So my first gold season is in the books. I had a nice run up into the teens, but I just couldn't sustain the momentum. Part of the reason is I either didn't have all the cards I needed, or the ones I was using were too low in level. I will need to continue to rebalance my player/rental deck in order to get more competitive here. That being said, I'm pretty satisfied with my ranking as a first attempt.
I posted a bit of a rant about bots under thet last AMA post. Of course I was late to the party, but I wanted to reiterate my thoughts here. Here is what I posted:
@azircon was kind enough to share his thoughts on the matter as well. Another overlooked aspect is that these bot operators are either buying assets in the game, or are paying for the right to use those assets. When they made the decision to deploy that capital, they evaluated the game as it was and how they could profitably interact with it. Blocking their access to the game in a centralized way would essentially be rugpulling them, which I feel is morally worse than running bots in the first place. I feel as though the game naturally evolving over time to be more unfriendly to bots is a different issue, and should have been part of the calculus involved with the bot operator's decision to participate. Despite having a champion level deck, I hung out in Bronze and Silver for weeks, so I am well aware of how annoying it is to play bots. It really helped when I attempted to surprise them with different lineups and more rare cards. Though this advantage will largely dissappear in a Modern format, which is why I suspect Wild format will always be more popular, and the past edition cards will continue to go up in value.
I finally got the full suite of maxed out Chaos Legion common gold cards. I am now focusing on the rare ones. It may take me around the same amount of time because there are less cards needed, even though they are lot more expensive individually. I've also managed to get a few of the reward cards as well.
I continue to march up towards my SPS target of 200k, which at 20% APY would yield me just over 100 SPS per day. I have about 8k SPS earmarked for a validator node reservation. I can't believe it's already been 9 months! Only 88 days left! I've just started registering for some tournaments, so my goal is to keep paying my SPS-related expenses without touching my principle.
See you in a couple weeks!
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congrats! 👍
bots: what i like most about bots is they never seem to complained about me 😁
As if anyone would complain about you!
Nice gf collection! Now is a great time to be buying those.
If you're ever are interested in joining a splinterlands guild and doing some brawling I've got a spot for you, looking through the book reviews and stuff like that on the blog you'd fit in well with the guys and if you can be this competitive in the leader boards over several different leagues your game skills are not a question. It's always nice having players from the early days of both the game and the blockchain platform around.
Thanks for the invite. Which guild are we talking about? PeakMonsters [Vikings]? If so, I'd be willing to give it a go. Haven't had the best luck with guilds TBH.
Yeah, I run the PM Vikings. We're a unique group of guilds since the peakmonsters market owns them and handles most of the upgrades and costs, we just get to brawl and hopefully soon there will be some guild related tournaments and land based game play to do as a guild. I'll hit you up on discord and give you the particulars.
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

some good points and I am glad that you are playing again!
Damn. What's the value of all those maxed commons! Is it more of a collector's dream or motivation to compete in gold tournamounts that compelled the investment?
According to Peakmonsters ~1600
It's mainly that I regret not getting/keeping many of the past ones given what they are worth now. But I could see doing GF modern stuff and the DEC boost is nice.
all gold foil deck looks glorious. 🤩
Looks like the sun is shining. Good Luck