand on his cheek. "What is going through his mind?" These were the words that were running through my head.
After a few minutes, he raised his head and stared at me for a while and was like, "You did an amazing job with this task." Immediately, my face started brightening up like a morning star. Indeed, hard work and effort make the dream work.

Thanks for reading 🧡

0.18738847 BEE

I like how you approached your new task at a new job, from asking for tips to putting in the work and consulting the internet. Hard work done in the right way and with wisdom is what brings result.

0.00000000 BEE

Yeah. I agree with you.

Thanks for stopping by

0.00000000 BEE

That moment when your boss praised you must have felt amazing. Have been there too, felt clueless and all, but, the Truth is hard work really do pay off. Theres satisfaction in seeing one's effort getting/being rewarded.

Thanks for sharing.

0.00000000 BEE

Yeah I really felt amazing and I felt like I did something right.

0.00000000 BEE

That's good.

0.00000000 BEE

It's truly inspiring to see your determination in action!

0.00000000 BEE

Thank you so much!

0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

Hardwork do pay off, if you strive for it with determination

0.00000000 BEE

Yeah. Thank you

0.00000000 BEE