Bull-posting Yourself in Web 3



I saw a tweet from someone who said they were 17 and had just bought their first house. When I first saw this, I thought, "Wow, people make a lot of money in this space," but then I said, "Wait a minute."

So apparently this person is a forex trader who also does crypto part-time; I checked their timeline to see if they have been heavily involved in the big crypto projects that have recently rewarded people handsomely, but I did not find any.

They were not actively involved with the big boys who had recently made money, and they did not have many followers, so the money could not have come from massive influence, so I left the page.

I was surprised to check Twitter today and see that the story of this particular millionaire teenager was already trending. Apparently, many people conducted research on her and were not convinced she was telling the truth.

I am not sure why they wanted to do that, but I can see why. I believe that many people felt pressured that a teenager should do what they couldn't, and this sense of unfulfillment led many of them to dox her.

Personally, I was not sure whether she was telling the truth or lying. Anything was possible; she could have made a lot of money on one of her forex ventures and decided to buy or build a house.

There is no denying that anyone can strike it rich in this market, but people in CT felt that forex was just too unstable a financial venture that should net a 17-year-old that much money in such a short period of time.

They apparently felt she needed a lot of experience and expertise, and wondered if she had started trading forex at a young age.

Too much lies then it becomes fake, too much truth and it becomes boring

Today, someone posted that they made a million dollars in one year of being in web3. Another person asked the poster to show a screenshot of their wallet that they will give them $50,000 if they were telling the truth, and the original poster did not respond.

In reality what are lot of people are doing is bull-posting themselves. People celebrate success in real life, and they appreciate it even more when you say things like "I did it at 21."

Now, this is one of the simplest ways to attract people to you. People want life hacks or codes for quick riches, and those who provide them are the most followed people in the world.

For example, if me, with 800 Twitter followers 0$ in my pocket, but a fine camera, a few people I can borrow their cars or houses for pictures, then starts posting myself in a 2023 Mercedes, tagging a particular business for being behind my success, I'll easy grow my following to over 200k if not more in less than 6 months.

Bull posting is the most straightforward way to become a financial influencer. There are benefits to having a large following, whether in real life or on social media.

You can overcharge brands, launch a scam coin, sell your social page to a scam project, or sell your soul to the devil for quick cash.

However, it is difficult to grow by telling people the truth.

You mostly accomplish this by telling them catchy lies. Truth is truth, and there is nothing exciting about the truth; however, telling lies is interesting; people want to be fed with hope in this space, and they want to be respected for making so much money in such a short period of time.

However, some people have begun to do it in an absurd manner, indicating that they are clearly lying.

It begs the question: why would I claim to be wealthy when I am not? It looks and sounds bizarre; apparently, common sense should prevent anyone from doing this. However, people are sometimes under pressure to create the impression that they are doing well when they are clearly not.

It feels terrible to tell someone you have been hustling in the space for over three years and still have nothing; perhaps no one wants to keep failures as friends and all that. But I will not be ashamed to admit, "Oh, I failed." I do not care what they say to me. However, I realized I would be afraid to do so when I was 24, or 25.

Maybe inexperience?

When I was younger and had a breakup, the next thing I did was pretend I was not hurt and acted like everything was fine. In fact, I would post pictures of myself having fun to show my ex that I was doing well. Essentially, I was just bolstering myself.

Why? Apparently, I wanted my ex to feel bad, to show her what she was missing, and so on, but I was obviously not doing well. It is mostly what we have on CT now.

Let bygones be

However, I believe no one should go to great lengths to prove that anyone is lying about their accomplishments in a short period of time. Anyone can have it either quickly or slowly.

I understand that putting others under pressure is a bad thing, but there are ways to train your mind to never feel pressure no matter what you see or hear.

Personally, I thought that teenager was only trying to bull-post herself, and others took it seriously, even doxxing her.

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0.28390274 BEE

But on a serious note Joe, lots of teenagers in this era are doing the unthinkable just to get rich quicker by any means, and bragging about it on social media is one way they love telling the world that they have arrived... it is what it is and a big concern...the one I heard yesterday, my relative oo....I am still finding it hard to process the information

People are attracted by success stories, so I am not surprised if people fake anything on X to get more attention or followers but it just doesn't make sense to me...I prefer to be real, maybe try any other alternatives to increase my followers instead

understand that putting others under pressure is a bad thing, but there are ways to train your mind to never feel pressure no matter what you see or hear.

Talking about pressure, many folks has been dieing slowly due to unnecessary pressure... it's difficult to guide the mind after reading lots of teenagers making it over there when you have nothing to show for ur hustle after many years..lolz, but it's important to guard our heart still.

0.00030860 BEE

I only feel pressure when I cannot provide for my family. The money I can, what a 17 year old does, doesn't really affect me. Infact most of the time, isn't of pressure I felt motivated. So whether they've lied or not, the motivation I get is to always keep pushing. At least I've gained something positive.
However, it's becoming too much. I don't doubt that a 17 year old can build a house, but to do it with forex money, forex that's actually difficult most take someone to be a genius.

0.00000000 BEE

Messed up kids... Maybe she's looking for acceptance? Maybe she is rich? Who knows? To be honest, I don't care. That is my attitude around a lot of these stories anymore, and I avoid most social media as well. I think it's great when people have success, I'm happy for them. But one year you can be on top of the world and the next your can be broker than broke...

0.00026483 BEE

I think it mattered for those in has cycle, as they were getting pressured of people who are buying houses and cars. For me and you it doesn't matter to us and we don't care and it doesn't affect us. Too many sucess stories out there and some people aren't having it. You're right. Anyone can make it today and go broke tomorrow

0.00034666 BEE

I've seen it too many times in my life... One of my dad's good friends would be a millionaire for years and then be broke for a few, then a millionaire again and down to broke. In crypto it's the same, people make a fortune then lose it. The one thing I know from life is that if you make a fortune cash out. Don't gamble any more and enjoy your life!

0.00017645 BEE

Been seeing such stories being a millionaire in their teens quite rampant lately. Though we cannot remove the fact that it is possible these days, but the majority is like a trap created by them either to lure more people to join their community or promote a scam.

I recall a Youtuber sharing their millionaire status, but later as people investigated the said person just play it smoothly by renting houses, pretending to be rich.

0.00026456 BEE

I recall a Youtuber sharing their millionaire status, but later as people investigated the said person just play it smoothly by renting houses, pretending to be rich.

A lot of people in the web2 and web3 space do it a lot, they call it "faking it to make it". But we know that these things are actually what makes them popular and makes people want to follow them.

You're right, most of the time, it's just about creating a scam they can sell.

0.00000000 BEE

Social media is filled with that lifestyle now bro. A lot of people flexing fake success just to gain clout. I get why they do it, but what co concerns me is how many people that fall for it. The pressure to look successful online is real, but I’d rather be broke in peace than pretend to own a house I can't even afford the WiFi for.

0.00026425 BEE

Social media is already popular with that, but it's not something that's always been popular in web3. But I guess it's all about humans: our tendency to be greedy, jealous and other things. I'm not ashamed to say I'm broke

0.00000053 BEE

yes it's certainly human tendencies creating this effect. You're among the rare good ones

0.00000000 BEE

I am not surprised. People are trying to make themselves look better, and I wouldn't be surprised if its all lies. After all, once you get the attention and people pay attention to you, its easier to make money. If they got lucky, then it might not last forever.

0.00026393 BEE

Yeah, if they got lucky then it might not last forever. I believe making yourself look better is a way to attract people. People on wants to follow those who are appear, seem wealthier or have a rich lifestyle.

0.00000000 BEE

Life is very short, every moment should be enjoy, but these bull posters show theirs self happy to people but not got the real 😊 happiness, tell me your story by your experience on hive, how you grow your hp, make a post about that if you have time, be waiting for you.

0.00026361 BEE

I've been growing my HP for over 7 years. When others powered down, I was powering up everything. I was powering up everything that came my way, it was difficult but I was doing it. Maybe someday I can talk about it

0.00000000 BEE

The rate at which teenagers are trying to get rich quick is really disturbing; there's nothing bad in getting rich early, but it shouldn't be from a shady source.

A lot of people don't have the patience to go through the process; they just want to be there.

This is one of the reasons why fraudsters, kidnappers, and ritualists are on the rise. It's so sad

0.00026329 BEE

This person in question might have not been rich, just probably lying about it go garner more influence. She was bull-posting, it's a popular way web3 bros gains more followers on crypto Twitter.

0.00000000 BEE

It's alarming how the young chaps of these flood social media with claims of wealth. If you check their records, you'll find that there's nothing to show the type of business or investment they do.

Where then did the wealth come from?
A question begging for answers.

0.00026297 BEE

It happens on web3 and it's even worse here, because we understand there's a lot of money to be made, but many take advantage of that fact to decieve others so they can gain followers..

0.00000000 BEE