Lifescape Tribe Blogging Contest Round #10 - COLORS OF LIFE "Peter Pan"


Hello everybody 🤗 this is my first writing in this wonderful community. But I'm overwhelmed by the support of their creators. A fellow countryman that probably knows the burden of a full mom like me and writing in Hive is one of the help that I could have.

For this week's theme White the cleanest, purest color in the world that ever has. If you ask me what is the word that comes to my mind when I describe white it's probably peace and paradise.



Last year was one of the loneliest years I ever had. My cat named Peter Pan died because he got sick and the strangest part, we got him when he was old already. The story was we needed an option to send away the mouse that wrecked our stuff in the house. Hubby's friend had a cat but I think it didn't meet the qualifications needed. It said that sometimes it ate their food. I want to answer that maybe they didn't cover it well lol 😂. I didn't know that my husband would get it easily. When he got home he already had the cat. Well they were riding at the boat so the cat will probably have no choice but to go with my husband. I even got worried if he had scratches while forcing it to come but it was sweet and gentle like his color white.






Describing him makes me want to cry. Our place is like no place for a four legged animal. It was full of water so some of my hive friends named it Water World and it was really accurate. To make the cat feel well and have his little privacy, hubby put it on the ceiling. He has a lot of space to walk. And when it's meal time my kids are happy to give him food. It was a total relief to have an animal in the house. The mouse was all gone.

We named him Peter Pan because he was put in the ceiling. Our house has no second floor so for as; we used boots to continue our life. There was also a huge flood last year, we needed to leave Peter Pan in the House. We evacuated to my in-laws house, which we are also in right now. Every year we suffer from this kind of disaster and I'm already tired of it 😔. I wanted peace which my cat has now. Before reaching a year with us he got ill, lost weight, lost appetite and we lost him 😭.

He recovered before he left, he even played with me, I didn't know that it would be the last. Some good things are never meant to stay for a long time. I may imagine if we met early maybe we'll have more memories together. Do you know what we missed about him; his stubbornness, he insists on sleeping in our bed even if we made him his own. I'll wake up feeling warm on my toes and I'm wondering why it's like a hard one moving lol then I'll be shocked it's my cat. Cats are really sweet, I think they don't want sleeping alone.

We were happy and worried when the flood finally vanished in our house. Our cat needs to go down now, but I have a 5 year old baby. When Peter Pan was still alive Ria was 3 or going 4. She wants to play with him, but it's still a stray cat so we are all worried she might be hurt by it even it didn't mean too. Ria used to see only ducks on our backyard and now she saw a four legged animal. But because Peter Pan is an adult cat he already understand the things around him. That's why he love him the most.



His last days, we noticed that he didn't want to eat nor drink I even give him Ria's milk. But it looked likes the heaven are already calling him to paradise. Tears went down to our eyes as he bid his last goodbye. His just looking at us and I close his eyes and said rest at peace, you'll forever remember in our hearts. I have so many pictures of him but my memory card is not working and here are some of those.






Thank you so much for reading
XoXo, @usagigallardo015

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