The crowd


We can all agree that the best deal in the market is the one that everybody is unable to see and this is because you’ll be able to buy low, what I mean by buying low is buying cheap. Most people are there looking for profitable deals or coins that will change their lives, we have so many opportunities in the market just that we are not looking enough. We have so many good projects that nobody knows about and that is the best time to buy them when nobody knows about them.

Another thing we can all agree on is that when a project becomes popular the probability of the project giving you life-changing money will reduce because you’ll be buying at a very high price and instead of buying at a cheaper price, you are buying at a higher price which might reduce your buying power that’s why it is always better to look for Project or coin that nobody knows about such project are good deals that could change your life. This is what most people don’t know buying at the right time is the key to being successful in the financial market.

Crowd means opportunity lost

Most people love the bull market and that is because the market is abundant. This is where you see crowds but most of these crowds will not make any tangible money from the market. They might indeed make some money but not life-changing money. Those who make real money in the market are those who invest when everybody is sleeping. People who make money in the markets invest when the market is not trending up because all they can see is opportunities, but the crowd always believes that when the market is booming that is the perfect time to enter the market, which is wrong.

It is important to know that on the surface when the market is trending up might look like there is a lot of opportunity to harness, but in reality, you are late and you are likely not going to gain anything tangible in this Period. It is important that we buy at the right time and we should not follow the crowd because if you want to make real money from the market, you don’t have to think like everybody, you have to see things differently. You have to make a move when everybody is scared.

Go in the opposite direction

We must start investing in projects for the right reasons and that is we can identify opportunities everybody misses. When we start buying for the right reason things change, most people only buy just because the price of a project is high or everybody is buying it. Most times these are the wrong reasons for us to invest in a particular project, buying for the right reasons is important and is the key to having a mental shift. When everybody is buying because of the price you are buying because you see an opportunity

The best deals are what everybody does not see and how you can identify such deals is by investing for the right reasons. Most people come to the market when everything is booming when the price of most projects is attractive, but these reasons are wrong. You are likely to lose their money or not gain anything tangible because they are a latecomer. The only way we can see the opportunity in the market is by buying for the right reason this is the only way we can earn life-changing money.

Thanks for your time.

0.71011785 BEE

correct, we don't look long enough for good deals in the market

0E-8 BEE