End of Season Rewards for Silver III - My third season


My third season in Splinterlands has been the most eventful compared to the other past 2 seasons. Excluding the wonderful end-of-season rewards that I got (two gold foils), I wanted to document down the changes I have experienced:

  1. Managed to flip profit buying and selling cards and accumulating up to 20k DEC, which is racking up SPS airdrop points (~2 SPS per day)
  2. Becoming more experienced with the Chaos Legion meta, and being able to climb all the way to Gold II rating
  3. Becoming comfortable to rent expensive cards in order to climb, whose cost is paid off with victories
  4. Sharing my learning points and discovery from renting.
  5. Flipping is more profitable than renting or playing


For the upcoming season, I believe that 20k DEC would be sufficient to buy myself a Bronze I deck, but I aim to wait until the general sale and snag up cards for cheap.

The game has been more and more fun for me each season, be it through playing or making money in the marketplace.

I hope more and more people can discover about Splinterlands and experience the same excitement.

Thank you for reading.

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