Leave The Dead Alone!

Hey friends. It feels good to be back again. I’m a Muslim and I love how Muslims are being buried when they die. The burial is done on that day and can’t even wait till the next day. This isn’t about religion but about how the dead shoulf be respected. They are dead and the last respect we can ever pay them is by burying them so they don’t get to smell or other things.


If the government was to issue a decree that all healthy organs must be taken from the recently deceased and donated to the sick people who might need it, what would you do? What are the long term effects of such a ruling? Both good and bad? Is this something you feel you can follow? Especially if defaulting could attract heavy punishment.

Does this make sense to me? No, it doesn’t. As a said earlier, we have to keep the body of the dead a secret and respect them by burying them instead of removing parts of their body to make other people survive whatever they may be going through.
This can actually make sense but must be done willingly. It is either the person makes such request before he or she dies or the family members of the person decided to do so but asides that, it makes no sense to me.

The only good thing about this is that some people who were going through some underlying health conditions will have a longer lifespan and can live longer. That’s the basic good thing about such rule but the bad side will cost everyone a lot and the government themselves.
Now, let’s imagine that the president or one of the people in the legislative house dies, will such rule be followed? No! They dare not touch the government.

In this case, there will be war and that’s because there will be a few people who buy this idea and some people will see it as an unreasonable thought and this may cause conflict in the country.
Wait, let me believe in superstition for a minute. Have you ever heard that the dead hunt people? We’re in Africa and what if that happens if the government decides to make this law?

Is this something I feel I can follow?

When I started this write up, I mentioned that I’m a Muslim and we bury the dead almost immediately after the person dies. To be very honest, I’m fine with that practice and I don’t need anyone to remove another person’s organ because someone else needs to live. It’s thoughtful but unreasonable and that’s because they are making it compulsory.


But if the government says that they want something to be done this way, who am I to say that I want to change that rule or law or go against what the government says? We’d have to do it but the consequences may be bad and may lead to war in the country.

For these reasons, I don’t buy the idea of removing healthy organs from the deceased and donating it to the ill ones especially without their will.

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The will and prior consent are a must consideration. Let the process be ethical and transparent.

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It should be with people’s consent

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I believe that it should not be compulsory. Though for me I don't think is bad because a dead person can not come back to life and the body will soon decay in the grave.
Thanks for sharing

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The fact that you are leaders doesn’t mean you should force us to do things we don’t want to do

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I think it is an individual choice that one makes, and such things can never become compulsion because then it's going against the law of nature.
Personally I have decided to donate every single organ that can be of someone's use when I die, and this is purely my personal choice. I have no judgements for those who do not wish to do, as I said it's about the life experiences one goes through that makes them take or not take such decisions.

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