SECRET N ° 256 The Strange Merchant chapter 6


Chapter 6 : The Resistance of the Possessed

Lucien retraced his steps through the tunnel, his heart still pounding from the revelation. The Kingdom of Secrets was real, and its gold coins held a power far greater than anyone in Trésorville could have imagined. But a growing anxiety gnawed at him—if these artifacts maintained the balance between the two worlds, then their presence in the village could be a threat.

By the time he finally emerged from the forest, the sun was already high. Trésorville immediately felt different. A strange tension lingered in the air, as if the very atmosphere had grown heavier. Lucien quickened his pace and headed toward the marketplace. He stopped dead in his tracks at the scene unfolding before him.

The villagers had gathered in a circle around a ragged man who was shouting and waving a gold coin marked SECRET between his grimy fingers. His eyes were bloodshot, his movements erratic.

— "Damn you, Gaspard!" he bellowed. "You have doomed us all!"

Lucien stepped closer and recognized the man—it was Hubert, a quiet farmer known for his kindness and devotion to the village. Yet at this moment, his face was contorted with fear and rage.

— "He’s raving!" a merchant shouted, trying to calm the crowd. "These coins have brought us prosperity! We’ve never had such abundant harvests!"

— "And at what cost?" Hubert growled, his hands trembling. "My wife... She vanished last night. Taken by the shadows, swallowed by the mist!"

A shiver ran through the assembly. This was not the first strange incident. Some had seen their tools break for no reason, others had heard whispers in their dreams—indistinct murmurs promising wealth and power in exchange for their souls.

Lucien pushed his way through the crowd and knelt in front of Hubert.

— "What exactly happened?" he asked in a calm voice.

Hubert’s gaze softened slightly. He took a deep breath before answering:

— "Two nights ago, my wife found a coin in our field. After that, she seemed… different. She spoke in whispers when she thought I couldn’t hear her. Yesterday, at sunset, she left the house and walked straight into the forest. I tried to follow her, but a violent wind pushed me back, as if some invisible force was keeping me away. And then… she was gone."

A heavy silence fell over the crowd.

Lucien felt his stomach tighten. The influence of the Kingdom of Secrets was growing stronger. The coins were more than just a link between the two worlds—they were drawing something far darker.

Suddenly, a cold laugh echoed behind them.

— "You’re overreacting."

Gaspard had appeared, clad in his black cloak, his signature smirk plastered across his face.

— "Are you really afraid of a mere piece of metal?"

Lucien clenched his fists.

— "These are not just coins, Gaspard. You know that as well as I do."

The man shrugged.

— "Believe what you want, my friend. These coins have always existed. They have always found owners. They bring blessings… but every gift comes at a price. Those who know how to use them thrive. The others… disappear."

His tone was detached, almost amused. A slow anger burned within Lucien.

— "You are toying with forces beyond our control. If we don’t retrieve these coins and return them to where they belong, we face a far greater danger."

Gaspard fixed him with a strange glint in his eye.

— "Then try, Lucien. Gather all the coins if you can. But some people here won’t want to give them up… and trust me, they are ready to fight to keep them."

He cast a glance at the crowd before slipping away into an alley.

Lucien felt a shiver run down his spine. He turned to look at the villagers. Some still seemed uncertain, but others clutched their coin purses tightly, a defiant glint in their eyes.

The fight to recover the coins was going to be harder than he had imagined.

And he did not yet know that some of them were already in the hands of far more dangerous forces.

Chapitre 6 : La Résistance des Possédés

Lucien rebroussa chemin à travers le tunnel, son cœur battant encore sous l’effet de la révélation. Le Royaume des Secrets était réel, et ses pièces d’or portaient un pouvoir bien plus grand que ce que quiconque à Trésorville aurait pu imaginer. Mais une angoisse grandissante le rongeait : si ces artefacts maintenaient l’équilibre entre les deux mondes, alors leur présence dans le village pouvait être une menace.

Lorsqu’il émergea enfin de la forêt, le soleil était déjà haut. Trésorville lui sembla immédiatement différent. Une tension étrange flottait dans l’air, comme si l’atmosphère elle-même était plus lourde. Lucien pressa le pas et se dirigea vers la place du marché. Il s’arrêta net en voyant la scène qui s’y déroulait.

Les villageois s’étaient réunis en cercle autour d’un homme en haillons qui hurlait en agitant une pièce d’or marquée SECRET entre ses doigts crasseux. Son regard était injecté de sang, et ses mouvements convulsifs.

— « Maudit sois-tu, Gaspard ! » vociféra-t-il. « Tu nous as tous condamnés ! »

Lucien s’approcha et reconnut l’homme : c’était Hubert, un fermier sans histoire, connu pour sa gentillesse et son dévouement au village. Pourtant, à cet instant, son visage était tordu par la peur et la rage.

— « Il raconte des bêtises ! » cria un commerçant, tentant de calmer la foule. « Ces pièces nous ont apporté la prospérité ! Jamais nous n’avons eu autant de récoltes ! »

— « Et à quel prix ? » gronda Hubert, les mains tremblantes. « Ma femme… Elle est partie cette nuit. Disparue dans l’ombre, comme aspirée par la brume ! »

Un frisson parcourut l’assemblée. Ce n’était pas le premier incident étrange. Certains avaient vu leurs outils se briser sans raison, d’autres avaient entendu des voix dans leurs rêves, des murmures indistincts promettant richesse et pouvoir en échange de leur âme.

Lucien se fraya un chemin à travers la foule et s’agenouilla devant Hubert.

— « Que s’est-il passé exactement ? » demanda-t-il d’une voix calme.

Le regard d’Hubert s’adoucit légèrement. Il respira profondément avant de répondre :

— « Avant-hier soir, ma femme a trouvé une pièce dans notre champ. Depuis, elle semblait… changée. Elle parlait à voix basse quand elle pensait que je ne l’entendais pas. Hier, au coucher du soleil, elle a quitté la maison et a marché droit vers la forêt. J’ai voulu la rattraper, mais un vent violent m’a repoussé, comme si une force invisible m’interdisait d’avancer. Puis elle a disparu. »

Un silence pesant s’installa.

Lucien sentit son estomac se nouer. L’influence du Royaume des Secrets s’intensifiait. Les pièces étaient plus qu’un simple lien entre les deux mondes : elles attiraient quelque chose de bien plus sombre.

Soudain, un rire froid s’éleva derrière eux.

— « Vous dramatisez. »

Gaspard venait d’apparaître, vêtu de sa cape noire, son éternel sourire en coin plaqué sur son visage.

— « Ce ne sont que des superstitions. Vous avez peur d’un simple bout de métal ? »

Lucien serra les poings.

— « Ce ne sont pas de simples pièces, Gaspard. Tu le sais aussi bien que moi. »

L’homme haussa les épaules.

— « Peu importe ce que tu crois, mon ami. Ces pièces ont toujours existé. Elles ont toujours trouvé preneur. Elles offrent des bénédictions… mais tout cadeau a son prix. Ceux qui savent comment les utiliser prospèrent. Les autres… disparaissent. »

Son ton était détaché, presque amusé. Lucien sentit une colère sourde monter en lui.

— « Tu joues avec des forces qui nous dépassent. Si nous ne récupérons pas ces pièces et ne les ramenons pas là où elles doivent être, nous courons un danger bien plus grand. »

Gaspard le fixa, un éclat étrange dans le regard.

— « Alors essaie, Lucien. Ramasse toutes les pièces, si tu le peux. Mais certaines personnes ici ne voudront pas les rendre… et crois-moi, elles sont prêtes à se battre pour les garder. »

Il jeta un regard à la foule, puis disparut dans une ruelle.

Lucien sentit un frisson lui parcourir l’échine. Il tourna son regard vers les villageois. Certains semblaient encore hésitants, tandis que d’autres, la main serrée sur leur bourse, arboraient une lueur de défi.

Le combat pour récupérer les pièces allait être plus difficile qu’il ne l’avait imaginé.

Et il ne savait pas encore que certaines d’entre elles étaient déjà entre les mains de forces bien plus redoutables.




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Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own questions?
I do.

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I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.
I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

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What is a ghosts favorite candy?
Boo boo clusters.

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If it wasn't for window blinds...
It'd be curtains for all us.

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I needed to buy a new pan to stir fry a large meal
I decided to go for a wok.

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Things would get more interesting for Lucien

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How many jazz musicians does it take to replace a lightbulb?
A-one, a-two, a one-two-three-four!

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I watched a documentary on Marijuana last night…
…that’s probably how I’ll watch all documentaries from now on.

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I would like to thank my fingers.
I can always count on them

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Why did two Ralph Lauren employees get into a fight?
They were Polo opposites.

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Why was the river rich?
Because it had two banks.

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Be there or be square!
If you're not there, then I assume you're not a round.

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Merci pour l'histoire et les secrets, bon weekend

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Where does the general keep his armies?
In his sleevies.

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Whom do you ask to catch the killer goose?
The Goosetapo.

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Merci pour les SECRET!
Bon dimanche, !ALIVE

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How do trees get on the internet?
They log in.

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I hate Russian dolls
they’re so full of themselves.

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thanks so much

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How many stars are in the sky?
All of them.

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thanks a lot to the secret

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I hear Sasquatch makes bowls out of clay
He's a hairy potter

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Why do astronauts use Linux?
Because they can’t open windows in space.

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To err is human.
To arrrgh is pirate.

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Prosperity often comes with a cost that must be paid sooner or later.


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I was so mad when I found out I was cloned.
I was litteraly beside myself.

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bon samedi

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Breaking news: a pygmy shaman is being pursued by the authorities
That's right be on the lookout for a small medium at large.

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Cartoonist found dead in home.
Details are sketchy.

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Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards?
He was just going through a stage.

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The fight to recover the coins was going to be harder than he had imagined.

I can sympathize with this...

0.00015990 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

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Please include me. @iamchessguy
Thank you.

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A book just fell on my head.
I only have my shelf to blame.

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I really love video games where you go for an deep sea adventuring.
They're just so immersive.

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We all need to learn to live with our mistakes.
Which is why I still live with my parents.

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belle journée

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What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives, but a frogs croaks every night.

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What do you call a dead magician?
An abra-cadaver.

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Why did the astronaut throw away his vegetarian burger?
He wanted something *meteor*.

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