Happy one year Anniversary to the Hive learners: My top 5 prompt entry of the year


A Happy One-Year Anniversary to the Hive learners family... Big thanks to the founder and team for their amazing support that encourages learner to develop their writing skills, it has been an amazing ride with my fellow hive learners....

Since i started participating in their weekly prompt, i have really learned a lot of things from the comments on my post and also from the post of others...Some people go ahead to summarize my post in few lines and even add some details missing in my post which helps me in understanding my own topic much more, it is true we never stop learning..... The heart that learns every day remains young forever....

My top 5 amazing entry to the hl prompt and in which i also get to learn more from others...


Apologizing is one of the best way of promoting peace in the world

This topic broaden my mind and the way i think, i made this post based on the fact that i do not like to say sorry, i would rather not offend people than to tell them sorry but is it possible not to offend anyone out of the many people we interact and associate with...

Thanks to @jenthoughts, she is really a deep thinker that made me realize something with her comment....

Yes you're right, sorry is a great word to reconnect people with some misunderstanding.

Like you, I and my husband is not fond of saying sorry. If we have misunderstanding, we didn't talk to each other but when we were able to talk again, say our endearment call and then we're okay.

There are really different ways to say sorry, some in words, in actions, and other through gifts``

Her last statement made me realize i have been apologizing to those i offended, the only difference is that i do not say sorry, instead my actions of being remorseful and showing it and also giving them gift to cheer them up has been my way of saying sorry to them, i didn't put that in my post because i didn't think that way.. Many men are like this.....



The second prompt - click the link below to read it..

Tomorrow never comes, today never ends, but our past will remind us of how well we have lived

This is a prompt that involves predicting our future, who would predict a bad future for himself? ofcourse everyone want to be great but no one knows tomorrow..

There is a chance to know how the future would be like but it is not accurate due to unforeseen circumstances that could happen along the way...

It is still okay to know that today is a gift for us, it is what we do today that will determine our future, tomorrow never ends, the future never ends until the day we die, but we can tell how good we have lived based on our past...

The past remind us of time, it remind us of memories which is why we must live a good life today, work hard today so we can always look into the past and still have a big smile on our face knowing we lived well and achieved great things....




The third favorite topic- click the link below to read it..

Some people aiin't born stingy, situation made them that way

In this prompt of our encounter with greedy and stingy people, i shed more light to the topic, some people ain't really as stingy as people think, they just have no choice or should i say they love themselves more....

Meanwhile some people are stingy naturally and would rather waste their resources than let others benefit from it, i also explained how greedy people can be dangerous and can not be a trust worthy business partner because their greedy nature can make them hurt those dealing with them....

I love this topic as i was able to make others realize that not everyone who doesn't want to share is stingy, it is something i have been wanting to say for a long time and hive learners made it possible....



The fourth favorite topic - click the link below to read it..

The things i am happy and grateful for in the year 2022

There is this song i love about blessings which goes this way

count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings see what the lord has done

Some people are busy thinking about the things they do not have and refuse to aknowledge what they have, they show no appreciation for the ones they have...

I do not really want to sound biblical here but then it says we were created in God's image and as human, if we help someone and he didn't show any sign that he loves what we did for him, i believe we will think twice before helping such a person again, it is the same with our Creator, it is when we are grateful for the little he gave us and show it that he will bless us more...

The hive learners prompt made me think about my life in the year 2022, the achievement and lovely friends i made on the hive blockchain, it was a great year to be remembered because i got connected with many new people and also my hive growth was smooth....



My childhood was so much fun due to the existence of these games

I had to scroll and scroll just to get this post, my list of favorite topic is not completed without it....

The older we get, the more lonely it becomes.... life changes, mentality changes and mission also changes... We had to let go of those days that all we do is eat, play and disturb momma....

My childhood was fun, i was opportune to play many games with friends and that is what the post is all about... Click the link above to read my favorite games that made my childhood fun...

Thanks to hive learners once again, it has been fun all along participating in your prompt...

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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...Some people go ahead to summarize my post in few lines and even add some details missing in my post which helps me in understanding my own topic much more, it is true we never stop learning.

This is so true about some of our top engagers in this community. I just received a comment now in one of my posts and I feel like editing the post to add the missing important points 😂😂😂

Honestly, this community awoken a lot of giants in Many people
I love HL for their great job here

Going through your top five, they are just awesome..I remember most of this contents burl..u are a good writer, always something to learn from u

Man of wisdom you are my good friend 👍❤️
Happy birthday to HL
Happy birthday to us the members

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This is so true about some of our top engagers in this community. I just received a comment now in one of my posts and I feel like editing the post to add the missing important points

This was how i felt when jenthought made that comment on my post🤣, idea no dey finish

Nkem nkem😁

Thanks for the compliment, you are making my head to swell 🤣

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I have learned a lot from other members content and the comments made on my article. I have learned a lot from you as well, you are one of those in the community who inspire a lot.

I read almost all of these articles and you have dished out awesome content from time to time on and off the community.

Thanks for contributing to the growth of the community always.

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thanks my man❣️, hive learners is helping us thrive regarding our writing skills

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Congratulations, @burlarj Your Post Got 100% Boost.
@burlarj Burnt 57.804 HELIOS & We Followed That Lead.


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I am happy that you also learned from me. Thanks for the mention. Wow! Many have participated in this week's challenge.

I can't remember if I have made atleast 5 entries in the hive learners prompt. I only remember one and one in the Sunday challenge hehehe. I can't really remember.

Is there a way to locate my post in hive learners?

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you should participate more, it is actually fun and there is much to learn from others entry too

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Yes, I hope so I can join next time.

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Great, I really liked your topics of selections, they are really motivational and a lot of lessons to be learned from them. Thanks for sharing with us. Good luck in this contest bro.

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thanks my man

0E-8 BEE

Yay! 🤗
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