Building My Rebellion Collection

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The conflicts event is coming to an end in two weeks and the entire Rebellion pack sale will follow soon after. I've decided that I will shift my focus to building a decent Rebellion collection instead of chasing older cards that will rotate out of the modern format. As I mentioned in my previous article, I strongly believe that the SPS reward for the modern format post-Chaos Legion will be worlds apart compared to wild where the majority of the players are expected to move over to. Sp what would be the good cards to focus on first?

My Target Rebellion Cards
I have a heavy bias towards the life splinter so my focus primarily revolves around it first. The number one in priority list right now are summoners, namely Avina of the Wolf and Prunda Undervesch.
Out of all the cards in Rebellion, Avina is the one that I am very fond of. Her tactics ability that grants heal to a unit could be a game changer in the future modern landscape. The problem is I don't seem to have a likely candidate for her ability yet in the Rebellion collection. Ulundin Overseer might be a good combo to make him a huge frontline tank. But I am hoping there will be a strong Jared Scarr like Life card in the future releases, or someone with Last Stand.
Prunda is also a must have summoner because Life and Water is a great splinter combination. There are good lineups right now with Chaos Legion still in modern but I am guessing there will be more combinations that can happen with Rebellion and the next core set. Having a three-mana summoner is also handy especially for very low mana rule sets.
Finally, Ulundin Overseer is the first common card that I am hoping to max out for Rebellion. I think he is mostly overlooked for being a plain meat shield tank. But I find the flank ability to be very useful for monsters like Jared Scarr who have strong attack rating but low defensive capabilities. If he is bestowed with self-heal from Avina, then Jared Scarr can rack up some kills without having to worry about getting damaged early in the game.

Those are the top three cards I am focusing right now. I am slowly buying them and also hoping that a massive dump will occur once conflicts finally ends. It's a short window of opportunity for those wanting to participate in the future modern format.

If you're new to Splinterlands and would like to give this game a try, feel free to use my affiliate link here. 👉👈
Thank you for reading and see you in the battlefield!


0.05173866 BEE

I had the same thoughts recently, but still want to complete a few Chaos Legion first - it's cheaper :-D But yes, focussing on Rebellion makes sense now, as the rotation is near.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

0E-8 BEE