Influence Is Good But Not To Be Used In The Wrong Direction

Influence is one thing that can set someone ahead of his fellows. Most times you see some people with all their skills no on comes to notice them because they don't have level of influence that will guarantee people to notice them, some fellow continue in that state and never comes out of it until they depart with it. That's why as much as I desire to acquire some good skills much more I desire the level of influence that will command high audience to my direction.

Not too long I came across a young woman who was managing in a private school, due to the level of demand and recession in the country she quite her job because it was not giving her what she desires and coupled with the fact that the school began to owe it's staff. Now this young woman desired to dive properly into business, one tragic thing happened. One day came that a politician decided to patronize her, she was asked to supply bags of rice. After that she continued, as I speak with you this has been a continuous thing and the woman is performing massively well.

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What I just described is influence and an example of how influence can place someone higher than his mates. Note that she is not the only one that is into rice business but a man at the political corridor decided to pick her up, just yesterday we also patronized her and the quality of the rice worth it.

There are different levels of influence. There is the political, economic, religious and the likes. A man that is influential is well noticed and he command followers that a times even when what's doing is wrong people tend to support him.

When a man using his influence to satisfy his selfish desires it hurts me so much and I wish there is something I can do to stop him from acting in such a manner because that is rated as wickedness. Imagine someone because he feels he has much influence so he goes as far as encroaching into someone's landed property.

In the last election I was opportuned to go and cast my vote and that was visibly the first time my vote was going to be counted. During the presidential election we all went to cast our vote, well there was no much issues but at the end our vote was swapped to the person we never voted because had much money and have boy at the corridor of power. The tribunal ended in his favour. See how bad things have already gone so bad in just one year.

The next week, we went for the governorship elections. It was so terrible because we all fled for our life's because policemen and soldiers came to disrupt things. It was so bad because ballot boxes was captured and more, things gas gone so soar and there is no visible ways they can remedy things.

One thing this has taught me is it is important we don't use our power in the negative direction. The moment something is meant for you it will come to you and there is nothing you do about it but when you get into it unlawfully things will get out of hand that you can't handle.

My entry to the #hivelearners week #123 edition 3 prompt. Thank You for stopping by my blog.

0.28454400 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Exactly all the same things we have seen happening within our city, a person who has a good reference or who has more money is respected. He is not in talent but still respected. It goes and the person who has talent is not valued.

0E-8 BEE

You are so right, a person influence can raise another standard of living while others use the influence they have to just disrupt things.

I actually don't know why all these politicians won't allow the election be free and fair, you guys ran for your life during the election oh.

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE