Ways to Speed Up Prestige Leveling Up in Golem Overlord

After seeing a rank-based target for Golem Overlord at my friend @ph1102 - which would probably be kind of difficult to manage due to its competitive nature - I was inspired to create my own goal for Golem Overlord, but where progress is up to me.

I decided on Prestige as the metric to track and set a goal for, but in my cockiness I haven't made any calculations (which would have been the bare minimum I should have done), and just thought: "I am at Prestige 20, I want to reach Prestige 30. I have 12 months, so a little over a month for each level (more for higher levels). How hard can it be?"

Turns out it's pretty darn difficult, lol. At the current max rep conversion rate of 50.5, I need almost another 24 days to reach Prestige 21. And I have added some XP since my upgrade to level 20 from a few days back. So, let's say it's a little less than 30 days because I don't remember exactly when I upgraded. But that's the easiest of the upgrades. It will only get harder from here.

So, unless I can boost my max rep conversion rate, it's quite unlikely to reach Prestige 30 by the end of the year. That won't be a major roadblock, I could extend it to 2026 as well, but I'd like to see if I can make it in 2025 nonetheless.

In the meantime, I made my research, something I should have done before setting the goal, but hey, sometimes we are lazy or don't treat something seriously, and then, it's more work down the road.

These are the four ways Prestige level can be increased quicker, once you reach the max rep conversion point of 50 XP/h, knowing Prestige is a slow-growing stat in Golem Overlord:

1. Arcane Library Research Tree for Guilds

There are at least these 3 guild skills from the tree in Arcane Library that would boost the max conversion rate significantly:

  • reputation conversion I (up to 45%)
  • reputation conversion II (up to another 45%)
  • reputation conversion III (up to another 100%)

Other guild skills reduce the amount of rep burn per conversion, which isn't the same thing, but you can use PART/COMP elsewhere instead of pushing more often to Reputation.

Unfortunately for my Prestige goal, my guild is focused on increasing Bunker skills, and I only have a 1% bonus from the first skill at level 1 (thus 50.5 instead of 50 max).

2. Equipment Giving % to the Max Rep Conversion

Unfortunately, I don't have such an equipment yet. From what I read, we are speaking about modules where this stat could be found. Anyway, this either depends on luck or on paying quite serious amounts of Hive on the market to buy them, since they are very high in demand.

3. Base Level of Faith Above 600

That's another restrictive method to boost your max rep conversion. I currently have a base level of faith of 192 (not total faith), and while I am only in the 900s area of the leaderboard, I don't believe many players have the base level of Faith above 600.

For every level above that, you gain 0.5% to max rep conversion.

4. Weekly Quests

I missed this one until now. It appears there is a weekly quest for Top 200 SHARD burners every week. The rewards don't seem super-exciting, but one of them is XP (at least this week, not sure if every week).


If you money/HIVE to throw at this challenge, probably the easiest route to boost max rep conversion to a limited degree is via an equipment (module) stat. Guild training is a slow process and it depends on the strategy of the guild. Weekly quests maybe can be a way, but I doubt the XP earned is significant, and that comes at the expense of lots of burned SHARD. Raising the base level of faith to above 600 may be a solution if you are already up there, otherwise it would take lots of PART and COMP and probably time too. Unless one buys PART to level up, but we are talking about massive amounts.

That doesn't give me high hopes for reaching Prestige 30 by the end of 2025, but let's see how it goes. The way I see it now, without significant changes, it will probably be a goal that extends into 2026. But I'd be happy to complete it in 2025.

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0.24630507 BEE

It sounds like a rough goal to reach. I think Faith might be your best choice or finding a different guild. I don't think the rankings give that much XP though.

0.00089357 BEE

I don't think the rankings give that much XP though.

It gave none. A little COMP and a 1-tier item. Maybe I was wrong, but in the rewards list before the quest was over, it said experience. Or it gave it without mentioning it.

Faith might be your best choice

Nope. Not unless I buy lots of PART, and I don't want to do that. I want to grow organically.

finding a different guild

That could be an option, I guess.

0.00000000 BEE

Thanks for sharing your research!!! I will check out with my guild if we can further develop the Arcane Library Research... We did some development, but maybe we could push a bit more... 😃

0.00089283 BEE

Yeah, that would be the easiest one, but I guess there is a a limitation on the speed of research for guilds too, based on available blueprints.

0.00003294 BEE