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RE: Project deleted

Okay so you want to hype before people even know what they're getting all hyped up about. Interesting.

And yes I read the part about you skimming 5%. Relax.

How about this. When you actually get around to doing the most important thing, as in, providing the details, I'll be there. The things you're scrambling to tell me now, can wait. You even said you don't want to spoil the fun.

I'm not offended. You are. Calm down. Get your ducks in a row. We'll talk then.

0E-8 BEE

Advertising is essential if you allow, however in 1/2 days the precise details of how the votes will work based on the number of HDTs you have in your wallet, which must not be staked and therefore each person can when they want to. sell at 9.99999 HIVE to make us understand, I will earn from these tokens only in the first sale, from then on I will not earn anything ...

However, 5% is the minimum I have seen on this blokchain and it will be used above all to cover small costs as a server, programmer and more and of course I would also like to take a small part as I think it is right.

And anyway I am very calm, indeed I am pleased that someone criticizes the project so as to know what the problems may be that my eye cannot see.

0E-8 BEE