The World In 2050: Big Changes

There's no doubt that technology has taken over the world. It has taken the world by the scruff of the neck and whispered “You are mine now and I'm going to use you however I want.” Over the past few Years, there have been lots of technological advancements. For instance, about 4 years ago, there was nothing like AI, but in 2021, AI got introduced to the world and changed everything. While some argue that it is a blessing, others believe it is a curse. On the positive side, AI has made life easier by reducing workloads. On the other hand, it is capable of doing scary things. Recently, I watched a video on Instagram about Cristiano Ronaldo, my role model. In the video, not only did make awful remarks about club coaches, he also made awful remarks about Lionel Messi. I know Ronaldo so much that I was sure the video was fake. So, I checked the comments and saw people saying that it was the work of an AI. “AI is scary.” was what came out of my mouth.

We are in 2024 and there are already so many technological advancements. Technology has touched almost all the sectors in the world; cars, health, agriculture, the internet, and so on. Have you ever imagined what the world will be like 26 years from now? 26 years is a lot of time. Judging by how far we have come technological wise and our mindset, what do you think the world will be like in the year 2050? Do you think there will be flying cars? Decades ago, the world predicted that with the rate of technological advancements, there will be flying cars in the 21st century. But here we are, without flying cars. Do you think we will be able to achieve that by then?

Again, 2050 is quite a long time from now and with recent trends, it is inevitable that technology will advance many aspects, one of which is health care. Before the First World War, when people sustained injury and it got infected, they had to cut it off. For example, if a soldier was shot in his hand during the war and it got infected, to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas, they’d have to amputate it. This was the only way they could fix it until 1928 when Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin in St. Mary's Hospital, London. This discovery introduced antibiotics which reduced the number of deaths by infection. At that time, technology wasn’t so advanced as it is now. Now, imagine what it will be like in the next 26 years. I picture scientists discovering medicine for some incurable diseases like cancer, diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Scientists have been working on finding these cures for years now and I believe that it is safe to think they will have achieved this goal in 2050.

Moving on, judging by how far we have come technology wise, another big thing I believe will happen in 2050 is job replacement by AI. As I mentioned above, AI is a double edged sword. Over the years, people have lost their jobs to Artificial intelligence. Now, imagine what it will be like 25 years from now. In 2050, I picture that there will be so many self-driving cars moving around, making drivers lose their jobs. There are already so many self-driving cars out there, but only in most developed countries. People are scared to get one because of their potential dangers. However, in 2050, I picture that self-driving cars will be everywhere, even in developing countries. Also, I picture a great change in the area of education. “Why do we need teachers when we can just get taught by an AI?” Although this is a bit laggy, teachers might lose their jobs to AI in 2050.

Looking at the current happenings, another area that I think would get greatly affected by technology is warfare. No one wants war. The only thing war brings is deaths and more deaths. In the next 26 years, countries, especially the developed ones, will likely develop crazy weapons. I hope there won't be a third world war by then. Regardless of whether the third world war happens or not, I picture that these developed countries will create crazy war weapons, including nukes.

26 years from now, the human mindset will definitely have been affected. Decades ago, although there were gays and all, they weren’t bold enough to bring it outside. It was something they did indoors. But now, they are everywhere. In 2050, I picture that there will be a huge change in this area.

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Thanks for reading.

0.06329495 BEE

I took a very deep breath after reading to the end of this because you said it all.

Technology is only getting started and by 2050, we will see a lot of development in different aspects as you’ve rightly stated. It would be great but that’s if we use it to the great of humanity as much as possible.

Thanks for sharing Fave 🥰

0.00000000 BEE

‘You are mine now and I’m going to use you however I want’ got me laughing so hard.😂😂

God, you literally lifted everything from my brain and wrote it right here, word for word.

When I saw the prompt I first thought about if we would even be alive by then because from the looks of thing, 3rd world war might be approaching faster than we can imagine.

The only part I’m excited about for the future is science. Just make sure to link for kids up with mine cos we have some scientists to raise!🤭

0.00000000 BEE

You have said it all. A lot of changes will occur and AI might be changed to another technological name that will help another set of people. Technology is just starting, more are coming.

Thank you for sharing.

0.00000000 BEE

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay!
There's no escaping as this is only the beginning. The fight against artificial intelligence would eventually be lost as the way the world sees it, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages and in the year 2050 AI might have reached great heights.

0.00000000 BEE

This is intriguing. Bringing me to the realization that a lot has changed and will change within a short period of time from now. Technology in its full swing will drive a lot of people out of job (both professional and skilled workers). It's so sad that technology is making massive moves, while some of our brains are not calculating as fast to secure the right knowledge so we can still stay afloat after all is said and done with technology. True but sad that the continuous evolution of technology will drive a lot of people home making them jobless. I think it's time to think outside the box

0.00000000 BEE