Inspired by @seattlea's recent post entitled "Why Splinterlands Players Should be More Involved in HIVE Blockchain" I wanted to do a post that showcases the various ways one can earn in @Splinterlands as well as give some specifics on my personal earning experiences in the game. Of course, none of this is financial advice. Make your own decisions on what to do with your money.
Now before I go into this, I want to preface by saying that I completely agree with @seattlea, as well as @azircon who's been preaching the message for years now: Hive is wonderful and largely underrated and misunderstood. I don't claim to fully take advantage of it by any means, but over the years I've developed my content strategy, engagement, and reputation and have frankly had a blast. Early on, @azircon made a comment on an article of mine saying "You have a natural talent. You should explore this side of you even more." That article was entitled "Interview With a Reptilian", and I used AI to create images of Grund and accompanied the images with a pretend interview of the character, which I tried to make entertaining... This comment from AZ, along with many other encouraging comments from others, have motivated me to continue exploring new content creation and continue engaging on Hive, and the journey has been extremely rewarding, and I'm not even talking about the actual monetary rewards (which ARE motivating and rewarding) yet, but simply the community and engagement aspect of things. Ultimately I'm highly motivated to create GOOD content on Hive for multiple reasons, and I've reaped a lot of returns from doing so, which I don't take lightly. I highly encourage others to explore their passions and translate them into content on Hive, and to learn more about Hive in general. I also encourage people to follow Azircon and read what he writes about Hive, as I've learned a lot in that process and believe you can too.
Alright, now, on to Splinterlands!
There are so many different ways to "earn" in Splinterlands. While at the surface it's a card game, when you look deeper it's a gamified economy. I love the card game and get a ton of enjoyment from that alone, but I ALSO get a ton of enjoyment from other ways to "earn", such as rentals, because to me that's also a game, and excelling at the various ways I can manage my resources to continue improving my position in the game is both challenging and gratifying.
In the next sections I'll explore the various areas I'm currently "earning" in while participating in the Splinterlands ecosystem, and share my personal data as well. I do want to stress that is NOT intended to "show off". All of it can be seen on-chain anyways. I've put a lot of funds into this game over the years, though not as much as some others, and therefore I do think it makes sense that some of my returns are somewhat proportional to the investment, but I take nothing for granted and keep working and hustling like everyone else. Instead, I hope this can serve as motivation for others who are looking to expand their involvement in the game.
All of the earnings estimates below are based on a value of:
Starting off with some basics: I have 3 accounts in Splinterlands: @bravetofu (my primary account), @lordtofu (my "Wild" account which I also use for rentals), and @holotofu (A GF UT account I created back when I bought someone else's GF UT collection...). The first is the one I use for pretty much everything I do, with the other two being legitimate "alts" that allow me to delineate certain things (like my rental collection as you'll see) and participate fully in both Modern and Wild.
I play manually (myself) in Modern on bravetofu, while lordtofu and holotofu are botted in Wild using xbot. As I said before, I love playing the game itself, and plan to continue to do so in Modern.
In all 3 accounts, I buy an extra 25 energy each day (using Glint) for a total of 49 energy per day. I'm able to do so sustainably because at the high Champion tiers, and with a lot of staked SPS, my Glint earnings can fun that extra 25 energy per day. I estimate a win rate of 60% on bravetofu and lordtofu and 55% on holotofu based on the past few seasons, and my earnings per battle in each are dependent on the card selection. Each account has enough SPS delegated to it to max out the reward multipliers. In total, I make about $9/day or ~$270/month in ranked across the 3 accounts.
It may not last forever, but at the moment you're able to earn DEC if you are in the Top 50 in either Modern or Wild each season. I don't rank all the way at the top but am usually in the 25-50 range for Modern with bravetofu as well as in that range for Wild with lordtofu, which means I earn a total of 80k DEC per month (2 seasons * 20k * 2 leaderboard spots), or ~$60 at the current DEC price.
I participate in nearly every brawl for the 3 accounts I have, in each brawl cycle. I'm fortunate to be in amazing guilds that are in the top tier of Brawls, which means higher rewards. However, the financial rewards are relatively small at the moment when it comes to SPS itself. Instead, it's the merits from Brawls I'm more interested in. Regardless, I'll include the SPS earnings here for completeness.
On average in each of my guilds I'd say we earn ~250 SPS per brawl cycle, and there are 6 cycles per month (each lasts 5 days), so each account earns about 1500 SPS / month from Brawls, for a total of 4500 SPS or ~$31.50 at the current SPS price.
I have times where I participate heavily in tournaments, and other times where I don't participate as much as they can be quite time consuming. However given I have a large collection and enjoy participating in the higher level tournaments, I try to make it a habit of participating in as many as time allows me to, focusing mainly on my primary account for this.
Over the last month, I've made a total of ~$193 from tournament earnings. Note this is "revenue" and I haven't included the DEC entry costs.
This is my largest earning bucket in Splinterlands, though over the next few years it will decrease as staking phases out. Currently the APR is ~10% though I believe that includes Vouchers, which I am excluding from my calculations (more on that later, but I don't assign any value to vouchers). Also, the APR is dropping so to calculate a fair APR it's better to average it down. Estimating a 7.5% AP, my 42M SPS currently give me a staking return of ~$1800/mo.
I own 19 SPS Validator licenses, which are currently providing rewards of ~18% from what I can tell, based on the current cost of a license on Hive Engine and the SPS emissions they provide. They give rewards from a specific pool, as well as yield vouchers (which again I'm not valuing here). As a result I'm earning ~$72/mo with my licenses.
There's been controversy about whether SPS should be rented, but personally I think it's a good thing as it makes earning in Splinterlands more accessible. I won't get into all the details, though there certainly are some potential improvements that could be made (e.g. owned SPS being more valued than rented, putting price thresholds, or controlling automation to ensure equal access to the market). In any case, I do current rent the SPS that goes beyond what I need for my own reward multipliers, and at the current market rates of 0.001 DEC/SPS/Day the yield is approximately 3.85%, which nets me ~$490/mo.
There's also controversy around card rentals, and philosophically my position is the same as for SPS - I believe rentals are a great feature for accessibility. In any case, this article is about earnings. I have a collection of mostly Chaos Legion and Rebellion cards that I rent out from my "lordtofu" account, and that is currently earning me ~$340/mo, with an APR of roughly 12.5% based on the current market values of the cards being rented.
I haven't included LAND in the above, because I currently don't earn on land. 100% of my plots (I only have ~100) are currently farming either grain or research. I do occasionally get totems from my harvests, but I mostly stack those to increase my production on land, so I don't consider any of it to be earning. I am excited about what Land will bring in the long term and may in the future consider this to be a source of "earning", but for the time being it's a passive mode I hope will bring new dynamics (namely items and spells) in the future.
I also didn't include VOUCHERS at all in the above sections, despite getting handsome yields from my SPS staking and licenses. The reason I exclude those is that I like the company's definition of them as "access tokens". I use them in the Voucher shop to buy cards, which I could put a price to but for simplicity have ignored here, as well as because I turn those cards into either assets I play with or in some cases rentals, which are accounted for above.
Lastly I didn't include CARD FLIPPING, i.e. buying assets and selling them (hopefully) for more than you bought them for. That's because it's just not something I actively participate in. In general, I think I suck at flipping. I've tried day/swing-trading (both in traditional markets and cryptocurrencies) in my life and am mostly breakeven. My "investment" money comes from buying things I have high conviction in and holding it for years/decades. Therefore "flipping" doesn't appeal to me, and I don't do it.
Adding this all up, I'm currently making ~$3,300 in "revenue" with the various activities I'm doing with my Splinterlands accounts. ALL (100%) of it is currently being reinvested into the game. Of course, as I've said at the beginning of the article, I have heavily "invested" in Splinterlands, so none of this is free money. I also spend a lot of time on Splinterlands (playing, moving assets around, buying/selling, managing my collections, onboarding new users, etc.). I have enormous conviction in this game. I know the risks, but I'm passionate and committed, and working in my own little ways to try to help the game and ecosystem grow.
I hope this article inspires some of you to find new ways to explore and earn in the Splinterlands game economy. And if you spot any weird data or have further questions, please post them down below!
I still standby what I said that day, brave and on many other days. I have been relentless with you and perhaps many others. To some my behavior is perhaps questionable but I know what I want very clearly and very early on.
I saw it in you a long time ago, dare I say, even before you saw yourself:)
I always considered you as a brother and I do have my personal biases. But that said, I do think greater Splinterlands community had missed out on the rewarding element of hive and that element ain’t money, although these days money is substantial. Much higher than SL rewards so far as you saw from @seattlea ‘s personal calculations. But the greater rewarding element is personal exploration of hidden talent and community interaction and support.
I know my organization and data analytics skills are far better today compared to several years ago. I have used my hive account as my personal journal and I often go back to it. I am thankful for it.
Thanks brother, I've really appreciated your encouragement and your very direct feedback over the years :) You're one of a kind AZ.
I too have developed skills thanks to Hive. I've always had creative passions despite my line of work being very technical, and until Hive I didn't feel I had an outlet that really encouraged me to put it on display. I'd attempted to do so on other popular social media sites, but was generally met with mostly muted responses. If you're not already somebody (e.g. on X), becoming somebody can be extremely difficult. I have found the Hive community to be more welcoming and meritocratic than any other digital community I've participated in. As a result, I was able to hone and share creative skills that have given me joy thanks to the encouragement of the Hive community.
This is a great way to show the potential avenues one can utilize in Splinterlands, to help grow and snowball their account. You rock homie, and are doing amazing work for the project. If we can all do a little bit to help this place grow, we can be unstoppable.
VoNaK my brother.
Thanks man. I'm hoping this can instill some passion in others. Vonak!
Great article!
Just for fun I'd like to ask. Do you spend more time in a day moving/buying/selling/managing assets, or playing the game?
Good question! Depends on the day, but overall I think it's still playing. When I have time, I play >50 battles + tournaments manually on my main account. However these past few weeks I've been very busy at work, and I've put my Splinterlands time to other tasks (such as onboarding new players), AND I've doubled down on my Hive content creation, so I've reduced my manual play to maybe once every couple of days. As a result recently it's been a little bit more on the asset management side of things.
Also I will say that a guilty pleasure of mine is to scour Peakmonsters multiple times a day for deals. For every 1 minute of actual BUYING/SELLING I do on PKM, I probably spend 30 minutes of BROWSING! :)
Great post, now is the time to be building your splinterlands and hive accounts, you are obviously a bit further ahead in the splinterlands assets stakes than most but it something for everyone else to aim for! !BBH
Thank you! Yeah I hope this comes across as motivational and can help people find their target so they can hustle towards it!
My SPS target for the year is 50,000 - a bit behind you but have to start somewhere!
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There are so many ways to earn in this game and the hive ecosystem as a whole, it's really amazing and yet so unknown by the masses!
AZ does well, motivating other people to do well on Hive, he has opened my eyes for sure and I'm thankful for it, getting an extra follower every now and then and seeing my posting rewards grow bigger, and with it my total HP stake.
Absolutely, and I don't even cover every single way above, so I'll probably need to do a follow-up in the future which accounts for those.
@azircon is incredibly motivational, and his DIRECT approach means you don't have to read between the lines. It's awesome.
No wonder you have the most OP card named after you :-D You once rented SPS to me, even though I was way down on the list and already waiting for around 4 days. Same fee as all the others, but probably not enough to be interesting for anyone else to bother - thanks for bothering the small amounts!
And also a big thanks for your content - I read many articles of yours, and they're always great value and insight, no matter what the topic - AZ is definitely right on his assesment :-)
Hey! Happy I was able to help! In honor of this post, I just went into the market and filled some bids on some smaller SPS rental requests :)
Glad you enjoy the content!
Thank you for mentioning my post. You are right about tournaments, I stopped participating in those once they reintroduced the fees as I not sure that my card collection is strong enough to compete.
And thank you for doing so much for our favorite game! I think you and other big investors like you are the reason Splinterlands has been around for over five years while I saw a report that shows that over 90% of web 3 gaming projects fail in less than a year!
Let's stick together and make Splinterlands a success! I am doing my part slowly as well, I just see that I am under invested into Hive compared to my Splinterlands investment so while I keep investing in both my focus is more on increasing my Hive Power. We need Hive power to make sure that the blockchain we run on is making good decisions and is successful!
Absolutely, and thanks for your article @seattlea, you did a great job with that.
The community both in Hive and Splinterlands are something that's very strong and very hard to replicate. It's a big reason I'm so passionate and have so much conviction about being here.
Your commitment is guidance for most of us! #Vonak!
Thanks @beffeater!
Lots of options we just need to get values back before people start to care again.
Hopefully with fundamentals getting aligned that'll happen.
Hi, @bitcoinflood,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
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Good read, much appreciated thanks.
Thanks Michael!
Wow, I did got some good ideas from this article. Thanks.
Hope you did and that it'll give you inspiration to try some new things!
what is the max reward multiplier in sps for Champion II and III, do you know where do I find those numbers? thanks.
As I've mentioned in many of your posts as you've further established & grown your presence here in Hive, the content you publish is first in class stuff and I'm glad that you've continued to burrow in here. This article is no different; valuable content coupled with succinct & easily understood points alongside great, consistent artwork. Recipe nailed. Thanks for being here, Tofu!
Man, thank you BJ. "Valuable content coupled with succinct & easily understood points alongside great, consistent artwork". Humbled by those words man. THANK YOU!
Great post Brave, we have so much depth to our ecosystem, its nice to see someone put it together in a first-hand way.
Thanks Dave! The depth is impressive right? And I didn't even cover it all.
3.3k Is insane :D
It'll be even better after SPS starts to rise ;)
Well. Hopefully it rises then!
I just sell mine xD
Pretty decent revenues in Splinterlands and Hive.
Your AI arts look great and you should continue making graphic novels about Splinterlands.
You bet I will continue to make those graphic novels! Just juggling a lot of things nowadays, and focusing on onboarding new players!
Love the way you explained everything.
Splinterlands is one of the best game on Hive Blockchain.
Thanks for sharing.
I think it's not only the best game on Hive, but possibly the best game in Web3 :) But hey I'm a little biased ;)
Another excellent article that highlights the depth and complexity of the Splinterlands ecosystem. There are so many different ways to grow your assets and stake in the game, so I'm glad you've laid it all.out in a clear, easy to follow way. You're crushing it mate!
Thanks for stopping by Duce :) glad you liked it.
Thank you! This was very helpful. I couldnt play for few months as I was very budy, but you got me motivated. Keep up the good work!
Awesome, hope to see you back soon!
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

They paint their toenails red and hide in strawberry patches!
Credit: reddit
@bravetofu, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pompe72
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 37/57) Liquid rewards.
Sounds like a good side income to enjoy and re-invest ;) and you earn by posting about it as well. ;)
Yes exactly. And right now I think the time is perfect for reinvesting.
How can I join this game
My recommendation is to go to for the best incentives available when joining the game.
As far as learning about the game, there are tons of resources out there, but a recent one I'd suggest is checking out this video from @psilence who took up my offer (above) and streamed his first hour with a new account. It'll help you get oriented:
Excelent info! Do you have videos on 3speak or youtube teaching how to play? I'd like to play this game!
Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below
Hope you'll join us, and if you do, go ahead and check out my onboarding offer:
Check out this video from @psilence who took up my offer (above) and streamed his first hour with a new account. It'll help you get oriented: .
Besides that there are plenty of articles on the Splinterlands Support site, starting with this one:
Thank you!
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Thank you for the detailed breakdown, Tofu! I'm very glad we have someone like you in the community, and happy that you're starting to use HIVE more! Those numbers look fantastic! One day perhaps my minnow self can evolve into a carp, pickerel, or trout, and follow you into the ocean to swim amongst the whales lol. Cheers, Psi
Hive's definitely worth spending more time learning about. I'm still scratching the surface there, but plan on getting more involved.
The truth is, money calls more money, your investment gives you benefits according to what you have invested, I am very happy for everything you have achieved, your contents are amazing and give me ideas haha.
I'm glad you're here and contributing to the ecosystem and most importantly that you're having fun.
Thanks @lenonmc21 :) Glad to be here and I will keep contributing content and more to Splinterlands.
What a good friend, if you are doing it, we must continue to make it grow even more. Our content may be what new users need to start here.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @guurry123 ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at Otherwise, rewards go to the author of the blog post.
Those are some amazing stats! Congratulations! !LUV !PIZZA
@bravetofu, @pvmihalache(1/4) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pvmihalache(2/5) tipped @bravetofu
danzocal tipped bravetofu