Trying My Luck with Gladius Case

It's been a while since I opened some gladius case, I have some gold foil common and rare Gladius Cards in my deck , so I decided to burn them to get acquire more cases. I was able to get a total of 14,00 Merits enough to get me Seven cases.

So here now is the exciting part, opening this cases. I'm not expecting anything special but getting a Legendary card is the goal, it has always been.

And tadaa.. I was given a dragon legendary card and two epic cards, and on top of that a Gold foil rare card, surely I will burn it so I can open another Case.

For the legendary card that I got, It's a timely pull since I have a two BCX sitting in my deck, and with the one that I pulled I can now upgrade it to level 2 giving it the void ability. The void skill will sure be very useful specially in the Wands Out rule where only mages can be used.

With this upgrade, I'm excited to see this card be used in battles.

And that's it for this day, thanks for visiting.
Have a good day, see you in the next one!

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