The beauty of the atmosphere of the Satiaagung factory located in the mountains

hello hive friends, how are you all this morning, I want to share some more photos that I took in the Satiaagung palm oil factory area.

I took several beautiful photos in the PKS area, friends

This PKS looks so bright, friends, because this PKS is still new, since the factory was first built, it was about three years and this year, friends, this factory is very helpful for the people closest to it, friends, because there are many people who work at this PKS. bro.

Even though this factory is far from the village area, the fruit never ends, it processes more than a hundred tons of fruit a day, my friend, because this factory doesn't just buy fruit from my village, but its own garden fruit is enough on its days. bro.

This factory is often said to be the Satiaagung factory owned by the PT Bahruni group of friends.
But in my opinion, this factory has an insider who is very rich, friend, because he owns enough land for his own factory, friend.

Lots of people come to this factory, said people who have just arrived, they say the views at this factory are very beautiful, because this factory is in a very deep hilly area, friends.
That's enough for me to tell you about my post this time, more or less I apologize to everyone in the hive. Thank You.

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Wow. Just thinking of its location, I could imagine how great the place is.

0E-8 BEE