Determination Determines Success.

Sometimes I ponder about life, the mystery, challenges, opportunities, difficulties, easiness, and success we encounter on our journey. Sometimes all of these remain inevitable in one’s existence.

Most of the time, we think that hard work and effort equal success. It might not be that way in the real sense. The same type of work you embarked on is what many others have been doing over the years, but only a few made it to the top.

At times we think it's all about years of experience in a certain field that determines the level of success there. That's a capital NO. But it's just a factor that adds to the credibility and level of accomplishment in a certain field.

Working smart is way different from working hard. Smart workers have theirs in the easiest and simplest means which would bring about a better result than those who chose to work harder. Working hard pays, but it's best to embrace how to work smart.

I went to Lagos yesterday and I was pleased to have a sight of the Eleganza showroom and warehouse. I wasn’t much amazed about what they produced, but I was amazed about how far and how much effort the founder must have put into the business before he could attain such height and remain in the market over the years. I think he got his results equal to or way beyond his efforts.

The challenges of life keep surfacing, many of which we try to avoid and strike a balance between them. Even as a blogger there is this challenge of getting a result equal to your efforts.

There are times when you put a lot of effort into making a post, then at the end of it you realize that the result you get at the end isn’t worth it. And there are times when you put in effort, and then get an awesome result that complements the effort. Lastly, there are times when you don't even put effort into some blogs but in the end, you realize that the results are way beyond the efforts.

The most common one is that your efforts equal your result and the other two happen in rare cases.

I remember a time when I was in university. I was in my first year, and little did I know about how the university operates, i didn't know what it takes to study for exams, and I had no one to guide me and tutor me on the consequences of not being serious with my academics. All I had on my mind was it would be as easy as that of secondary school days.

I sat for my first semester exams after I read the little way I could. I never attended many classes, but in the end, I had to sit for the exams. When I got to the hall, all I was answering was nothing related to what I read. I knew I had failed already. I was just sitting on the tip of hope if luckily I might pass with the answer gambling I did.

The results were out and I failed in flying colors.

If I fail the next semester then I am facing all the way home. I have to meet up with the CGPA cut-off, and I already wasted my first semester. All I had was the last semester to decide my fate.

I tried my best, made friends with serious-minded people, attended classes back to back, visited the library to read and explore more, practiced, and solved a lot of questions. I realized the effort was totally different from the one I had in my first semester.

When it was time for the examination, I had to stay up in night classes to revise before going to the exam hall the next day. The vibes I got while having the exams were way different from the last one I did. I was so positive to the extent that I predicted my results before they were out.

When the results came out. I was so impressed and glad that I even did better than the prediction I made. I got my CGPA above the cut-off mark which granted me a crossover to the next level.

Had it been I didn’t put in any effort I am very sure that I won't be able to make it to the next level. Many didn’t and they were dismissed from the school premises. Since then I have realized that determination really determines success and also you can always have a result that is equal to your efforts.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in the hive-learners community for the Week 157 Edition 1 and the topic to be discussed is EFFORTS = RESULTS

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0.19032073 BEE

Imagine him saying he failed in flying colors πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ nonsense blogger 🀣🀣🀣

That was how it was during mine too. No one told me to buckle up in my second semester exam and the experience I had with most of my exams in first semester taught me lessons not to play with University courses again. Thank God I didn't fail just like you πŸ˜‘ I only had Ds then but everything changed with my effort and yes, God's.

0.00102573 BEE

So D is not fail πŸ˜‚. Be playing. That’s part of the flying colors. Where do you put ABC? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚.

We are grateful for life and progress. No effort is wasted.

0E-8 BEE

I failed in flying colors. You’re one funny person.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

As they say , it’s easier to fail than to pass but it’s important to do better after every downfall.

0.00102771 BEE

Well said my Ghana crush. πŸ˜‚. All the way to Accra as soon as I do better and my better best

0E-8 BEE

I’m waiting for you.

0.00000000 BEE

The results were out and I failed in flying colors.

Hahaha 🀣🀣🀣🀣
I couldn't hold the laughter when I read this part

Abd, so failure also have flying colors ? Lmao πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Wow...I love the end point of your's good you adjusted, added more effort, worked smartly and achieved an admirable result

You too was happy seeing your grades...that's nice πŸ™‚

0E-8 BEE

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚. It had a lot of flying colors oo. Especially red color πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Yes ma. The end was impressive and I am glad I did put in more efforts. Thank for stopping by ma.

0E-8 BEE