Becoming An Entrepreneur For The Wrong Reason.

Being an entrepreneur gives you the opportunity to be your own boss as you seek personal growth and development; it offers financial stability and so many other benefits that would make anyone want to become an entrepreneur at every opportunity they get. All these juicy benefits serve as a big inspiration to dive into the world of entrepreneurship, but do you know that you could as well become an entrepreneur for the wrong reason?

We have seen so many entrepreneurs quit almost immediately after choosing entrepreneurship, and if we look deeply, they ended like that because many of them chose the wrong reason to become entrepreneurs. They failed to understand that before the benefits of being an entrepreneur manifest, they must have put in and even sacrificed a lot just to overcome many unforseen challenges that entrepreneurs encounter on their journey to success.

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Entrepreneurship from afar looks like the easiest of things in the world. Many people think that all it requires is just capital, but that's not true, and you wouldn't understand what it truly requires to be an entrepreneur until you have completely gotten into it.

I have heard a lot of successful entrepreneurs share their stories, and what always crosses my mind is, "It's easier said than done," because I am in the field already and know what it feels like. Somehow, someone who is yet to become an entrepreneur will listen to these same stories and think there is no big deal about being an entrepreneur.

I have a friend who believes that I have all the time in the world for myself since I don't have to wake up early to catch a bus to work. He believes I am making a lot of money and life as an entrepreneur is perfect; nothing would make him believe that entrepreneurship can be sometimes more stressful than a 9-5 job.

A few weeks ago, he shared his intention about quitting his job to start a business soon, which was good news, but I felt like it wasn't the best decision since he was earning well. We met last week to talk about his plans, and the first thing I asked him was why he wants to take up entrepreneurship all of a sudden? His response was simple, and I love his honesty.

He complained about the long hours of work, and he becomes stressed easily lately. He was tired of his salary being stagnant for some time, and since entrepreneurship is the trend, he wants to cash out like many people are doing.

I carefully listened to him and realized that he was going into entrepreneurship for both good and wrong reasons, which would make him quit even before everything he ventured into entrepreneurship for starts manifesting. It's certain that when you succeed as an entrepreneur, you can enjoy all these benefits, but before then, can you stand the challenges that would bring more than the stress you are initially running away from?

I shared a quick story with him about my early day as a fish farmer when I have to leave my house around 4am in the morning just to ensure I change the water in the ponds. At that time, electricity got really bad, and we only had it for a short time daily. There were days when I passed the night in the cold battling with insects just to ensure the business stays in shape, and I could have quit if embracing entrepreneurship for me was to run away from long working hours and stress.

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I told him about the times when the fish refuse to grow properly despite consuming the adequate meals or when my pond burst and I lost some fish. These are great losses that you can rarely experience in your 9-5 job because regardless of what happens, salaries would be paid. The conversation went on for a while, and I made him realize that my passion for farming is why I am still there, so if he is taking up entrepreneurship, he must have concrete reasons other than having time for himself and avoiding stress.

When you tell people these things, they think you actually don't want them to enjoy whatever you are getting for being an entrepreneur, but when it's someone I can pour out to, I don't hesitate to speak. This is not me trying to discourage you; I am trying to prepare your mind for the unforseen challenges ahead.

Venturing in entrepreneurship is like investing for a long time sake, and the rewards don't come as anticipated by fresh entrepreneurs. A lot of people start expecting rewards immediately they get in, and when the struggles entrepreneurs face start popping up, they quit because it all started for the wrong reason.

Are you thinking of going into entrepreneurship? What are your reasons again? If it has to do with escaping stress, avoiding long working hours or making quick money then you should think of a bigger reason, I mean something that would keep your feet firm when the storm in the field arises.

While entrepreneurship can be your ticket to success and financial freedom, the journey is not always am easy one. There are lots of challenges to face and having concrete reasons for becoming an entrepreneur will be your shield against those challenges even before you make any move.

0.07250916 BEE

I often hearmy brother regretting why he is not an entrepreneur but a job holder. He also feels like business is more beneficial. It indeed is beneficial but I understand it is not easy as it is thought out by people who are not in it. My husband is an entrepreneur. I see his struggles. He is short of time for himself and his family. While my brother has 2 days of the week off, my husband has some business related work on Sundays too. Business is his passion so he does it well.

I agree with you that choosing entrepreneurship for wrong reasons is harmful in the long run. Successful entrepreneurship needs a lot of perseverance, patience and consistent efforts

0.00130296 BEE

I am glad you can relate very well about the topic and things are not that beautiful for entrepreneurs like people imagine. Just because people do their personal jobs doesn't mean that they are doing better than those doing 9-5 jobs and the only difference is that when being an entrepreneur pays off, life becomes a lot easier beyond retirement.

It's really not easy but when there is passion and a bigger vision, we won't be scared of the struggles entrepreneurs encounter.

0E-8 BEE

the only difference is that when being an entrepreneur pays off, life becomes a lot easier beyond retirement.

True. But initially, there is a need of a lot of struggles

0E-8 BEE

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