Liotes onboarding project

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Today's mission is special and we would be very grateful if you could take part. In the video, we have tried to present our idea for the Liotes onboarding project and we hope that it's understandable. If things are not clear, feel free to use the comment section for questions. Basically, we would like to get your feed-back in respect to this idea.

Please share with us your feed-back, your ideas, your suggestions regarding the liotes onboarding project presented in the video

People who submit an answer will get 3 credits for the Liotes ranking. If you submit more than 1 answer, you will not get more credits.

We are very grateful if you enter the challenge within 24 hours after the post is published. We will try to count entries up to 36 hours after publication.

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A project run by @ph1102 and @achim03


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1.84340513 BEE

When you tell that you want to make a funnel website, I remember my past self as a penny pincher on PTC and GPT websites 😂. It was a lot of fun tho I don't have any referrals because I'm bad at that 😜. I remember a GPT website that taught me about crypto called Click2Dad. There's a one-page to learn about blockchain with llama videos in it 😂. It also has many things to do there such as:

  • Paid-to-Click Ads
  • Paid-to-Watch Videos
  • Paid-to-Chat
    *There's a chatbox for users while waiting for other things to do and they get paid 1 satoshi for every few chats in a day. I usually chat with other penny pinchers here.
  • Paid-to-Read Emails
  • Paid-to-Sign Ups
  • Paid-to-Do a task
    and many more that I don't know what to call it 😂

Tho the withdrawal is really slow as they already tell on the FAQ, It's legit to me until the site is closed suddenly. It's fun to talk and gain more knowledge there. Click2Dad was up in the years when Bitcoin was illegal in some countries and the price is not as high as today. I already expected that and I didn't deposit any money. Most people said it was a scam because they lost money on closing and most of them reached the support with the outcome of their account being closed (suspended). Well, I never reach the support and just wait patiently. The last payment was coming tho it needs a long time.

Back to Liotes onboarding project, I think your idea to create a funnel website is good and I hope it will work out like Click2Dad in its glory with all tasks that they give to free users to get money. A page to learn about HIVE is really a must. We know that crypto prices are unstable so I think you must think of that if you'll run payments in HIVE or other crypto like you said about implementing a swap system too. Everything should be calculated. The support system should be better than C2D. I think C2D was in a state where when you try to tell them as a scam indirectly, they will really scam you like what you want 😂. Also, security tech is needed 👍. I hope it'll long live like I don't know if it's still alive or not today. The good thing is while others are having a problem with a withdrawal fee, I think with the HIVE blockchain that problem is easily solved. !LOL

I hope you will make a good one by learning from other websites that look like what you want to build. !PIZZA

0.00036232 BEE

I swapped our double bed for a trampoline without telling my wife.
She really hit the roof!

Credit: reddit
@liotes, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cursephantom



0.00000000 BEE

First, thanks a lot for your great comment.
There are now websites that integrate all these services and they pay in crypto. That would be the first step and then we would market Liotes to these people and bring them on chain.

0.03179164 BEE

Referrals and affiliates are a mixed bag. They do bring in people but whether it manages to retain them are another matter. However, I do think this has as good a chance as any out there at succeeding.

All projects on HIVE should look outwards in attracting people to their own projects and thus bring them into HIVE, rather than cannibalise the internal HIVE population itself. I think it's trying to squeeze water from a rock now for the numerous attempted projects I've seen trying to get funds from the rather jaded HIVE audience at this point.

0.00036028 BEE

rather than cannibalise the internal HIVE population itself

If the hive ecosystem just lives on the existing members it simply doesn't have much potential to grow. Every new user is a potential ambassador and if we manage to open the door to the outside of the ecosystem, I believe it can only be beneficial.

0.00000000 BEE

I find any kind of idea that can add more value to Hive viable, based on what I’ve managed to understand. I have limited understanding of English, and videos sometimes aren't very clear to me, so my feedback on this matter would be a possible publication through text. Perhaps this way it would be more understandable for me and others who aren’t as familiar with the language :)

0.00034768 BEE

Thanks a lot for the feed-back. In the future, we will try to make a text version available for such discussions.

0.00000000 BEE

hmmm, I'll be direct here...

It seems like you are trying to make use of your skillsets from web 2.0 and trying to connect this into HIVE onboarding... You will put too many efforts through this new idea and what the project gain will be a lot less than what you will have spent in efforts, funds, and times. In the end this will put a lot of strain on both of you, lot lot lot of burden more than what you have endured from this Liotes project.

I like the idea of LIKETU, Actifit, and Leo Thread which they try to adopt not a heavy blogger type, however most of them got labeled as spammers and driven out by people. That's the missing link that I could not even define how it should be.

I know this sounds harsh but it's a honest opinion not tailored words to make everyone happy.

0.00034670 BEE

The idea is not to attract people who would spam the chain. They would post some things on threads to get started and to get a hive account. In a second step we would introduce them into the liotes ecosystem and put rather the financial advantages of liotes forward.

0.00000000 BEE

I like the idea of integrating Hive seamlessly among the options to earn crypto in a funnel. One problem I see with this. When searching Google with the key phrase "how to earn crypto", it returned roughly 135m results. Maybe the funnel should target smaller niches, or it risks not to get picked up through the noise and the intense competition.

0.00034637 BEE

That's a very good point and it's difficult to compete in such a broad field. I was thinking to go towards something more specific like "the liotes income machine" and rather market an idea than something too general ;-).

0.00123692 BEE

It could work but depends a lot on the target audience(s).

0.00000000 BEE
  1. It looks to me like a traffic exchange with crypto ads. In Web 2, it worked somehow, but you had to generate really huge traffic. For example, for a couple of thousand users, only one gave an email, and only for a couple of hundred emails, only one really signed up. These are some approximate ratios.
  2. CTP (click-track-profit) had something similar with Larry is here, but I don't think it works anymore.
  3. it all looks very complicated to me; online courses are very complex if you want quality preparation and to teach someone something and that someone is ready for it, because if you wish to some pay, it's bad traffic, users are only interested in clicking and nothing else
  4. I think it's a good idea with the slogan "How to earn crypto." Maybe you should have a page—I forget what it's called now—where if you click, you get something from a token, for example, LEN, and if you want to cash it in, you have to sign up to Hive. But that's complicated again, so I don't really know how to go about it. Maybe it's too ambitious all in all.
0.00034602 BEE

Thanks a lot for your great comment.

I went through traffic exchanges and it's kind of a dead world. So we wouldn't go there. We would create a squeeze page where people can enroll for a free online course. This course would be quite small with maybe 6 - 10 lessons. In these lessons, people would learn how to earn cryto and how liotes could help them to grow their income. To market this course, we would rather use web2.0 tools like instagram and tiktok.

0.00000000 BEE

ugh, I don't have an account there ... only Twitter; I used to have FB, but they banned me...

0.00000000 BEE

Lots of explanation on the idea, I like very much the idea of the courses, I thinks as its a total different method to earn, could be well received. It’s a different path to onboard, but looks easy for newbies, and that’s way is needed at the beginning. Gonna watch the video again to get more on the idea .

0.00034576 BEE

When I remember how people came to Splinterlands, the number 1 reason was that they could earn money. Financial incentive is probably the best attractor in the crypto world and then it should be very simple to understand and to do. Thanks a lot for your feed-back!

0.00000000 BEE

These are great plans, especially with the onboarding funnel which markets Hive indirectly. I like this a lot. It could potentially attract people who are searching or looking for opportunities to earn crypto :)

0.00034437 BEE

We believe that hive is complicated and not everybody wants to be a blogger or a curator. However, we have many other aspects on hive that are easy to join like creating threads, delegating hive power, staking in diesel pools for which hive is actually pretty great because it doesn't have any transaction costs.

0.00000000 BEE

This sounds like a good idea. It sounds like you have thought it through pretty well. I think it will be pretty tough sledding at the beginning, but as with most things, if you stay consistent with it and keep working at it, I think it could pay dividends down the road.

0.00034384 BEE

I'm sure this will not be an easy project to run but if we don't try we won't know whether it works or not. The idea would be to promote liotes, bring people into the community and grow our ecosystem.

0.00000000 BEE

That idea is sound interesting, although I am not really good at funneling or doing any type of referral things, but I do hope things will be doing great on the project.
What can I offer is that my help to them that has been onboarded through liotes program.

0.00034318 BEE

@liotes, @ekavieka(2/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

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0.00000000 BEE

Chuck Norris once went on a bicycle ride
and accidentially won the Tour de France.

Credit: blumela
@liotes, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ekavieka



0.00000000 BEE

I think that there will be a space for everybody to play their strenghts. We are quite a big community and everybody has different skills and we want people to do what they like :-)

0.00000000 BEE

Courses are good but they must provide value to the person who hires them or otherwise they will not be in sufficient demand.

0.00032779 BEE

In the first instance the course would be free of charge but you are totally right that such a course must offer an added value for somebody to take part in it.

0.00000000 BEE

I'm not good at active marketing, I'm afraid I can't contribute to this mission. The idea of the courses is fine, but I don't know if people will be willing to pay for them.

0.00032748 BEE

The courses that we would propose would be free to join. Only at a later term there might be paid courses for more advanced knowledge :-)

0.00000000 BEE

Hmm to be honest, not too familiar with these stuff. I think it's worth a try but I am not sure how effective ads are (because I always skip them when I see them on Youtube).

0.00031216 BEE

We don't really plan to use any type of ads. I don't believe in them either. The idea is to create course that people can join and then get introduced to liotes.

0.00898749 BEE

Ah I see, I got it wrong. I need to get myself familiarised with these stuff. Maybe it will be clearer at a later stage.

0.00000000 BEE

It sounds interesting. It will be a win to me as long it gets even a few new regular HIVE users. :)

0.00030849 BEE

New hive users are great and new liotes users are even better :-)

0.00000000 BEE

Well, to be honest, I don't understand many videos that are made in English, but from what I could understand and reading people's comments, I saw people talking about affiliates and ADS, so I'm not sure if that's what was said, but, regarding onboarding, as someone who has already invited about 10 people and none of them stayed, what I can say is that the "earn money/participate" format by posting, in the blog style, scares people too much.

They don't see themselves writing 400 or 500 words, which is considered a "quality post" to get amounts that are often less than $1.

So I think we need to reinforce the use of simpler frontends that are more similar to web2, such as Liketu and Inleo's threads, to then present the blogs. Even though I'm an advocate of quality posts, with each passing day I see that Hive will have to abandon this idea of ​​"500-word posts" if it wants to attract and retain new users.

0.00013868 BEE

I totally agree with your point. People are not natural bloggers and it took me a lot of time to actually start posting stuff.

On Hive, we have also many other ways to earn like using short form messaging, commenting or simply investing. We actually want to promote the Liotes ecosystem and all the ways you can earn with it in the first place. So that we would attract a much broader audience.

The success of Splinterlands was that you could earn money playing a game. The financial incentive is what works best to attract people in the crypto sphere. Liotes offers many ways to earn and that's what we would want to promote.

0.00000000 BEE

I'm a bit out of touch with the advertising click through rates or referral programs, but I'm thinking the payouts from that might be on the low side. Still, that being said, I do think it is a good idea to try to come up with ways to increase the value of the project.

0.00012100 BEE

It's totally true that such sites don't offer big returns. However they allow to earn crypto within seconds without having to do much. The idea is to make these people then transfer this income to Liotes and to start building in our ecosystem.

0.00000000 BEE

I think it's a nice idea but I would also give people different options. For example, Splinterlands and other applications that can earn them income. I think it might be a bit hard to involve gaming though because it requires some investment but I think having more options would help appeal to more people.

0.00012082 BEE

You are right that we want to attract people and offer them a way to generate an income. Liotes and hive is actually very good with that :-). If later on they want to join games, that is totally great too but I would like to have a free cost onboarding first.

0.00000000 BEE

Inleo had a similar idea when they created a competition where the first point was to create an account with inleo… then there was many missions in X, threads etc… the problem is that only people that were already in hive were participating… so thats the problem that you guys can face too… only the current people in hive/liotes participating on that.

0.00010384 BEE

Yes, this is the danger. We need to get out of our own ecosystem and attract people from there. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.

0.00000000 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@ekavieka(2/5) tipped @liotes
cursephantom tipped liotes

0.00000000 BEE

You could also do some progress tracking mentoring with a subscription or something similar.

0.00000000 BEE