SECRET N° 245 The Broken Realms

Chapitre 9 : Les Ombres de l'Éclipse

La nouvelle de l'éclipse lunaire et de la prophétie ancienne se répandit rapidement parmi les membres de l'alliance. Les représentants des différents royaumes retournèrent chez eux avec un sentiment d'urgence, déterminés à renforcer leurs défenses et à se préparer à l'inconnu. Élisée, quant à elle, se plongea dans l'étude des inscriptions rapportées par Sarya, cherchant à comprendre la nature de cette entité ancienne et comment la combattre.

Thalos, avec son expertise en anciens rituels, l'aida à déchiffrer les textes. "La prophétie parle d'une entité nommée Noxara, la Déesse de l'Éclipse," expliqua-t-il. "Elle est censée émerger lors d'une éclipse lunaire totale, apportant avec elle une nuit éternelle. Si elle se réveille, elle pourrait engloutir le monde dans les ténèbres pour toujours."

Élisée, bien que troublée par ces révélations, resta déterminée. "Nous devons trouver un moyen de l'empêcher de se réveiller," déclara-t-elle. "Ou, si elle émerge, nous devons être prêts à l'affronter."

Pendant ce temps, Kael organisa des patrouilles pour surveiller les mouvements des ombres dans les terres désolées. Les rapports devenaient de plus en plus inquiétants : les ombres semblaient se rassembler, formant des figures indistinctes mais menaçantes. Les créatures de cendres et de flammes, bien que moins actives depuis le scellement du Dieu du Feu, commençaient également à montrer des signes d'agitation.

Un soir, alors que la lune commençait à montrer les premiers signes de l'éclipse, Élisée reçut une visite inattendue. Un émissaire des Terres Brûlées, un homme nommé Garron, arriva à Lunaris avec un message urgent. "Nous avons découvert un ancien sanctuaire," annonça-t-il. "Il contient des artefacts qui pourraient nous aider à combattre Noxara. Mais il est gardé par des forces obscures que nous ne pouvons pas affronter seuls."

Élisée, reconnaissant l'importance de cette découverte, décida de mener une expédition vers le sanctuaire. Elle rassembla une équipe composée de Kael, Thalos, Sarya et quelques-uns de leurs meilleurs guerriers. Le voyage vers les Terres Brûlées fut périlleux, mais ils atteignirent finalement le sanctuaire, une structure ancienne et imposante, partiellement enfouie sous les cendres.

À l'intérieur, ils découvrirent des salles remplies d'artefacts et d'inscriptions, chaque pièce racontant une partie de l'histoire de Noxara. Thalos déchiffra les textes, guidant l'équipe vers la chambre centrale, où un artefact nommé le Cristal de Lumen était censé être caché. Ce cristal, selon les inscriptions, avait le pouvoir de repousser les ténèbres et de sceller Noxara.

Mais avant qu'ils ne puissent prendre le cristal, une ombre massive émergea des murs, prenant la forme d'une créature humanoïde aux yeux brillants d'une lueur maléfique. "Vous qui cherchez à défier l'éclipse," gronda la créature, "sachez que vos efforts sont vains. Noxara reviendra, et la nuit sera éternelle."

Le combat qui s'ensuivit fut intense. Les ombres semblaient se nourrir de la lumière, rendant les attaques traditionnelles inefficaces. Mais Élisée, utilisant les pouvoirs de la lune et les connaissances de Thalos, parvint à affaiblir la créature. Kael, avec une attaque bien placée, la dispersa finalement en une brume noire qui se dissipa dans l'air.

Avec le Cristal de Lumen en leur possession, l'équipe retourna à Lunaris, où ils furent accueillis avec soulagement. Mais Élisée savait que leur victoire n'était que temporaire. L'éclipse approchait, et avec elle, la menace de Noxara.

Alors que la lune commençait à s'assombrir, Élisée rassembla son peuple et ses alliés. "Nous avons affronté de nombreuses épreuves," déclara-t-elle. "Mais celle-ci pourrait être la plus grande de toutes. Nous devons nous tenir prêts, unis et déterminés, pour protéger notre monde des ténèbres."

Et dans le ciel, la lune brillait encore, mais son éclat commençait à faiblir, rappelant à tous que même dans les moments les plus sombres, l'espoir pouvait toujours briller. Mais Élisée savait que cette lueur d'espoir devait être protégée, car les ténèbres de l'éclipse guettaient toujours, prêtes à engloutir le monde une fois de plus.

Chapter 9: The Shadows of the Eclipse

News of the lunar eclipse and the ancient prophecy spread quickly among the alliance members. Representatives from the various kingdoms returned home with a sense of urgency, determined to strengthen their defenses and prepare for the unknown. Meanwhile, Élisée immersed herself in studying the inscriptions brought back by Sarya, seeking to understand the nature of this ancient entity and how to fight it.

Thalos, with his expertise in ancient rituals, assisted her in deciphering the texts. “The prophecy speaks of an entity named Noxara, the Goddess of the Eclipse,” he explained. “She is said to emerge during a total lunar eclipse, bringing with her an eternal night. If she awakens, she could engulf the world in darkness forever.”

Though troubled by these revelations, Élisée remained resolute. “We must find a way to prevent her awakening,” she declared. “Or, if she emerges, we must be ready to face her.”

Meanwhile, Kael organized patrols to monitor the movements of the shadows in the desolate lands. The reports grew increasingly alarming: the shadows seemed to be gathering, forming indistinct but menacing figures. The creatures of ash and flame, though less active since the sealing of the Fire God, also began to show signs of unrest.

One evening, as the moon began to show the first signs of the eclipse, Élisée received an unexpected visitor. An emissary from the Scorched Lands, a man named Garron, arrived in Lunaris with an urgent message. “We have discovered an ancient sanctuary,” he announced. “It holds artifacts that could help us fight Noxara. But it is guarded by dark forces we cannot face alone.”

Recognizing the importance of this discovery, Élisée decided to lead an expedition to the sanctuary. She gathered a team consisting of Kael, Thalos, Sarya, and a few of their finest warriors. The journey to the Scorched Lands was perilous, but they eventually reached the sanctuary—a towering ancient structure, partially buried beneath layers of ash.

Inside, they found halls filled with artifacts and inscriptions, each telling a piece of Noxara’s history. Thalos deciphered the texts, guiding the team toward the central chamber, where an artifact known as the Crystal of Lumen was said to be hidden. According to the inscriptions, this crystal had the power to repel darkness and seal Noxara away.

But before they could take the crystal, a massive shadow emerged from the walls, taking the shape of a humanoid figure with eyes glowing with a malevolent light. “You who seek to defy the eclipse,” the creature growled, “know that your efforts are in vain. Noxara will return, and the night will be eternal.”

The battle that followed was fierce. The shadows seemed to feed on light, rendering traditional attacks ineffective. But Élisée, harnessing the power of the moon and Thalos’ knowledge, managed to weaken the creature. Kael, with a well-placed strike, finally dispersed it into a black mist that dissolved into the air.

With the Crystal of Lumen in their possession, the team returned to Lunaris, where they were met with relief and hope. But Élisée knew that their victory was only temporary. The eclipse was drawing closer, and with it, the looming threat of Noxara.

As the moon began to darken, Élisée gathered her people and allies. “We have faced many trials,” she declared. “But this may be our greatest yet. We must stand ready, united and determined, to protect our world from the darkness.”

And in the sky, the moon still shone, though its light was beginning to wane—a reminder to all that even in the darkest times, hope could still shine. But Élisée knew that this glimmer of hope had to be protected, for the shadows of the eclipse were waiting, ready to consume the world once more.





And we are already resuming the curations done by @vote-com2, which will be able to follow our trail without needing our HP lol.

Et nous commençons déjà a reprendre les curations faites à @vote-com2 qui pourra suivre notre trail sans avoir besoins de nos HP lol .


0.37617794 BEE


0.00034280 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I'm so good at sleeping
I can do it with my eyes closed.

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What do you call a haunted chicken?
A poultry-geist

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0.00022025 BEE

Two men stole a calender
They each got six months.

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0.00015223 BEE

What did the Buddhist say at the sandwich shop?
Make me one with everything.

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0.00000000 BEE

Ever seen a blacksmith join two metal sheets?
It's riveting

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00020757 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@itharagaian thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/80 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0.00000000 BEE

Cats can learn up to 50 different words and commands
They just don't want to.

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00015535 BEE

Apparently to start a zoo you need at least 2 pandas a grizzy and 3 polars.
It’s the bear minimum.

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

How does an IT guy make a Motherboard?
He tells her about his job.

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0.00000000 BEE

My friend Phillip had his lip removed last week
now we just call him Phil.

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Thank you/Merci!

0.00019220 BEE

Have you heard about the Angel of Death that’s not so intelligent?
The Dim Reaper?

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0.00000000 BEE

Where did the ice cream man get his driver's licence?
Sundae school.

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belle journée

0.00019079 BEE

Did you hear about the new corduroy pillows?
I understand they're really marking headlines.

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Comic Sans walks into a pub
The bartender shouts Geto out of my pub! We don’t serve your type!

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Thank you for the SECRET

0.00018938 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

The punch line comes first.
The worst thing about time travel jokes is…

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0.00000000 BEE

Please include me. @iamchessguy
Thank you.

0.00018800 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

No wonder everyone's attracted to the earths center
It is pretty hot

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bonne journée

0.00018662 BEE

What did the doctor say about the tall person in a rush to see him?
I wish you were a little patient.

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Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft...
And I'll show you A-flat minor.

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Having the Crystal of Lumen should be helpful for upcoming threats.


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How can you tell if your smartphone is good at playing music?
By the number of gigs it has.

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0.00000000 BEE

I appreciate the secret

0.00018253 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class.
It was a weapon of math disruption.

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0.00000000 BEE

Merci pour l'histoire et les Secrets, bonne journée

0.00018060 BEE

merci a toi et le hiqs fait sur ton com dans ton post est bien passer nickel ^^

0.00005487 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

We all need to learn to live with our mistakes.
Which is why I still live with my parents.

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0.00000000 BEE

I told the Starbuck's clerk my name was Marc with a C
When I got my coffee it was marked Clark.

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0.00000000 BEE

Merci pour le SECRET!
Bonne journee, !ALIVE

0.00018044 BEE

I went to the doctors to see him about my memory loss.
But I forgot to mention it to him.

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0.00000000 BEE

Me and my mates are in a band called Duvet.
We're a cover band.

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0.00000000 BEE

Nice one! All the way!

0.00017799 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Did you hear about the guy who threw his alarm clock while hosting a party?
He wanted to see if time flys while having fun.

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0.00017669 BEE

I watched a documentary on Marijuana last night…
…that’s probably how I’ll watch all documentaries from now on.

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Did you know that

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0.00000000 BEE

What did the Golden Gate bridge say to the Golden Gate river when they broke up?
I'm over you.

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0.00017540 BEE

Did you hear about the restaurant in space?
Great food, no atmosphere.

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0.00000000 BEE

Being a waiter may not be a very glamorous job
But at least it puts food on the table.

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0.00000000 BEE

The story gets better as it progresses

0.00017411 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

If it wasn't for window blinds...
It'd be curtains for all us.

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Yay! More of it.

0.00017284 BEE

What's green and sits in the corner?
A naughty frog.

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0.00000000 BEE

Sundays are always a little sad
but the day before is a sadder day.

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0.00000000 BEE

thanks a lot of the update

0.00017181 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I found nasty month-old leftover mac and cheese in the fridge.
It was a case of age-related macaroni degeneration.

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