Legacy of Impact: Redefining Success

Redefining Success was the topic that was treated in my church last Sunday service and I will like to share my viewpoints to what was discussed. Everyone have their definition of Success but the underlying fact on what success is, is basically the act of achieving your goals. But what is the motive of Success.

If success is not just about achieving goals then what is more to success?


Actually, I feel that true success, regardless of comfort and material possessions is dependent on how much lives we have touched, the impact that we have made to others. Truly we can not make genuine impact on other if we don't start with ourselves. But the point is this, we should not make ourselves the center of everything.

This was the message that the pastor was trying to pass and I received it really well. I must say that truly man was not created to exist alone, he was created to live with other men alike and his purpose on earth is towards service to one another.


He was able to give reasons with some scriptures from the Bible why our center of focus should not be about us alone, and that all that we gather here, our wealth will be left alone the day we die but instead, we should should impact the lives we can with the little we have, no matter how small.

This little time makes me remember of one quote that I always put in my thoughts; "We rise by lifting others". For some years, I had taking this quote as being part of me, reminding me everyday that helping others in a way can translate to helping myself. To remember the fact that it is not just me nor is it just about me.


A wealth man with no impact is one that will be forgotten in no time, but an average man with a great impact will be remembered beyond his generation. If at all we don't leave anything behind after death, we should leave a sign that will let the living know that we lived. Take for instance people who have contributed greatly to the society, who have made impact and died long ago.

The likes of Elbert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Mohatma Gandhi, William Shakespeare and Leonardo da Vinci, cannot be forgotten so easily. Their names will still be written and mentioned for more generations to come.

They may not be alive but yet live in the hearts of those that are living because of their works, influence and impart that had touched the world. This is the definition of Success, and the true definition of immortality.


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What’s life without having a positive impact on other people? It’s nothing
No matter how rich we are, how successful we may be, it will be bad if we are not able to influence on others positively or at least touch lives

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