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First of all . Wow.. this is an amazing section.. hahahha.. yea.. the fermented Tempe is a really bizare food.. especially if the process is seen. Cambodians don't eat cheese? Congrats to @coloringiship @tegoshei and @abizahid. Pickled eggs. Wow.. first time I've heard that.. the most bizzare here is the sushi made of a type of edible worm. Hahahha.. a bowl of soup made of inerts. I literally have a bit of difficulty smelling it. But my wife loves it.
Cheese is now popular in Cambodia because of pizza and cheeseburgers, but still Cambodians don't buy it and keep it in the home, but these western foods are common in some restaurants. Mostly people here don't know how cheese is made, and even when I learned as a kid, I thought it to be really strange.
Worm sushi, now that is a unique food, haha.
Hhahaha.. wow.. I guess.. it's hard to resist Western food... I guess.. the worm sushi can be filled with cheese. This is an edible type of worm found in Borneo that can be eaten raw but I've never tried one. I just don't want the juice to burst in my mouth.. =) hahaha.. Wow.. Imagine a Westernized Cambodia.. =) That's amazing.
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