It took me two seasons to master silver--that is getting into the top 25. I enjoyed silver league A LOT more than bronze. Bronze is like beating your head against the wall continuously for very little in return. Silver was much less formulaic, and I was able to utilize a much wider range of cards and abilities. I was significantly less dependent on SCARRED LLAMA MAGE, because there were a lot more counter plays available to him. If you play in bronze, I highly recommend you GTFO ASAP! That said, I have no interest in remaining in silver either, so onward!
I'm looking forward to moving up the ladder. This means I will need to continue to shuffle cards in and out of rental. I'd like to get within the top 20 here too before moving on. We'll see if I get slaughtered. It will be fun to have that many more card levels and abilities unlocked.
I'm still ticking up on the staked SPS. I'd like to get between 180-200k in total, because the stake reward at 20% would be around 100 SPS per day. If I didn't have to sell anymore I'd land squarely within that range, but unfortunately things pop up that require spending SPS (Waka card,etc.). The SPS validator node reservation is coming up, which will be 1K in SPS and 500 vouchers (if I can get the presale). Whether or not I will run a node remains to be seen, but I run enough other types of nodes I don't see why not.
I'm still hovering around my 10k DEC target for rentals, and I'm putting it all back into more cards. That's been difficult since I'm continually clawing back cards to play with, so I have to continually find new cards to put into the rental market.
I've also been scooping up a lot of high print reward cards. The return is decent, as a maxed out card currently is less than 8 bucks. I think these will really shine as an investement after they are out of print (they are currently at 43%).
Posted using Splintertalk
Pushing some really nice numbers there! Good amount of rental action as well. You and I seem to be around that same value mark for Splinterlands. It's good fun but you wish you just had a little bit more lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha yeah, and lots of regrets of what I didn't buy or keep months or years ago!
Those reward cards give amazing rental returns compared to Chaos cards, still don't know why.