The Balance of Parenting: Finding the Middle Ground

Parenting is one of the most tasking roles one faces, when you begin to have children of your own, from that very moment they are born, you know that your world now revolves around them, because every decision you make takes into consideration how your kids will be affected by them.


We want the best for them, and most times we don't mind sacrificing our needs or wants just to please them, the same can be said about decision-making when it comes to their lives as they grow, there is a common African proverb that no matter how tall or grown a child is, he or she would always remain a child to their parent, this often makes us parent go overboard with our care and concern and not giving the children a chance to make some decision on their own.

Though this act comes out of a place of care, I believe parents should understand that children will one day grow into adults and by that time, we as parent might be too old or gone to still keep on making decisions for them, so we must learn to strike a balance, knowing when to allow them make their choice and also when to step in, because the truth still remains that parent can be more experience in certain situation and give better guidance or advice, as too much freedom can make a child go after astray, the same goes for too much restriction, not giving them the chance to learn and explore on their own can lead to being dumb in some basic common knowledge.

I recently allowed my 7-year-old daughter permission to always wash her uniforms after school, before now, she has always been eager to do the laundry on her own, but I was always skeptical that she is too young and won't wash them clean, also having a washing machine added to this, but I remember in my time, there was no washing machine and I did my laundry and that of my younger siblings myself using my hands, my hubby even started complaining that I'm adding to the list of raising lazy Genz children, not giving my daughter a chance from this age to do little things at home by herself.

I guess motherhood is just like being married, you learn as you grow, so now I allow her the freedom to do certain house chores that she can, like clearing the table after eating, washing her uniforms, etc, I still go back to inspect and correct her when she doesn't do them well, that way, I'm training her right, giving her the time to do her thing, and also stepping on when I need to, therefore as the balance is created.

A case of too much freedom without supervision can be likened to a cousin of mine, whose parent are wealthy, they let get do as she likes believing money is everything, she is a grown lady now, and has no manners, worst still she was sent abroad to study, only for her to end up a drug addict, now her parents are in regrets abd wished they cautioned her early. Too much of both sides strictness or freedom isn't the right way to parenting, balance is the key.

All images used are mine.

Thank you for reading❤❤

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