Happiness comes from our own Actions


Happiness is one of the feelings all mankind crave for, but not everyone is opportuned to have it and some do lose it at certain point in their life.....

What is happiness
Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.


The first step to being Happy is contentment... If you are not contented with what you have, if you are always comparing yourself to others, happiness would always be far from you because you will always see someone better than you, there will always be some one richer than you and many more qualities you can think of.... We are in an imperfect world and we can't be perfect either... No one is perfect.....

Focusing on yourself and stop thinking about others superiority is the first step to happiness and the moment you are satisfied with what you have and not bothered about what others possess, you will be happy, happiness does not cost a thing, it is we human that makes it costly.....

Sometimes we don't need to do something big to make people happy but being there for them when they need us can put a smile on their face, your neighbor will appreciate the 20 naira given to her when she is thirsty than the 500 naira you give her when she doesn't need it.....Little things matters


We all have different ways of deriving happiness, some likes to party, some just like to be with friends/family[ like a gathering] some derive happiness by watching movies while others derive it by dancing... The ways are too many to be listed but i can list mine....

Putting smile on other's face: This is my best way of deriving happiness, there is this extraordinary feeling i felt inside of me when i see the beautiful smile on someone i help knowing i am the reason behind their smile, it makes my heart rejoice and keeps me happy for a long time!

There is no better way to be happy than helping others, life is hard and people are going through alot, the least we can do is help them.... never turn down someone who needs your help because you may be their last hope and turning them down only means breaking their heart into pieces, if you can't render full assistant, atleast do not let them return the same way they came to you

To love and be loved: This is magical, when in love, you will see everything where there is nothing, their image would always appear and make you smile for no reason, lovers are the most happiest on earth and i like that feeling so much..I don't need the whole world to be happy, just my family and those who truly love me for who i am, their presence in my life would always bring me joy....

Earning Money There is this happy feeling that comes with the in flow of money, we are now in a world where money means everything, you can't even make others happy without money, those hungry needs food and you need money to get that, infact half of the depressed people in the world, it is money that cause their depression, so having a good source of income and earning money on daily basis is my way of achieving happiness, i love playing with our currency too, i might just withdraw some big funds and start counting and playing with it inside, it gives me so much pleasure and happiness......

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

0.74734985 BEE

Happiness is all about You. You first. You alone. When you make a decision to be happy and go around doing the right things, you'll definitely be bestowed with it.

Permission to disagree with you sir😒...
Based on your last point(earning money), which I agree with that it brings happiness. Don't you think the happiness derived that way is only temporary?
What happens when the cash inflow isn't so good. Should that put a stop to one's happiness?

I'm sorry for disturbing you. No vex😉😁

0.03262979 BEE

i love your disturbance😁, meanwhile no happiness last forever, but when life get at us, we must find a way to get back on our feet and make ourself happy again, love doesn't last forever, people change and heart get broken but that doesn't mean we should stop loving, people lose their jobs and stop earning money but that doesn't mean they won't get a better job.... So life is not a bed of rose, we must accept whatever it brings to us and enjoy the moment... Nothing last forever💖

If the cash inflow is not so good, it will motivate you to earn more😉

0E-8 BEE

Another angu. Omo!
You're doing well Sir.

If the cash inflow is not so good, it will motivate you to earn more😉

Just choose to be happy. iLearnt.
There is sha oil on your head.😁

0E-8 BEE

Hahaha... I love that feeling of happiness too when I am counting our currency by playing with it and knowing fully well that it is from my source of income. That happiness is surreal 🥰

We all have our different ways to happiness and all that matters is to stay happy always especially being contented.

0E-8 BEE

counting money that belongs to us happiness😁, yea being contented is all that really matters without that, other effort will be futile💖, meanwhile give me your money let me count it for you😂

0E-8 BEE

Hahahah. You won't feel happy because it's not for you oo 😅😅😅 except I give it to you willingly.

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Beautiful!! So much knowledge to get from this, you have said so much and I totally agree with you on all of them. Truly one has to be contented to find happiness within, else he might die of depression because there us surely going to be someone better than us.

Putting a smile on someone's face works wonders on how it makes us feel happiness deep down, knowing that someone is always happy that I'm there brings so much joy to me.

Of course knowing that you are love and you're also love is beautiful, so beautiful 🥰.

Money indeed has a way of putting a smile on our faces, money is needed for most things so it's good we get the money, because it's a shame when someone come to us for help and we can't help, although there are other ways we can help and that is also good.

Thank you so much for this beautiful piece Dada, I love it ❤️.

0E-8 BEE

thanks my lovely daughter, glad we reason the same way😊 am waiting for your entry, need to know the way you make yourself happy🤗

0E-8 BEE

Hahaha, okay daddy, I think that is what I will be writing on today, hehe.

0E-8 BEE

I would agree with the first point you made mention, Contentment is really a major Factor of one’s Happiness.

Also, it’s seems like an achievement to me when I am the one behind someone’s happiness that’s why I’ve been living my life making sure I add value to everyone around me to an extent.

0E-8 BEE

nice one man, you are one of the good souls we have on planet earth, if we have more people like you and i, the world will be a much more better place💖

0E-8 BEE

Thanks Boss 👏

0E-8 BEE

Happiness is one of the feelings all mankind crave for, but not everyone is opportuned to have it and some do lose it at certain point in their life.

I think at a point when a person lose it is when it leads to depression..

0E-8 BEE

yea, you can imagine someone rich that suddenly becomes poor, now trekking all the places he used to drive, can't eat what he likes anymore due to lack of funds, or someone who used to be very healthy now diagnosed of a terrible disease or sickness, ofcourse they would definitely be depressed😢

0E-8 BEE

It is a sad situation to be in..sighs..

0E-8 BEE

Indeed I have always known that we are driven from the same motivation source or else how come we both wrote the same Thing but different illustrations, you are indeed a blessing to me bro....

Happiness Is by choice and not by force and to be happy contentment goes a long way in that beautiful aspect and having contentment is one of the necessity of live...

As you have said, different people different derivative of happiness and I agree with you totally on the derivative of your happiness because it's the same as mine...

To love and being loved
Having a portable source of income
Helping others too...

Thank you for this beautiful post 💲💥💥 I am really filled with knowledge...

0E-8 BEE

told you, we are photocopy, we have same mindset🤣 yet to read your post, will get to it soon💖 infact on my way🚲

0E-8 BEE

Heheh 🤣🤣🤣 look at the eagle riding bicycle lolz 😂🤣🤣

0E-8 BEE

Happiness come from within. Measuring your happiness by comparing your achievements is the surest way to breaking down and losing your shit. Your comparison should be the man in the mirror, the you from yesterday and the you tomorrow. This is healthy comparisons that help you track your progress and make adjustments when necessary.

0E-8 BEE

you are an epitome of knowledge, the only person we should compete with is ourselves, we should make sure our present is better than the past and tomorrow will be better than the present.....

0E-8 BEE

Putting smiles on people's faces is a great means of making me happy as well and yes I can relate to counting currency 💲😂

Who doesn't feel happy when he or she sees an alert ....it's just we can't trust this money all through but whenever is around, we definitely feel happy 😊

0E-8 BEE

that alert has a way of making our heart jump for joy, nkem can relate😁

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

That’s what I call happiness. Contentment.

When you are happy with the little you have then you realize that life is so easy to be live in.

Happiness is indeed free but not everyone could get it.

0E-8 BEE

you are right man, contentment is the key to happiness, if we don't want to be happy, no one is capable of making us happy, it is all about our mindset...

0E-8 BEE

I agree with you my man

0E-8 BEE

Heeeeiii God😂😂😂sure money gives us the greatest happiness and at times when you are sad and you receive a credit alert your sorrow and sadness will just disappear 🤣.

0E-8 BEE

that is the magic of money, it cures most sickness and depression😁

0E-8 BEE

i might just withdraw some big funds and start playing with it inside, it gives me so much pleasure and happiness

😅😅 This part... You be odogwu! God I wanna be a baller 🤲

Well, you've said it all Burl... Happiness is about being content, positive and it doesn't even have to be something huge. Simply putting smiles on people's faces with the little we can is enough to bring happiness.

Nice read! Thanks for sharing this 💕

0E-8 BEE

😅😅 odogwu ke, just enjoying life🤩

yea hun, little things also matters... Thanks for reading❣️

0E-8 BEE

Indeed there is so much happiness and satisfaction we get when we are contented with the little we have. There we can find peace of mind. Thanks for this point.

0E-8 BEE

yea dear, contentment is the key

0E-8 BEE

Indeed... Being happy does not require anything big or elaborate. It's just we humans who tend to overdo things.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

0E-8 BEE

that is just the fact

0E-8 BEE

Money dey make person feel happy my bro. It's sweet when you count money and its yours. You dope brotherly.

0E-8 BEE

honestly, this world we are now, no money no happiness

0E-8 BEE

Yes is true, happy is by choice

0E-8 BEE

I think the easiest way to find happiness is by being good - being kind and caring to others. There's this sense of fulfilment that turns into joy when you do something for someone, something good, and that puts a smile on that person's face.

Even just a simple appreciation message to the ones you love is a good way to generate happiness. It's a psychological exercise that should be done regularly for one to often be happy.

At the same time, receiving that kindness and love goes a long way in making one happy. The same goes for making money. Having a means to be comfortable not only means that one can meet ones needs, but also take care of others.

0E-8 BEE

you are so right my man, nothing beat the happiness that comes from putting smile on other's face....

1.7E-7 BEE

The moment someone lost what makes him or her happy she have lost everything and that is why we shouldn't make anything the source of our happiness because that thing might fail to make us happy someday

Happiness is a natural thing which we all have except we decided not to make ourselves happy

0E-8 BEE