You find joy in what you are doing if you get a very good result at the end of the day. This is one of the major thing that helps us keep moving: results. But when you have worked very hard and nothing to show for it, you get discouraged.
Hello beautiful friends. Welcome back again for week edition. This is week 157 and edition 01. And for this episode, the topic is so wonderful. Efforts= Results. I love the topic because sometimes when you see some people get discouraged in what they are doing, it is because of results. If you work like an elephant and the result is as little as rat, you will not want to continue with what you are doing. You will prefer to stay idle instead of doing such work.
Using what happened to me as a very good example for this topic. Five years back my husband and I decided to go into farming because the hunger was becoming too much and there was no money to take care of the kids. When we finalized that we want to on into farming, we meet someone who has landed, ask for some parts of his land and he was kind enough to give to us. We started the farm that year, though it wasn't easy for us because we have never embarked on farming. We had to call people to do the main farming for us while we monitor the work. It took us months before we got use to the business of farming. Thank God we did because that year people bought food stuff very expensive in the market. For me it was a time of learning new things. Though I became very sick at the end of the exercise.
We had a very good time in the farm that year. It wasn't just about us but even the people close to us had enough food to eat that year. We planted maize, beans, yam, soyabean and few other things. The harvest was massive. It was so good that every one around that village was just talking about our farm. The food took the whole family for a very long time.
We were so happy that we used that same energy for another year. The result was also okay. But after two years, we did not get the same result because Fulani men entered the farm with their cows and cleared all that we planted that year. It continued that we couldn't go back to that village to farm again. That is the reason why I said that sometimes when people don't get the needed results, it brings discouragement.
In conclusion, whenever people put in their efforts to work, a good results is needed to encourage them to do more. But sometimes we can still encourage ourselves even when we did not get the results that we seek.
Thanks for hopping in. Your comments will be highly appreciated.
Just imagine you didn't go into the farming but sat and wished that things change, I bet hunger would have taught you some lesson and those who benefited because of that decision you made, wouldn't have gotten that privilege
It is great that you were able to harvest so much. You must have worked hard.