The Towers of Eternity

Les Tours de l'ÉternitĂ©

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Chapter 2: The Infinite City

The Legend had been walking for hours, following a paved road that wound through verdant hills. The perfect landscape seemed to stretch endlessly, always harmonious, always artificial. Despite his growing unease, he pressed on with one certainty: he had to understand where he was, and why.

Rounding a bend, he saw something in the distance. A massive shadow sliced through the tranquil horizon—a titanic silhouette that seemed to devour the sky. Intrigued, he quickened his pace, feeling a mixture of fascination and apprehension grow within him.

What he discovered left him speechless.

Before him lay a colossal city, a true sea of steel, glass, and concrete. Skyscrapers of unimaginable proportions soared into the sky, their peaks lost in a dense mist, as if the world itself refused to reveal their end. The towers were so numerous and closely packed that they formed a vertical labyrinth. At their bases, sprawling streets teemed with life: billions of inhabitants moved in an orderly yet eerily mechanical ballet.

Pedestrian pathways sprawled across multiple levels, connected by countless walkways and elevators. Flying vehicles zipped between buildings, leaving luminous trails like urban comets. Everything seemed perfectly organized, yet suffocatingly so.

As he stepped into the city, The Legend felt an invisible weight settle upon him. Here, the air was heavier, saturated with noise and relentless activity. The faces of the passersby were more unsettling than those in the pastoral landscape: smooth, flawless features but empty eyes, like perfectly trained puppets.

He stopped in front of a massive screen affixed to the facade of a building. A monotone voice recited a series of slogans, accompanied by mesmerizing images of a world without conflict, pain, or chaos.

“Welcome to the Eternal City. Here, perfection is our goal. Here, you will find everything you desire.”

But The Legend didn’t believe it for a second. The more he observed, the more imperfections emerged behind the facade. In a shadowy corner, he saw groups of people standing immobile, frozen like statues, their eyes fixed on glowing panels, their expressions devoid of life. Further on, an entire building seemed to emit a faint crackling noise, like an old holographic image flickering on the verge of collapse.

He tried questioning the passersby.

“Where am I?” he asked a woman impeccably dressed.

She looked at him with a fixed smile.

“You are home, sir. The Eternal City provides everything you need.”

But with each attempt, he received the same mechanical response, as if no one here could think for themselves.

Continuing his exploration, he arrived at a gigantic suspended market—a floating plaza surrounded by walkways. The stalls overflowed with extravagant goods: fruits of unreal colors, clothing shimmering like stars, advanced gadgets beyond imagination. But when he picked up a piece of fruit, he felt cold, smooth material beneath his fingers: plastic, painted to mimic natural skin. Everything here was just a facade.

He kept climbing the city’s upper levels, taking a glass elevator that ascended at a dizzying speed. As he rose, the panorama unfolded before him: an endless urban jungle. But what drew his attention was a massive structure at its heart. A building even more colossal than the others, surrounded by halos of golden light, as if the entire city revolved around it.

The Legend felt this place was important, perhaps even the key to this strange world. But before he could think further, the elevator abruptly stopped, and a voice crackled through the intercom:

“Perfection does not tolerate anomalies.”

Red lights flared around him, and a low hum filled the air. Something was hunting him.

He clenched his fists and muttered to himself:
“Then this perfection will have to catch me first.”

He pushed open the ceiling hatch of the elevator, ready to face whatever this infinite city had in store for him.

Chapitre 2 : La Cité infinie

La LĂ©gende marchait depuis des heures, suivant une route pavĂ©e qui serpentait Ă  travers des collines verdoyantes. Le paysage parfait semblait s’étendre Ă  l’infini, toujours aussi harmonieux, toujours aussi factice. MalgrĂ© son malaise croissant, il avançait avec une seule certitude : il devait comprendre oĂč il se trouvait, et pourquoi.

Au dĂ©tour d’un chemin, il aperçut quelque chose au loin. Une ombre massive tranchait l’horizon paisible, une silhouette titanesque qui semblait dĂ©vorer le ciel. IntriguĂ©, il accĂ©lĂ©ra le pas, sentant un mĂ©lange de fascination et d’apprĂ©hension grandir en lui.

Ce qu’il dĂ©couvrit le laissa sans voix.

Devant lui, s’étendait une citĂ© colossale, une vĂ©ritable mer d’acier, de verre et de bĂ©ton. Des immeubles aux proportions inimaginables s’élançaient vers le ciel, leurs sommets se perdant dans une brume dense, comme si le monde refusait de lui en rĂ©vĂ©ler la fin. Les tours Ă©taient si nombreuses et si rapprochĂ©es qu’elles formaient un labyrinthe vertical. À leurs bases, des rues tentaculaires grouillaient de vie : des milliards d’habitants semblaient se dĂ©placer dans un ballet ordonnĂ© mais Ă©trangement mĂ©canique.

Les voies piĂ©tonnes s’étalaient sur plusieurs niveaux, reliĂ©es par d’innombrables passerelles et ascenseurs. Des vĂ©hicules volants filaient entre les immeubles, laissant derriĂšre eux des traĂźnĂ©es lumineuses semblables Ă  des comĂštes urbaines. Tout semblait parfaitement organisĂ©, mais aussi oppressant.

En pĂ©nĂ©trant dans la citĂ©, La LĂ©gende sentit un poids invisible s’abattre sur lui. Ici, l’air Ă©tait plus lourd, saturĂ© de bruit et d’une activitĂ© incessante. Les visages des passants Ă©taient encore plus inquiĂ©tants que ceux des habitants du paysage bucolique : des traits lisses, sans imperfection, mais des yeux vides, comme des pantins parfaitement dressĂ©s.

Il s’arrĂȘta devant un Ă©cran gĂ©ant accrochĂ© Ă  la façade d’un immeuble. Une voix monocorde rĂ©citait une sĂ©rie de slogans, accompagnĂ©e d’images enivrantes d’un monde sans conflit, sans douleur, sans chaos.

“Bienvenue dans la CitĂ© Éternelle. Ici, la perfection est notre but. Ici, vous trouverez tout ce que vous dĂ©sirez.”

Mais la LĂ©gende n’y croyait pas une seconde. Plus il observait, plus les imperfections Ă©mergeaient derriĂšre la façade. Dans un recoin sombre, il vit des groupes de personnes immobiles, figĂ©es comme des statues, les yeux rivĂ©s sur des panneaux lumineux, leur expression dĂ©nuĂ©e de vie. Plus loin, un immeuble entier semblait Ă©mettre un lĂ©ger grĂ©sillement, comme une vieille image holographique qui vacille.

Il tenta de questionner des passants.

— OĂč suis-je ? demanda-t-il Ă  une femme impeccablement habillĂ©e.

Elle le regarda avec un sourire figé.

— Vous ĂȘtes chez vous, monsieur. La CitĂ© Éternelle vous offre tout ce dont vous avez besoin.

Mais Ă  chaque tentative, il recevait la mĂȘme rĂ©ponse mĂ©canique, comme si personne ici n’était capable de penser par soi-mĂȘme.

Poursuivant son exploration, il atteignit un gigantesque marchĂ© suspendu, une place flottante entourĂ©e de passerelles. Les Ă©tals regorgeaient de produits extravagants : fruits aux couleurs irrĂ©elles, vĂȘtements scintillants comme des Ă©toiles, gadgets avancĂ©s dĂ©passant l’imagination. Mais lorsqu’il prit un fruit en main, il sentit un matĂ©riau froid et lisse sous ses doigts : du plastique, peint pour ressembler Ă  une peau naturelle. Tout ici n’était qu’une façade.

Il continua de grimper dans les niveaux supĂ©rieurs de la ville, prenant un ascenseur vitrĂ© qui montait Ă  une vitesse vertigineuse. À mesure qu’il s’élevait, le panorama se dĂ©ployait devant lui : une jungle urbaine sans fin. Mais ce qui attira son attention, c’était une structure massive en son cƓur. Un immeuble encore plus colossal que les autres, entourĂ© de halos de lumiĂšre dorĂ©e, comme si toute la citĂ© Ă©tait organisĂ©e autour de lui.

La LĂ©gende sentit que ce lieu Ă©tait important, peut-ĂȘtre mĂȘme la clĂ© de ce monde Ă©trange. Mais avant qu’il puisse rĂ©flĂ©chir davantage, l’ascenseur s’arrĂȘta brutalement, et une voix retentit dans l’interphone :

“La perfection ne tolùre pas les anomalies.”

Des lumiùres rouges s’allumùrent autour de lui, et il entendit un bourdonnement. Quelque chose le traquait.

Il serra les poings et murmura pour lui-mĂȘme :
— Alors, cette perfection va devoir me rattraper.

Il ouvrit la trappe du plafond de l’ascenseur, prĂȘt Ă  affronter ce que cette citĂ© infinie avait Ă  lui offrir.




@servelle ( SECRET + )
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Well, we are still far from reaching the 200,000 PEPE mark ^^


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Did you hear about the cat who ate a ball of yarn?
She had mittens.

Credit: marshmellowman
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what AI are you using?

5.1E-7 BEE


(FLUX Pro 1.1 Ultra)

0.00004360 BEE

Whoa this is beautiful.

0.00001814 BEE

Merci, bonne semaine 😀

0.00004216 BEE

There are II kinds of people
Those who understand Roman numerals and those who don't

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@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

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0E-8 BEE

Perfectly imperfect. Or is it imperfectly perfect? May lie in the secret...

0.00004066 BEE


0.00004054 BEE

include me @lumpiadobo

0.00003910 BEE

Things are progressing nicely towards the SECRET. “Then this perfection will have to catch me first.”


0.00003894 BEE

Need more secrets

0.00003705 BEE


0.00003109 BEE

I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.
I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

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0E-8 BEE

!PEPE ???

5.1E-7 BEE

It was just a little joke. It would be nice if PEPE was a tip token too.

7.4E-7 BEE


0.00002854 BEE

Why can't you trust an atom?
Beause they make up everything.

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Another thrilling episode to help us understand the SECRET

0.00002322 BEE

Nice one. More secrets.

0.00002260 BEE

What’s blue and and smells like red paint?
Blue paint

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0.00002116 BEE

My Mom met my Dad when he came in for an Xray.
I still wonder what she saw in him.

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you!

0.00002052 BEE

Thank you/Merci!

0.00002012 BEE

My wife accused me of being immature.
I told her to get out of my fort.

Credit: lofone
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!WINE & !PIMP & !BBH 👍

0.00002021 BEE

Merci pour les SECRET! L'histoire prend forme...
Bonne journee, !ALIVE

0.00001947 BEE

Chuck Norris once went on a bicycle ride
and accidentially won the Tour de France.

Credit: blumela
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of manuvert



0E-8 BEE

Test !PIMP

5.0E-7 BEE



5.0E-7 BEE


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