Resuelto el caso del secuestro del Niño Jesús [ES-EN]


Este pasado fin de semana, secuestraron al Niño Jesús de un belén del municipio de San Vicente del Raspeig en Alicante (España). Para su liberación exigían el pago de 2000€. Por suerte ya ha sido liberado y el niño está sano y salvo con María y José. El caso ha sido resuelto.

Hoy mientras hacía unas fotos al belén que han puesto en la plaza del ayuntamiento de Alicante, pensaba: "con este no se atreven. O vienen con un camión o lo tienen crudo" 😂😂

English version

This past weekend, the Baby Jesus was kidnapped from a nativity scene in the municipality of San Vicente del Raspeig in Alicante (Spain). For his release they demanded the payment of 2000€. Fortunately he has been released and the child is safe and sound with Mary and Joseph. The case has been solved.

Today while I was taking some photos of the nativity scene that they have put in the town hall square in Alicante, I was thinking: "they don't dare with this one. Either they come with a truck or they have a hard time"😂😂

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