Down These Lonely Back Lanes - #Monomad

The back streets of Torpoint are not much walked nor, I would venture, photographed but this evening the rain and wind just called for a picture.

I had to brace against a wall to steady my hand, even then there's signs of shake from the wind.

The picture was taken on a Samsung 24 Ultra and converted to b&w with the native software.

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Hello @stuartcturnbull and thank you very much for your #monomad entry!
Kindly read our community guidelines, specially the #1 in this particular case.
We do not curate single image publications.
To get a better idea of the type of content we curate and support in the community you can have a look at our curated content tab. 🙂

0E-8 BEE

ahhhh - I knew this - sorry

0E-8 BEE

No worries.

0E-8 BEE