This is My Coffee Cup



Let me just start off by mentioning that I have absolutely no scientific data to prove any of what I'm about to say! lolol

That being said the short version of this post is that it MATTERS what cup you drink your coffee out of and much like my title suggested, this is MY coffee cup, there are many like it, but this one is mine! Once science catches up to the mysteries of our dark, luxurious beverage I will totally vindicated in my assessment that using the same cup every day to drink your coffee with definitely make it taste better.




I have long held true to this belief in one cup for them all, but it was recently revisited in a deep and philosophical discussion with some co-workers early in the week and you can guarantee that the people prone to my profession are the ultimate experts in the consumption of coffee! Although there were one or two voices of dissention, the overwhelming consensus was thorough support for my one-cup hypothesis (which was no surprise to me!). This thought process continued as I was off work Wednesday and Thursday but was unable to head out to my local coffee house to get some writing done, so I was forced to further contemplate this one-cup concept as all of my coffee consumption over the last two days would be from the comfort of my home office and my Keurig pumping out cup after cup. In support of my concept, each cup that was consumed from the same cup was better and better until I was compelled with a passionate obsession to write about it to better enlighten my fellow're welcome...loolololol.

At this point, I am so thoroughly convinced of the validity of this theory that I have even forgone the regular washing of my cup and basically treat it as a vintage cast iron skillet that has become perfectly seasoned with the delicate elements of the coffee flavor palette. Just a rinse and another indulgence ensues! Now, of course, I can't expect this level of dedication from most hobbyist coffee consumers, but I know you hardcore coffee enthusiasts understand completely!

So, what's your take? Same cup or no? Am I right in this analysis or are you wrong? lolololl Let me know in the comments and thank you so much for taking the time to read my humorus musings. Remember I love you all and you each have a vault of worth and value!

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0.03573931 BEE

My cup of coffee is small compared to yours haha. I believe that each person can have their own cup of coffee; as long as we are satisfied with it.

0.00038378 BEE

The older I get the larger my cups get...lololol I guess I just need much more coffee as I age! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and to comment!

0E-8 BEE

As they say, it's not the size of the.... cup, it's how you use it hahaa

0E-8 BEE

Hello @papacrusher,

Here are two photos: One is of my insulated Stanley flask, and the other is of my regular coffee mug.

I have my coffee black unsweetened daily, in my mug. Yesterday, I prepared a lovely cup of coffee in my French Press and decided to drink my coffee from the Stanley flask, because I was sitting outside and I cannot drink my coffee once it changes temperature, so I needed it to remain hot.

I took one sip, second sip, and by the third sip, I poured all the coffee away.

It's not the first time though. I just cannot drink my coffee from metal.

It's psychological!

I do agree with you, that having coffee from the same cup every day makes a difference. I think it's the same for tea cups:)

Her post make me smile:)

0E-8 BEE

and by the third sip, I poured all the coffee away.

😮 oh no!

I am not a fan of drinking out of metal or plastic, it is just not the same, so I make an inferior drink.

7E-8 BEE

Yes, the same for plastic too 😏

0E-8 BEE

so I needed it to remain hot.

You and me both!!! lolol I used to detest drinking out of the metal lined insulated cups, but now I am used to it and actually use it even when I am at home. I have a larger one (pictured in the post) for work and a smaller one I use at home. I still love a really heavy ceramic mug from time to time, especially if I'm drinking Irish Breakfast Tea or at a restaurant.

3.0E-7 BEE

Oh, wow! How did I not know that there is an Irish Breakfast tea?! I wonder what's the main difference in taste compared to the English one? Now you have me very curious.

0E-8 BEE

As soon as I read. "Let me just start off by mentioning that I have absolutely no scientific data to prove any of what I'm about to say! lolol"

I was hooked and after my contemplation of your hypothisis I hold my chin and nod in concerence. I enjoy my coffee from one cup too, I can also go days with only giving it a quick rinse to prepare it for the new day of drinking. But, sadly it gets stolen from me and thrown into the dishwasher like a sorry drunk from the pub.

I have to say though, those couple of days of dried coffee grime I think do add something to it.

Haha loved the post.


0E-8 BEE

lol Well I didn't want there to be any misrepresentation of my hypothesis in progress. People tend to jump to conclusions without firm conclusions being firmly in place. lolol

Thanks for coming by and commenting!

0E-8 BEE

I have more than one mug that I use and as long as not from plastic or metal I don't really mind which mug.

0E-8 BEE

I can respect that, I could not drink from metal at first, but now I am used to it and use it all the time. Thanks for commenting!

0E-8 BEE

Once you get used to it, then am sure it is fine, and glad you like it now😁

0E-8 BEE
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