Everyday is Monday

Every day is another day!

Waking up each day is just another day to keep up with the hustle of life. At times, it seems inevitable that we will be left with no choice but to live on.

The past few weeks I have been off at my workplace. Despite that, I still have to keep it going like it doesn’t seem to have an end. I thought I should take my time to rest and relax, and regain myself, and the lost energy from the previous work time. But I think it went the other way around.

I realized that my inactivity made me feel sick of myself. I just want to be at work and keep myself actively doing what I love to do. I don't think it's all about the money, maybe money is just a part of it, but I have found it as a norm to keep myself busy with it.

It's not always as interesting or fun as I have always imagined. But the reality about it is that there are times when I get tired and burned out.

I remembered a time when I tried to breed multiple times but I kept failing. I blamed my efforts and why I chose that path, I felt the frustration and even felt like giving up. The worst part of it is that I keep spending in loss. Nothing to show for persistence.

My brother also came home a few days ago. He works with a logistics company, he has a lot of files to attend to. Our discussion was mainly about the stressful aspects of his job. He felt like giving up on the job, but he had no choice. No matter what he still has to keep it going.

I came to realize that everyone, no matter the nature of the job, sometimes feels burned out. There are times when they will be so happy with their work, and there are times when they experience the other side of it.

A stressful day

Today I have been thinking about how to get a Broodstock for breeding. I just can’t sit idle having nothing to do all day. So I had to find a way to make sure I got it by all means. Thinking about how to get it alone is stressful, but nothing compared to getting a better result in the end.

I finally met with a farmer who got what I needed. Now it is left to get in touch with the farmer. We negotiated the price and then I realized that the cost of it was so expensive but I was left with no choice. I will have to travel for hours to get to his location.

Procrastination was about to hold me down. It’s another battle I have to face again. I summoned some courage and took to the journey. A couple of hours I got to his farm and made the transaction which came out to be swift.

Back home again. I still have to face some other parts of the work, prepare for the breeding session, clear and wash the ponds, fumigate, and have other apparatus in place. That would be all for the night. A stressful day came to an end.

Waking up tomorrow is just a continuation of today’s work. I am tired but I need that strength to keep it going all day and night. That's just the sacrifice to pay to make money.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 155 Edition 1 and the topic to be discussed is WORKPLACE BURNOUT

Image from my device


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I can feel the frustration from here. Fish farming and agriculture in general is not as easy as people might think. I know people who own ponds and the losses they incur make me scared for them.
In all we do, we must rest, but keep on going. Welldone, bro.

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That’s just it. Take breaks, rest, but don’t give up.

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Many times we get so tired and want to rest but we don't get to rest because the work isn't complete yet. I'm sure you might still have work after tomorrow.

You were talking about fish right, what breed ?

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Yeah. There is still work everyday. Till the production cycle ends.

And the breed is catfish hybrid

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