My Cleaning Activity for Today 27th Feb.

Good day, dear friends of the #cleanplanet community feels good to share my cleaning activity with everyone today. Today's clean activity was another kind of wet cleaning activity because rain fell yesterday and most of the trash was all wet and water splashed all over.
After engaging in most house chores, I saw the need to move out to have my street cleaned up and I did
that as I proposed so with my cleaning activity materials I moved out which were my cleaning
bag, gloves, and trash can full.
I headed to the street and had the area cleaned up. Here are the photos of my clean activity today:

Before I engaged in my cleaning activity today, I already planned my day knowing that today was going to be a school activity-filled day because I have a lot of things to do in school, most of the practical ones I have in school are to be concluded today and so
a lot of things to do in school today meaning I may probably not be coming home in the early evening and postponing my cleaning activity this morning would have meant that
I will miss it because if I return late in the evening, I won't be able to carry out my
cleaning activity. So I already planned my day knowing that it wouldn't be possible in the evening, that made me do my cleaning activity this morning and then I tried my best to also post it on Hive this morning because by the time I got to school today, it's going to be busy and moving from one lab to another
for practicals and that won't give me a chance to make my post which might leave me posting my cleaning activity which I did in the morning later in the evening, so I tried my best to do my activity this morning and also posted it this morning.
In today's clean activity, I used my gloves to gather a lot of trash and I tried my best to put that trash inside the trash bag, gather them together and move them to the trash can. Just like I often say in my posts, "a clean activity without proper disposal is more like doing nothing" so I tried my best to properly dispose of all the trash I gathered in the waste can and after that, I had myself freshened up and then returned to the rest of the house chores.
So this is just a little on my clean activity today. I wish to do another activity probably tomorrow or next and I'll share it with the Clean Planet community and everyone in the Hive.

Enjoy your day friends and I hope that
Most of us will also join the clean planet community and embark on the mission of making our planet as clean as possible.
Thank you so much for stopping by enjoy your day once again.

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