Splinterlands 2025

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It's been a complete 180 from last two weeks' announcement regarding the team needing additional funding for Cryptomancer developing the land. It has been one of the most very bearish moments I felt for Splinterlands. But now, a couple hours ago, the team released another preprosal, this time elaborating the plans for the new set release - Conclave Arcana. You can check the official posting here.

This recent news made me have strong positive outlook for the project early next year, 2025, as it would hopefully coincide with the much awaited crypto bull run. Here are my thoughts and non-expert opinion on the positive things that may happen in the next few months.

Sustained Company Revenue

One of the worst things I've heard recently was the team needing to lay off additional staff even though they were already down to bare essential numbers and that they were running a monthly budget deficit. But now, the recent success of the promo card sales as well as the funds coming from the DAO to greenlight the Conclave Arcana development ensures that the company's runway is extended by a few more months.

Token Sinks and SPS Flywheel

The circulating DEC supply has been slowly decreasing due to the various sinks that are in place. But there is still a huge pile of reward cards waiting to be burned and redeemed for DEC once the price reaches near the peg. And with the announcement of Conclave Arcana and the possible multiple token sinks like battle wagon repairs and upgrades, we might finally see it hitting the long-awaited flywheel which will lead to SPS burning.

Renewed Modern Landscape

Chaos Legion has long been dominating the entire modern league due to its oversupply and overpowered cards. With Conclave Arcana entering the battlefield, I expect the meta to be shaken a lot with new card combinations and strategies. This would hopefully renew the competitive spirit of old players as well as new ones trying out the game. And hopefully, the SPS rewards would be a lot bigger in modern when that happens.

SPS to the Moon

With all these things on the horizon, the one thing that I do hope would happen is for SPS to get out of its sub-penny valuations and reach higher highs. Even at 5 to 10 cents, it would be enough to catch the eye of web3 players looking for new opportunities. I hope this bullish momentum carries on until the next year.

If you're new to Splinterlands and would like to give this game a try, feel free to use my affiliate link here. 👉https://splinterlands.com?ref=sudeon👈
Thank you for reading and see you in the battlefield!


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Thanks for sharing! - @underlock

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