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RE: "How Can I Get Big Upvotes on Hive?" .:. Late Night Blogging

Is it easier now than it was 8 years ago? I don't know... It's hard to compare as there are different times... It's like comparing our childhood with the childhood of our grandparents...

Both have their pros and cons and it's hard to compare them... I wouldn't say that it is harder now than before, or vice versa... Simply, it is different...

But, one thing is the same... If you came here for the people, you could find them before, and you can find them now... You can build your network now, as you could do it before...

0E-8 BEE

I think it was slightly harder back in the day. From my curation experience perspective, I've been curator with OCD for 7 years now and things do change. These days, it's a lot easier because there's also communities all around. So, there's high chances you're seen by curators of each communities that are incubated within OCD. In the past, without communities, it was truly wild west to find great content, now just make the best content, engage and someone is increasing their chance of getting curated.

But I believe that true curation lies in individual users too. I mean just like @namiks on the movie community; someone has accumulated quite huge of hp but their curation is let's just say close to 0. We need to emphasize the idea of curating,consuming even staking when you can too rather than relying on big upvotes too.

While there are some arbitrary things and rules at play but I still believe there's still a chance for random newbie to make it big over here.Realistically, grinding a year or two.

0.00033662 BEE

Now it's definitely easier to get into something related to the crypto world... 8 years ago I didn't even hear about BTC, let alone Hive 🙂
I thought it was more difficult for newcomers to connect to existing networks, but you said it well, as connections were created earlier, new ones can be created today.
In these two years, I have met members of the Hive communities with whom I had common interests, but who "went silent". but that's why some new ones came.

0.00019044 BEE