I have gone through a huge chunk of the arguments and debates on here about which sector is a lot better. And frankly, every single person did justice to their choice.
My father stands solidly behind the government particularly because of the jobs. The job security and the whole package thar comes with working for the government. In some sectors, I stand with private, for others, with government. I do believe that they work simultaneously to provide the services that we need only they aren't both very efficient.
Government exists to provide services for citizens, and to establish order in society, generally. Private industry exists to acquire wealth for its ownership.It doesn't make any sort of logical sense to use the criteria for private industry efficiency, which is
expressed by the profit statements of the company, to judge the efficiency of the government, which is not a profit making entity, nor should it be.
When we talk about the job market, i give it up for public service. Just for job security sakes. That aside, I don't have much good to tell about them. What the private sector lacks in job security, it holds well in discipline, work conditions, working with targets, and healthy result oriented work culture.
There are a lot of off-putting aspects of public sectors. Their lackadaisical approach to duty is one of them. The Healthcare system around here suffers because these people show little to no care to the very humans that should be their priority. You rush someone to a public hospital, someone who's in a terrible state and requires immediate attention, but rather than get attended to, rhe person is made to wait out for when he/she has gotten a card or for when there's a bed space. The most infuriating is seeing these public health workers standing around just talking and looking on like there's not a person right before them who's at the verge of dying. Let's not delve into how they declare a person dead on arrival before even checking him/her. It's appalling.
Then there's the disgusting manner with which they approach education. In the earlier stages as primary and secondary stages, teachers show negligence and do as they please. I did not attend a public primary nor secondary school, but I've seen and heard of the ills thar go on there. Students are let to do as they please, and staff pay little care and put in the barest effort all due to little/no supervision. Of course, they could always put up an act when external supervisors show up.
Compared to the public sector, the private sectors have better structures that overlook their efficiency. They're run based on profit, and as such, put in the better work. The only downside being that they may be more driven by the financial gains as opposed to the public sectors. However, they offer more discipline to duty.
All these said, you can assume that I hold more pride in the private than public sector but that's not all the case. I may not have delved deep into the perks of both sectors, but I know that they both are beneficial.
I hope that this was interesting to read.
Thanks for coming around
amobos sectors are legal, but each has its own flaw, and its advantages.