The Evolution of News: Truth, Technology, and Trust

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Keeping information around us make us up to date. So many things are going on around us like the political matters, weather change, business matters etc. In the past their was very limited resource form were people get the information about what happened around us. The main source were the Newspaper and the radio. I still remember when the television were not the common in every house but the News paper where available in very house. The radio voice can be heard in every house. You do not have to sit and watch like in television you can turn on the radio and just do your work and listen to the radio, and that was the daily routine.


As the technology evolved the Radio were replaced with the television and in early days the News broadcast were available on some time slots only but after ward the 24x7 channels who are dedicated for the news only come into picture. With the evolve of the technology the information or news are available very easily to anyone and anywhere but with this the main issue arise is the authenticity of the News. The Internet also become the main source of News along with the News channels. I use to watch the News daily in the past and I was mostly interested in the quick news which give the brief in very less time, like super fast news and news 20-20 type. The news debates also add good value in the information we need on some topic.
But I lost the interest in listening to the News on some big channels available in country after some incidents I come across. Those incidents give the feeling that all those big news channels were just running behind the TRP and do not care what is good or bad, what is right or wrong, what they care is the TRP and ultimately the earnings. They just want to attract the audience by using any method, right or wrong that does not matters. And it is very common that those news channels were directly o indirectly own by the political parties. And such channels are nothing what the puppets of those political parties.


Almost two years back the most of the farmers in India were protesting against the three farm bills the Government want to implement. The farmers from the norther side of county were leading the protest. I was in southern part of the country and I use to check the national news channels for the updates. But it was very shameless and very disappointing when I saw that the news telecasted on the national channels were showing like that the farmers doing a crime by protesting in their own country. They were like creating a very bad image of the protesters and try to prove them wrong in all means. I switched to some local reginal news channels and what I was was totally opposite to what the nation channels were showing. I checked some YouTube channels also which were telecasting live and giving the update on every moment. Form that day I understand how they misuse and use their reach to mold the events. Even some of my collogue were asking many question to me regarding the protest after seeing the negative news on national news channels. I try to show them the other part of the story which was never every cover by them. They were imagine and assumed what were shown to them in news. No doubt the media is very powerful but it behave the way the management want to. The independent media is the basic need of any democracy country. They are known as the forth pillar of democracy but it is only effective if it is working independent and not getting influence by any political party.


Now days also If I switch on TV in the morning I use to tune to the local news channels only or follow some independent news channels on YouTube. The social media is also as good source of the information but its very tough to judge the authenticity of the news. People many time forwarding or sharing some old year bac news without noticing the same, and some time they shown the video in such way that it shows something else instead of the reality. Recently I saw a video on social media in which a person was hitting the glass window of train with hammer and the captions shows that people were damaging the national property, I was also believe the same till I meet one of my friend who worked in railways and explained me that the person in the video is actually replacing a already damaged glass of the train and he purposefully using the hammer to break it so that he can easily remove it.

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1.08265485 BEE

News on social media can be so hard to collect the truth except they're from a very truthful page.

The thing of seeing an entirely different thing on a video posted with a good caption can be so annoying. Those people just want to get views and nothing more.

0.00000000 BEE