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RE: Project deleted

I didn't get angry and I didn't insult you , I just said that for me you didn't read the whole post , because you would have known that a lot more info would be coming in the next few days on the official profile and I can't spoil everything in the first post otherwise I lose the HYPE of everything , I want to give it some time , it will be a project that will have different methods of earning and most importantly I will only pocket 5% of what will be sold the rest will be totally invested in the project , I myself will not have HDTs with me but if I want them I will have to buy them , in the future there will be other rewards in the form of second level TOKEN , in short we have a lot of ideas in our heads but I can't say them all because it takes time and I don't want to spoil everything right away. The first step will be to put everything in HP , we want to 100% support our users at the beginning who will find themselves with small votes for the few HP we have available , however I'm already working on a trail that you can follow to increase even more earnings as well as a system of delegation to earn more and more HDT so as to also increase the number of HP in the account , I know that so it may seem like a project based on a shit coin but I assure you that it is not so!

And before I send the message I want to apologize if you felt offended it was definitely not in my plans and above all I behaved unprofessionally!

Any criticism is welcome if taken to improve!

0E-8 BEE

Okay so you want to hype before people even know what they're getting all hyped up about. Interesting.

And yes I read the part about you skimming 5%. Relax.

How about this. When you actually get around to doing the most important thing, as in, providing the details, I'll be there. The things you're scrambling to tell me now, can wait. You even said you don't want to spoil the fun.

I'm not offended. You are. Calm down. Get your ducks in a row. We'll talk then.

0E-8 BEE