

I grew up with the understanding and knowledge that one day I would have to take responsibility for some certain things in my life, which means sooner or later I would have to be responsible for myself and my wellbeing with or without my parent’s help. I knew one day I would have to chest some certain responsibilities in my life, so as to ease my parents burden in some certain areas, and when that day comes, it means i am on the journey of becoming independent and self-established…

I graduated high school at a very early age, and thanks to the great knowledge i had, my exposure and my preparation ahead of time, i was able to land a job immediately after graduating, i was not really interested in the job but i had to take it for many reasons, shortly afterwards, i landed another hectic yet fulfilling job, this particular job paid well but it was hectic, risky and stressful, the only benefits i had was not having to go to work on Saturdays, I worked for 8 months before quitting, only to be stuck with the craziest job ever…

Having to lift heavy loads, sugars and other finished products daily was the height of everything, after a month of heavy lifting of heavy loads like 50KGs of sugar, I quitted and decided to take a long break from running here and there looking for employment, of all the 3 jobs i’ve done in my life, only one of them had a little employee benefits, others were a do or die thingy 🤧…

It didn’t end there for me, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the hive blockchain during my break, and that was how my story changed for the better, hive became my full time job with so many employee benefits, the benefits of working as a full time hivean is countless, which i will be listing quite a few in the next few paragraphs…



I quitted my offline job two years ago for many reasons, it was stressful, draining, hectic, crazy, and most importantly it was hindering my consistency on hive, and for these reasons i had to quit working offline to focus more on hive, which make hive my current place of work…

I have some side hustles asides working full time on hive, and since I became a hivean, it’s been greatness upon greatness but everything came at a cost and that cost was my consistency, dedication, endurance and willingness to learn and grow…

Moving on, I have always been intrigued and fascinated by the fact that hive is ten times better than many offline jobs in many areas, the fact that i can sleep anytime, work anytime, work anywhere and eat anytime are things i love most about working on hive, these are some of the benefits many of us can’t get working offline…

There’s no boss to chastise or talk at you for not showing up early to work, there’s no boss to deduct your salary for not appearing at work, there’s no risk of being sacked as long as one abides by every rules and regulations guiding the blockchain…

The peace of mind that comes with working anywhere in the world is one of the utmost benefit of being a hivean, traveling outside or within the country doesn’t stop you from earning neither does it stops you from being able to work anywhere and anytime, these are benefits only hive and some other decentralized systems can provide…


In summary, working at the comfort of my home is the utmost employee benefit hive has given me, and even if all these benefits were to be taken away someday, and we are compelled to work from 9-5, I still won’t quit being a hivean, i will stick to it, as long as I don’t have to lift heavy loads or have to move around in scorching heat to make a living, i am all good…

In conclusion, there are over a thousand and one employee benefits on hive, and I’ve just listed few of those benefits with some additions. Hive is a home for all, I don’t plan on leaving soon, which means i have come to stay and enjoy its mouthwatering benefits for a long time…

0.35459960 BEE

It sounds really crazy to me that one could live of Hive. For me that isn't possible and probably won't be for the coming 5 to 10 years. Which is a long period of time in which a lot could happen..
Great article!

0E-8 BEE

Lol. Well it’s different for everyone my man, I believe the next 5-10 years will be better… thanks for stopping by man

0E-8 BEE

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

0E-8 BEE