Life is short and tomorrow is mystery


The mystery of life is what makes it interesting, imagine if we all know our destination and what await us in the future, the fear of the unknown would be eliminated.....

Family is our strongest support, they have been taking good care of us right from infant and they deserve all our love, never let any one come between your love for your family, when you have nothing, they were always by you so when you have everything, do not desert them for strangers that would leave you when things become unpleasant...

Live the moment in your life, show love to those around you because you may wake up one day and not see them anymore, you will miss them but your cries won't bring them back.....

The money you are working so hard to earn that makes you not have time for yourself would be spent by others if you eventually die, love yourself, create time to treat yourself better, self love is very important so you won't regret things you did not do when it is time to depart from this world..... Let every minute count in your life, create memories that would put a smile on your face in the future....


For those going through hard times, always remember there is light at the end of the tunnel so no matter the difficulties you are passing through, it won't last forever as long as you keep moving forward, joy is waiting for you at the end...........

The best kind of life is the one spent in putting smile on other's face, you are not just doing it for them, you are doing it for you, whenever you realize you are the one behind that beautiful smile on someone's face, it gives your heart so much and happiness is something all human crave for...

You can't earn what you don't give, if you want people to love you, you must also learn to show love to others, if you want respect, you must respect others, that is life and it won't change......

No one knows tomorrow but our action of today determines what our tomorrow would be...

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

0.81651637 BEE

You can't earn what you don't give, if you want people to love you, you must also learn to show love to others, if you want respect, you must respect others, that is life and it won't change......

It mirrors the law of reciprocity, what you give is what you get or what you get is what you've given. I think it highlights how interdependent we all are. In the end, the relationships you build matters more than anything else.

0E-8 BEE

so true my man, when you do good, good will also be done to you.... life is a karma, whatever we do, we shall receive it bountifully from others too....

0E-8 BEE

Indeed. That's the principle we have to follow.

0E-8 BEE

Live the moment in your life, show love to those around you because you may wake up one day and not see them anymore.

Or we may not wake up anymore
As much as possible I try to sleep every night without worries and regrets. I treasure the people around me and savor daily events of my life because I don't know if I'm still here tomorrow.

0E-8 BEE

you are also right my man, we must live the moment

0E-8 BEE

Basic rules of life you mentioned.
Yes we don't know future, that's why we are living. If we know our future then things would be complicated to think πŸ€”.
And Life is short so why its beautiful.
Thanks for sharing with us ❀

0E-8 BEE

yea, tomorrow is a mystery 😊

0E-8 BEE

You said it all, respect is reciprocal, you don't give, don't expect in return, thanks for inspirational word.

0E-8 BEE

you are welcome

0E-8 BEE

Family is really all we have and taking care of ourselves should be our number one priority because we won't be able to enjoy all we have suffered for of we die. Thanks for this wonderful advise

0E-8 BEE

you welcome dearπŸ’–

0E-8 BEE

Yay! πŸ€—
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0E-8 BEE

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

0E-8 BEE

Life is short tomorrow is pregnant, we should let the situation we are now weigh us down, but hope for the best and life our now positive

0E-8 BEE

yea being depressed doesn't solve a thing, so we should find a solution instead of letting any situation weigh us down

0E-8 BEE

Thats re best thing to be done, depression only add to the problem on ground

0E-8 BEE

Family as the first agent of socialization helps us learn morals to be goo d in the society.

Family helps us know we want to be, and relating with people in the society, we start learning it in the family.

0E-8 BEE

family is everything

0E-8 BEE

Wow, you have spoken really well daddy ❀️. I was just having similar thoughts few days back and reading it from you again in a more detailed form is really just amazing for me.

The part that got me more was the part of us showing those around us we love them and not when they are gone. And that also will be more effective if we have sef love. I'm not the type that treat myself fairly sometimes but I do make sure to put a smile on people's faces.

Now I know what to do sha, thank you so much for this beautiful piece daddy, I love you so much 😘❀️. Happy Sunday 🌹

0E-8 BEE

love you too babyπŸ˜ŠπŸ’–πŸ˜Š keep being you and continue showing love to others, it makes you more lovable too😘

0E-8 BEE

Thank you so much daddy, I'm so grateful for the advice 😘❀️, I will do just that.

0E-8 BEE

The idea of not knowing what's coming next or how things might play out is one thing I find amusing to date.

0E-8 BEE