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RE: Living Life as a Vegetarian will be cool

I think if we sacrifice one life then we may save thousands of lives. So why it's necessary to kill them? Besides, We are not going to die from malaria as there is treatment for it. Moreover, all the mosquitoes don't bear the Malariya parasite.
Based on your logic, you are allowing to kill dogs and other animals also because of Rabies disease which can be spread by cows, cats, monkeys, and some other animals. So, What's the difference here?

0E-8 BEE


Here is your answer

We have controls over dogs and cats but not over mosquitoes, Dogs and cats are not our enemy unlike mosquitoes, so you can't compare them...

it is like saying why kill a snake if it evade your territory, will you allow the snake to bite you because there is a cure for their venom?

0E-8 BEE