The year 2050 is way ahead of us judging from today and to an extent I’m curious how living like will be judging by how things are as regards technology. So far, we all will agree that at the rate in which technology is growing even in our today world, by this time in 2050, it would be a whole different ballgame entirely or not? Judging from how we started, we had to use our legs to walk from one place to another, we had to send messages through gunfire, smokes, messengers and some even used spiritual means, hehe.

But as at today, most people no longer use their legs to move from one place to the other, especially far distances. Now once we have a place to go to, we already know the right spot to be at to get a vehicle that will take us to our destination. For some, they now have vehicles that can be programmed to take them to wherever they want to be without even having a driver or driving themselves, we call these cars self-driven cars. This is what we can obtain today from technology as regards vehicles and the way technology has helped us get to our locations with little or no stress.

In 26 years from today, I believe that by then, cars, vehicles will have gone to a different level. By then, self-driven cares might be fully on circulation. Maybe we will also have invincible vehicles or something to avoid accidents and incidents on the road. Or maybe in worst cases, there might be too many vehicles as everyone would have a need for one and that would lead to more deaths and injuries. But by 2050, I’m certain that moving from one place to another would definitely not be a problem because that would have been made really easy. But then, I can’t be sure of the outcome of that situation.

In the aspect of how technology will affect communication between people and even aliens, I think by that year, 2050, it would be on a whole new level. As I earlier mentioned, prior to today, our ancestors made use of gunfire, smokes, messengers and the likes to send messages across but as at today, we are experiencing something really different and compared to then, some people are still finding it hard to adjust to what we have now but the truth is, this is just the beginning. There is definitely more to come and by 2050, some of these things would be have started manifesting themselves.

I believe that by 2025, there would be a possibility that we can communicate with someone like they are literally standing with us. It is already happening now in some really developed countries but by then, it would be very much a thing that can be obtainable anywhere. By 2025, sending a message across to someone would not be a problem at all, as anyone can send a message to anybody anytime and anywhere. There will surely be some limitations but then, it would not be as it is now.

I believe the mindset of people of that era won’t be so different from how we are now and our previous generations. The generation of 2050 will definitely think they have it more than we do which may be true. Also, they might not see the need for a lot of things because they already have things to assist them in so many aspects of their lives. Especially as parents, by then, our children might end up being the ones to want to tell us how things work because they will even be more exposed to information than we are if we as parents don’t keep learning and that might be a problem.

So basically, 2050 would be a year when if most of us now are still alive, we would look back and be amazed because a lot of changes would have happened thanks to the advancement of technology on a daily basis. People might have even lost their strong sense of judgment on what is even right or wrong because they will be very much dependent on what the artificial intelligence world thinks. These advancement might mostly likely be a danger to humanity but guess what? We won’t be able to do anything about it by then because we would have gone really deep into it.

At that time, a lot of things would become really normal and it would even become the standard at which a lot of people live their life. I can’t really say much because I’m obviously not in that year yet and there is every possibility that things might even be way more than I have said or less but there will definitely be changes.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope to hear your thoughts too on how you think technology would have affected the world in 26 years from now.

Images used are mine

0.33536246 BEE

I also believe with you that one thing I'm sure is that transportation issues will be a thing of the past.

That's true too with the loss of judgement because literally everything will be assisted and people will gradually transcend to that too where they literally don't need to raise a pin and it will get to clash as to why didn't you do this and left it for machine, lol

Honestly judging from where we started, we've really done well and yes! I believe with the right decisions we could get better
Great post

0.00000000 BEE

Well said my mentor 🤭

At this point, we just have to prepare for what is coming because something is definitely coming, Gege

0.00000000 BEE

Hehe.... Sounds like I should be scared 😂

0.00000000 BEE

The invincible vehicle idea is something worth exploring. Probably we can stop injuries. But AI, the speed of it, is terrifying. And the amount of people being dependent on it as you said, is also concerning

0.00000000 BEE

Yeah, the AI growth in just this year is crazy. Hopefully some will learn to still be independent.

Thanks for your contribution

0.00000000 BEE

That second picture got me smiling. its really nice.

0.00000000 BEE

technology would affect the upcoming years for sure mainly Ai..

0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Awesome post 👏
Indeed, it would be an era of technological advancement which one should look out for.
Thanks for sharing this with us

0.00000000 BEE

It’s my pleasure sharing, thanks for stopping by

0.00000000 BEE