An Opinion About Gambling

Gambling has exists since the early days and for various reasons, this kind of activity will not stop because the people will enjoy themselves doing it but in reality, they were the one that has been cheated by it.


Gambling has now change from the early days up until today while before, you can see gamblers and gambling's in reality but now it is digital where you can gamble anywhere you go because you only need to tap tap tap on your phone.

Why does this people gamble?

Maybe for some reason, these people gamble for entertainment because they love to satisfy themselves in a form of gambling but there were people that gambles because they want to get lots of money when they win, there are also people that gambles for fun, and etc.

We might not know what's their real reason about gambling but one thing is for sure, gambling is really addictive that once you start doing it, you can not stop it directly because it's really addicting about winning cash and stuffs.

You can see in any casinos that there were no windows that you can see from inside because they want you to gamble and gamble but in reality, they will drain your money to nothing.


Gambling is fun if you are really lucky that you always win but that's not the case for every person because there will be a time that they lose money from gambling.

In fact, I experience on gambling before and to tell you honestly, at first it's really fun because you will enjoy your time from where I play and also, I will be happy during that hour and minutes of gambling. I will be happy if I win that I will play again and again because I won the game but if I lose the game in gambling, I will regret on why did I gamble and lose the money that I had.

I will go over to my room and thinking about what could I buy with those money that I lost from gambling and I think I will get an instant regret from gambling that I could ever imagine. Like, I could buy foods, stuffs, and other things that I like instead of losing it all from gambling.

I learned my lesson from that incident and it's not easy to stop gambling but I will stop myself from tempting to gamble because it's really hard to earn money these days that I have my family now and what could I feed them If I will lose money out of gambling, it will create some disputes from my family itself.


So, instead of gambling, I will keep myself busy at all times because there were lots of people that keeps you pushing on gambling and I think that's really bad for them to push me on gambling.

The best way is to talk with the family and buy stuffs that are needed for my family like making myself busy for them and that's the only way for me not to gamble and thinking that I poured my sweat from work for the money that I got.

Maybe the only thing that I could give them advice for those people who gambles a lot is that don't gamble on what you can't afford because that may be the reason for a family problems or getting yourself in a bad situation.




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The mental implications of gambling is more than the money lost, I have read stories of people who developed mental illness as a result of gambling.

It's sad gambling has gone beyond entertainment today, it's now a source of livelihood for many people across the world.

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