Why Is the grind getting harder?


From my 2020 photo collection

As a young school leaver, I did not pay many bills; I lived with my aunt, who paid about 30% of the feeding bills, though I also paid about 20 to 25% of my salary at the time. I had a mobile Nokia phone, but I barely paid my Internet bills.

I had a deal with my boss back then: he paid my Internet bills, and I wore the clothes of my cousin, who also lived with my aunt.

Life was not easy; we earned almost nothing, but it was not difficult to live a moderate life, and we were happier despite not being able to afford any form of luxury.

Is life is as easy?

No, why?

Life became more difficult for me when I turned 25, though it is still not as difficult as it is now, but I recall that being between the ages of 25 and 28 was a wake-up call.

The realization that we needed to work harder or risk capitulating. I lost my parents, my aunt lost her husband and source of income, and my cousin moved out of the house because he was 30 and wanted a better life.

Then I began to incur medical expenses, health problems became common, and life seemed more difficult.

Then rents began to rise, food became the new digital gold, and inflation began to erode the country's native currency. In 2017, I was working when I became ill and was bedridden for more than three weeks.


I took this wonderful picture on my iPhone 12 in 2022, together with the first one. A true definition of paycheck to paycheck

Paycheck to paycheck

Apparently, I realized that you can not live paycheck to paycheck anymore. Salaries increased by only 20% in seven years, while the cost of living increased by more than 200%.

The risk with the job was that medical expenses could eat up all of your earnings in six months, assuming you save enough. That was when I resigned the jobs and basically started doing other stuffs on the side.

Back then, not having a 9 to 5 felt really bad on the surface, but it meant I did not have to constantly incur medical expenses due to my condition.

Living To Work

In reality, 90% of the world's population is arguably living to work and working to live; most of the time, this is not because money is becoming inherently smaller; rather, we incur default financial expenses that do not care whether we have the money or not.

Earning a living is defined as earning enough money to cover basic living expenses.

It doesn't makes sense

As we get older, the need for companionship grows, and while it is logical to stay alone throughout one's life and save money, people would rather incur these costs because they want to make meaning out of their lives.

Some of what we do is not financially logical; it does not make sense.

Things like paying a lot of money to see a movie at the cinema, eating out at expensive restaurants with a loved one or loved ones when we can easily cook at home, but what is the point of life if we do not spend our money to create meaningful memories?

Why do not we consider the financial consequences of our actions more often? This is because they appeal to us so much.

Life becomes meaningful when we do things that are not necessarily logical but make us happy.

Sometimes people spend a large portion of their earnings on drinking or ordering their favorite food simply to enjoy the essence of working.

They have had to deal with a nagging boss, a toxic working environment, low pay, and everything else, and all they want is to enjoy the taste of their money when they get paid.

Aside from these, life has become deceptively difficult.

Products made 20 years ago are more durable than those available today. Mobile phones from 2014 to 2018 were of the highest quality; today, phones do not come with chargers.

Samsung and Apple now manufacture mediocre phones and sell them for twice the price of better phones produced 7 to 8 years ago.

We now have subscription services such as Netflix and Amazon, and many people binge watch them on a monthly basis, despite the fact that these companies provide poor service.

However, as previously stated, all of these are necessary to keep people from falling into a depressive state. A little fun can keep people happy, and it is sometimes worthwhile to spend money on them.

As we get older, we realize we can not grind as much as we used to, and if we do not plan for periods like this, we may end up living a terrible life because we can not afford to grind anymore.

Whether we like it or not, life becomes more difficult as civilization advances. It is as if we need to do more to fill the void, earning less, spending more, and incurring debts to pay it forward, much like a massive ponzi scheme.

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Interested in some more of my works

Is it Easy To Make Money?
Nigeria: A Unique Business Market & Industry
Virtual Bank Apps In Nigeria: An Experience Of Gamification
How To Find The Next "BIG" Meme Coin
Personal Finance: Achieving Intentional "Saving" Goals
Playing The Survival Game: Human Nature In Introspection
"Un-PAYING" The Debt You Owe


0.19700383 BEE

I can see you really went through alot, if its woman she would have probably get married to save her the stress of hardship. However whatever problems we going through always makes us strong am glad everything is much better now compare to before

0.00162480 BEE

Well yes, some people see marriage as a escape to life problems and unfortunately the one who is spending the money is seen as the money bag. As for going through things, yrs, I have.

0E-8 BEE

Ml even our accestors have that kinda mentality about marriage... but its far beyond that

0E-8 BEE

I agree with your conclusions. The prices on things have gone up quite a lot compared to wages and living paycheck to paycheck will just not work out anymore.

0.00147860 BEE

It just feels as if people can continue to work and still not be able to afford any meaningful life. If they take their feet off the pedal then they'll begin to incur debts again.

0E-8 BEE

Products made 20 years ago are more durable than those available today.

I agree with you.
It's hard to come across authentic items these days. Everything including food, clothing, and appliances is far too expensive compared to the value they provide. Sometimes I wonder what could be the problem. Is it the cost of production? And why is money not circulating as it should?
Things are getting worse and the only way is to grind harder like you said, in the right direction too.

0.00026498 BEE

I think it's just that the evolution of life comes at a cost. The more we evolve, the more there extra expenses. Modernization comes with a lot of intricacies and of course, we have humans wanting to take advantage of their fellow humans. It's only gotten harder.

0E-8 BEE

Indeed, 90% of people do not enjoy life, they just work for life. Things are much more difficult when you find someone other than you who was born with a gold spoon in his mouth and does not need to work because of an inheritance or because his parents are rich.

0.00022082 BEE

There are less people with that much inheritance in life, the percentage is is probably low and that's just it.

0E-8 BEE

I am ready to sign under every word you say

giphy (1).gif


0.00017691 BEE

😃😃 I know.

0E-8 BEE
0E-8 BEE

I too find myself in the same conclusions as you. The more civilization advances, the more difficult life becomes. I like that you call yourself a HIVE maximalist. This is the first time I've seen a user do that.

0.00017046 BEE

I like that you call yourself a HIVE maximalist.

Yes, I call myself that because I'm always bullish about this place and I'm a big fan of whatever and everything we have and currently building in this space

0.00005151 BEE

Hey @josediccus, here is a little bit of BEER from @russia-btc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

0E-8 BEE

Throughout, as I was writing, the only thing I kept doing was signing hmmm. That moment when you have a lot to say but don't know where to start from. Hmmm. It's well

0E-8 BEE

Day cost average some of your HIVE profits to BTC for a financially secure future, is my non-financial advice. ;)

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

0E-8 BEE

Sometimes, I see it as standing on a quicksand, I can't risk staying stagnant(whatever that may mean) lest I get swallowed up by the sand. There's no firm ground to hold on to and rest, just have to keep moving forward without having any clue what the future holds lol. I think finding meaning through other aspects of life is a great thing, as it reduces the bleak reality of this trap of continuously working to live and living to work.

0E-8 BEE

they are capitalizing on those things that make us happy now... E.g Data

it is indeed logical to stay alone and save money but old age will tell on such a person, when it becomes difficult to move around and if unfortunately, such a person didn't earn enough to save him in old age, it becomes a big problem, we need companionship and our blood, so they can take care of us in our old age.

Sadly, in this world we are now, a mother can take care of 4 children but 4 children can't take care of their mum because they are still struggling to make ends meet.

0E-8 BEE

Once we graduate from school, to stand our lives becomes a very big challenge

0E-8 BEE