Challenges are part of life lessons that we must not deprive our children

When my partner was discussing the future of our unborn kids, she said they are going to attend one of the best schools, the best she meant was expensive schools that cost like 300 thousand Naira upward per term, I only looked at her with one side eye because you and I did not attend such schools so what will our kids be doing there but I was not ready for that argument, I just keep listening lol.


I am not really against it but I believe that it is not the amount charged in a school that determines the quality of the school, some of those rich schools are just collecting big amounts of money from parents still some small schools teach better than them, so why waste money sending your child to such a school, some parents do it to feel among though but that is not me, no matter how rich I become in future, I won't waste money just to feel among.

My responsibility is to make life easier and more comfortable for my children, that is why am working so hard right now but the intention is not to make them useless, because if you overcare and over-provide for them, you are only teaching them to be dependent on you for the rest of their life which makes them a liability...

Challenges are what shape our future, so a life without one is meaningless.

When it comes to my kids, I will make sure to provide for them the things they need to be able to become independent, providing them a sound education, enrolling them in a vocational school as well to learn handiwork and after that their future lies in their hand, I will always be there to guide them on their choice but I would not be the one to make those choices for them.


One of the mistakes I would not let happen to my kids is to make them so dependent on me because that will affect them greatly in the future..

I left home at the age of 16 to hustle hard on my way, I did not even remember asking my parent for money like my siblings because I was not designed that way, I was more about working hard to be able to give them something and God made it possible for me... If I had relied on them and refused to leave the comfort of their house because life would be hard without them, then I wouldn't be where I am today.

I am going to set the same standard for my kids, teach them to be independent, and allow them to face their demons and challenges themselves but also I will make sure to help them with the tools needed to get things done...

Recently, during a discussion with one of my coursemates, I got to know that he has worked in different places for 7 years and he is good with computers, the place he is working right now only pay him 55k monthly and he wish he had a capital to start his own business, it is in this kind of situation that I will come in for my children, if they have something they would love to do, I will be the light to guide and provide their needs to make it a success.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

1.17929956 BEE

Ah! God when will I start discussing about my unborn kids with my partner o?😂 I agree with you, Sir. Pay­ing school fees doesn’t auto­mat­i­cally ensure a qual­ity edu­ca­tion. Our goal is to pro­vide stu­dents with every­thing they need to succeed. Sadly, not all these schools do that.

Again, I agree with you. Provide your kids with the important things they need, but don’t let them be too dependent. Teach them how to fish, too.

0.00368242 BEE

Lol. you can start today itself, you just need to pick one of those girls crushing on you😃

Provide your kids with the important things they need, but don’t let them be too dependent

that is it my man

0.00000000 BEE

That's right bro, it's not all about the school that's charging big amount of money but experience teachers matter's, teaching them to be independent is great.

0.00000000 BEE

yea, I will prefer a smaller school which is up to standard and security is assured for my kids

0.00000000 BEE

Taking away challenges from the lives of our children is like setting them up for failure in the future, because challenges gives them lives value lessons and experiences to deal with future one's and this also enhanced resilience and the likes.

0.00000000 BEE

That is it chief, they need to learn on their own as we their father did

0.00000000 BEE

I love your perspective and yes, there are some schools that accept huge bills but do not do their job as expected of the parents. Even though the money is available, children should still be allowed to face life on their own too, just to learn from it and be able to stand on their own when it happens. When the parents have given them the notion to depend on them fully, it will affect them later.

0.00000000 BEE

yea, they must learn too tho not in the hard way like we did lol

0.00000000 BEE

Yes, that's right.

0.00000000 BEE

Fostering independence in our children is a wise decision, that way, they will be better equipped to face the challenges life brings.

0.00000000 BEE

yea, the goal is for them to be independent

0.00000000 BEE

It's nice that you and ur partner are already discussing the future of your unborn kids... however, I agree with your viewpoint on this...we should give them a good life but not spoil them, rather allow them to face life challenges and learn alongside

0.00000000 BEE

not gonna happen, will make them see life as it is, I won't deprive them of my love too tho, they will get the best of it as long as it wont blur their vision

0.00000000 BEE

I love your opinion. I’m a woman though and the way we think is that we want our kids to go to the best schools😅
So be it!

0.00000000 BEE

I will not let your way of thinking to spoil my kids😋

0.00000000 BEE

I agree with you. I think we should not make them dependent on ourselves.
I want to make a empire but I don't want it for my family. I want if for myself. If I can make it then I think my kids will make it too. So I think I don't need empire to make my child to be a self-dependent person.

0.00000000 BEE

the prayer of every parent is for their children to be greater than them

0.00000000 BEE

Most schools charge huge amounts of money from parents as a child's school fee, sometimes I wonder if the school was made in heaven😁😁.

You are very correct and I agree with you, no matter how much we love our children and would want the best for them, that doesn't mean, we should over-pamper them.

0.00000000 BEE

as in, 1.2 million naira for secondary school, what happen!

they need to learn about life in their way too, it will make them strong

0.00000000 BEE

0.00000000 BEE

It’s the bombastic side eye for me. You will still pay sha.😂😂

I remember telling someone I don’t ask my parents for money not because I don’t need money but I just don’t like to ask people for stuff and this person told me I had pride.😂

Since leaving home, I’ve been through a lot my parents don’t even know about. It’s not that I can’t just call them to sort things out for me but I want to feel the fulfilment after I handle everything the right way. Some people will not be able to relate to this.

0.00000000 BEE