A slightly bumpy Physical Education.


I studied in a Catholic school in Venezuela, and Physical Education was a subject where in addition to gymnastics we were instructed in soccer and basketball.

In high school during the second and third year I was terrified of jumping on the plinth and the rack, I considered them medieval torture devices.

The fact is that my fear did not allow me to pay attention to the explanations of the Physical Education teacher; there were several ways of jumping the colt: opening the legs, with the feet together, going over it. I tried to jump it more than once, but I managed to jump it.


As for the plinth, I never understood why I had to do a somersault over those wooden boxes, it seemed to me that they were training us to work in a circus or to go to the Olympics.

On one occasion, jumping the plinth was a mandatory requirement to pass the subject and I simply refused because I did not want to receive more blows by not falling standing on a mat worn by time, besides the floor was made of cement. I really tell you that the muscle pains were very strong, I got to the point of running away from that class on several occasions just to avoid jumping the rack or the plinth.

The aforementioned brought as a consequence that I failed the subject of Physical Education unless I did a work related to basketball, a sport that although I really like to see it I do not like to practice because of the bad experience I had in Physical Education. Being short in stature in the game all the fouls were mine, so I earned in that opportunity the antipathy of all my classmates.

The practices that I liked in Physical Education were soccer, discipline in which I developed skills and where I understood the importance of teamwork, my position was the defense and she supported the goalkeeper to prevent opponents could reach the own goal and score goals. I learned what game strategy was and I was really better suited for this sport than for basketball.


Another sport that I practiced in Physical Education was baseball, the king sport in my country Venezuela, there I managed to consolidate my self-confidence by training for Center Field and believing in my abilities to almost always catch high hits and prevent the opportunity for the opposing team's runner to get more bases.

Physical education helps us to bond with other people and also induces us to know our social environment, thus encouraging our participation in the community. Physical Education is important because through it we fight sedentary lifestyles, it keeps us active, it helps us to take advantage of our free time, it improves our self-esteem, it teaches us to work in a team and we drain anxiety, stress, aggressiveness and depression.

However, a constructive criticism I would make, is that we should channel the skills of each one towards the physical activities that are more to our liking, and not force us, because when we do some physical activity that we do not like we will do it without really enjoying it and in many cases the result will be mediocre and unsatisfactory.

It is a pleasure and a joy to share my ideas and impressions with the community, greetings to all.
