113x Champions Chests at Season End - Some Highlights and a stupid Cooldown System...



There the season is already over again! At the beginning of the season I had rented my cards - I should not have done best, because this current Cooldown period or the system as it is currently, is absolute bullshit. Sorry to say this so directly, but these current different statuses a card, how it was played and by whom was played and especially when was played and accordingly the Cooldown adjusts really mangy. I have probably effectively 5 days my max deck could not play reasonably because something was in the Cooldown. With Peakmonsters then four! Yes, four! different colors show the current game state of a card. This has to be simplified fundamentally. ... So now enough ranting and let's see what was in the 113 Season End Chests / Here are the highlights

Da ist die Season auch schon wieder vorbei! Am Anfang der Season hatte ich meine Karten vermietet - das hätte ich am besten nicht machen sollen, denn diese aktuelle Cooldown Periode bzw. das System wie es aktuell ist, ist absoluter Bullshit. Sorry, das ich das so direkt sage, aber diese aktuellen verschiedenen Stati eine Karte, wie diese gespielt wurde und von wem gespielt wurde und besonders wann gespielt wurde und demnach der Cooldown sich anpasst richtig räudig. Ich habe wohl effektiv 5 Tage mein Max Deck nicht vernünftig spielen können, weill irgendwas im Cooldown war. Bei Peakmonsters werden dann vier! Ja, vier! unterschiedliche Farben angezeigt, wie der aktuelle Spielstatus einer Karte ist. Das muss mal grundlegend vereinfacht werden. ... So nun aber genug gerantet und mal schaun, was in den 113 Season End Chests drin war / Hier einmal die Highlights


12x Gold Foil Summoners! They are already worth a lot. In addition 3x the Legendary Cards. All in all, a yield that is OK.

12x Gold Foil Summoners! Die können sich schon sehen lassen. Dazu noch 3x die Legendären Karten. Allen in allem dann doch eine Ausbeute, die OK ist.


All in all, quite decent rewards. Besides 4x Chaos Legion Packs again a whole bunch of Potions. One does not have enough of them ;)... The few SPS are also OK, although I actually expected much more in Champion. I also got 6,8k Merrits, which I will convert into Gladius Chests later. Then there are all the Gold Foil cards, all of which I will probably let work in the land rather than play them. How did your rewards look like? Satisfied? What can be improved?

Im großen und ganzen ganz ordentliche Rewards. Neben 4x Chaos Legion Packs wieder ein ganzer Batzen an Potions. Man hat ja nicht genug davon ;)... Die paar SPS sind auch OK, obwohl ich in Champion eigentlich viel mehr erwartet habe. Dazu dann noch 6,8k Merrits, die ich später dann wieder in Gladius Kisten umwandeln werde. Dann noch die ganzen Gold Foil Karten, die ich alle wohl eher im Land arbeiten lassen werde anstatt diese zu spielen. Wie sahen eure Rewards aus? Zufrieden? Was kann verbessert werden?



You beat me by 1 chest. I got lower quality cards, you got more packs. I got more SPS.


:) Congrats!
I wish i had more SPS in the Chests :/ To have them converted to DEC and buy daily battles.


Batteries are sold out though :P I'm burning through my excess DEC-B, and holding onto to some. I want to max at least 1 reward card! Haven't maxed any of these new cards yet!


I mostly need the Gold Foils to work on the lands - basically all gold foils i get will move in to that working process later on. hopefully soon.

it would be interesting to see a bunch of cards get combined and work on land instead of playing tournaments / ranked match. gonna be tough times ahead.


That's a good reason to want maxed cards too. :) I hadn't thought about working on land. :D I more envisioned these guys as being my battlers :D


Haha... i mostly play the Brawls also without Gladiators - only if it's necessary. o.O So, i think a bunch of Soulbound goes in to the Land's.

Tomorrow we will turn over the last tract in our guild region and i have 2 more plots inside. crossing fingers it goes to a occupied epic one atleast. that would help a lot =)
